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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. Chicken Kabobs with French string beans . My wife bought a bag of these string beans that you can steam them in the microwave right in the packaging . Well I found out why they call these things string beans. They tasted like well , String ! LOL Even buttering them couldn't bring them back to life
  2. Beautiful pics of a wonderful place Dino ! Hope you get another shot at that Biggun in the morning !
  3. Meanwhile , back at the NYC ranch , looks like another masked BLM or ANTIFA scumbag was short a few bucks and decided what was in this 68 year old's pockets belonged to him. Dont worry about him though. He will walk in and out of court with bail reform claiming to be the victim because he was a few buck short and needed it to buy his next drug fix . But its ok with the courts. After all its just some old guy with white privilege. No big deal , Right Lefties ?
  4. That Lobster Pizza looks absolutely mouth watering delicious .
  5. I just read that article and saw the term " Gun Violence " used 12 times . Not once did they use the term " Criminal " .
  6. I bought 2 of these 4 years ago . They works terrific . Very quiet and love the ability to swivel to each side without having to swivel the gun. Very comfortable and rugged but you need to set it up for your size and shape. The Dead Ringer brand has not been in stock for over a year. Only the chinese knockoffs are in stock. They might be ok https://www.amazon.com/Dead-Ringer-Hammock-Chair-Camo/dp/B008RSVIIK/ref=pd_ybh_a_41?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=64TQ0Y3048EAH9A3XNN7
  7. The New Democrat National Anthem . Come On And Take A " Free Ride "
  8. Happy Birthday ! Hope its a great day for you !
  9. Porterhouse Steaks with fresh grilled Zucchini and Summer Squash from a friends garden.
  10. Eagle , here is his posted content . He has 10 posts since March and was here last Thursday so he is still around. Looks like a scammer. Unfortunately the internet is full of them. https://huntingny.com/forums/profile/11510-keeney143/content/
  11. He is a phony ! A troll with zero content that just made up a name and became a member yesterday just to contact you for his scam. https://huntingny.com/forums/search/?q=darren82&quick=1&type=core_members
  12. The recipe I followed actually had Ramen Noodles in it . I just didn't use them. I added a bunch of different veggies and some sweet and sour sauce that are not in this recipe . Good way to use up the overload of veggies in the fridge. And its delicious ! https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/scallop-stir-fry/a484ac61-503d-486f-a927-c9de2f119472
  13. I was going to post this in " Todays Chuckle " but it might be better here with all the delicious venison dishes all of you post in " Whats For Dinner " LOL
  14. Here is one example with 2 barrels , but not a Hastings . I would say a Hastings Rifled Barrel would add some more value . How much more ? Maybe $200 more . I think you could add a little more for better condition also https://www.gunbroker.com/item/905659222 Here are the rest of them on Gunbroker https://www.gunbroker.com/Guns-Firearms/search?Keywords=remington 1100 12ga&PageSize=24&Sort=13&View=1&PageIndex=1
  15. Happy Birthday SD ! Have a great day with the family !
  16. good for you Lawdwaz ! I never had the time , and the patience to reload . I will forever be a consumer of factory ammo . One of my hunting buddies reloads everything. But he has no choice. He owns 15 machine guns. He is a collector. One of the gun clubs he belongs to holds some shooting exhibitions at the firing range with the public welcome. People can buy a ticket to fire the machine guns. Under supervision of course. I dont remember how many rounds they are allowed per ticket. He donates the ammo and the use of the guns to the club. He is the top supervisor and instructor on those guns. He can go through 30,000 rounds on one of those days. I dont believe I have fired 30,000 rounds in my entire life LOL
  17. These clowns are all phonies bought and paid for by BLM and George Soros . Reminds me of all the scumbags being interviewed by the leftist media during the Mike Brown shooting in Missouri claiming Brown was yelling " Hands Up ! Dont Shoot ! " and that Brown was shot in the back. Later on all that was proven as a lie just like this one. Peaceful protesters bullchit. I wonder when their big mob will show up and loot all the stores. I looked up the name of the moron liar making that statement . He is a known lying instigator and organizer of a lot of the bullchit going on in NY . This guy needs to go to jail https://www.picuki.com/profile/dr.otisburg
  18. Didn't know that. They sell them right on Amazon along with all the self protection and law enforcement grade sprays
  19. Screw that . Get her some Bear Spray. The kind that will spray out to 40 feet and take down an 800 lb kodiak. Most of the Mace cans only spray out to 15-20 feet. Should work great on the little maggot rioters. Jails need to be filled with these screwballs.
  20. Do you think this decision by the Fourth Circuit Federal Court will slow King Crackpot down on his unconstitutional assault on gun rights ? This decision just came down https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/07/13/federal-court-restricting-handgun-purchases-to-those-under-21-is-unconstitutional-n2592463
  21. The buck crossed paths with Mike Tyson maybe ?
  22. I dont know how the rules are in NY but if you were in NH I would tell you to run down and get a permit for the kitchen remodel or add it to the existing addition permit. In NH you can do the plumbing and electrical yourself if its your primary home so nobody goes and gets a permit for remodeling just their kitchen . If you have an electrician doing the work on the addition and he has pulled a permit already then thats different. You will need an inspection on everything electrical the inspector sees being worked on when a permit has been pulled.
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