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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. It doesn't appear to matter which gas. They want to throw out everything including gas boilers and furnaces , hot water heaters , stoves etc etc etc And with all this , I'm off to mow my lawn and rental properties with my gas powered John Deere ride on lawn mower while I still can use it before the environazis fruitcakes show up to confiscate it ! LOL https://news.yahoo.com/gas-stoves-and-water-heaters-face-a-climate-change-reckoning-183007213.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaHVudGluZ25ldC5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAA3YTxW129neQCKCHd2AZ1FrBOu_KAp-A5d_7woQL-0OahP162t_Kfq5Sk26KKRqFS3XhcnAZBCkkhHMESkVnyV6r6KqZvg3mYMraRTPrkWnY2XAcb27iELl6UcUucfWC9Z01vIIkWk-KNUMDED30BsWhZXMNBYuNf4QlKEUeZK5
  2. New York is more than likely next in line for this nonsense . https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/california-law-eventually-ban-gas-powered-lawn-equipment-80500839
  3. With a catch like that Rob you need to give it another day with " Just One More Cast " . That sure looks alot more productive than sitting in a tree being used as a " Skeeter Feeding Station " LOL
  4. Happy Birthday Belo ! Wow ! You dont look too bad for 104 ! You dont a day over 90 !
  5. Try these finger protectors . They work great and stretch right over the end of the barrel . CVS pharmacies have their own generic brand if you dont want to order them from Amazon . But I think these are less money. I keep a few in my pack just in case one gets caught on a branch and comes off. They do fit nice and tight over the end of the barrel . Once you stretch it over the barrel you can take a magic marker and sketch a smiley face on it or a bulls eye . LOL https://www.amazon.com/Tifanso-Approx-210-Disposable-Fingertips-Protector/dp/B0827NC43F/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=Rubber%2BFinger%2BProtectors&qid=1633727880&sr=8-6&th=1
  6. My propane company sent out notices last week that they are cancelling all lock in price options for this winter . My price is already up 35 percent from last year and the notice claimed it might go up an estimated 30 percent but be prepared for possibly a higher price. A guy I know owns a woodstove and pellet stove store . He cant keep any in stock . The woodstove and pellet stove is booming . When I go to the brush pile at the town transfer station ( town dump ) I see lots of people taking what hardwood they can find . Especially the older folks that say they are restarting their woodstoves . Between higher gas prices for their cars and heating fuel , I bet that its at least 500 bucks a month in bills for the average working family . That doesn't even count the escalating prices at the grocery store. So much for the Demorats looking out for the little guy .
  7. The only 209 primers I can find anywhere that are actually in stock is on Gunbroker . Sometimes you just have go with whats there or risk not having it when you need it. I know , it sucks , but thats what we have to put up with . I looked at the price tag on the 100 packs of Triple777 , CCI Magnum 209 , and the Winchester Shotshell 209 primers I bought in Sept of 2019 . The most expensive was 10 bucks . Now they are 75-90 . https://www.gunbroker.com/Black-Powder-Muzzleloaders/search?Keywords=209 primers&Sort=13
  8. The ammo plants should hire you as a subcontractor . You are popping out cartridges faster than they are !
  9. Oh Man ! You are the 2nd snoozer this morning. So I have to give you the same treatment as Turkeyfeathers . I dont want TF to feel singled out ! LOL
  10. My heart goes out to you Bolt . There are no words that I can type to make you feel any better . But I do know her mark in life was left in you knowing that you will pass it forward to your children . God must of needed her for a special purpose and she was the only one that could fill that position . Prayers go out to your family .
  11. @Biz-R-OWorld: And the Umpire says " Yer Out !!! "
  12. you can sort through Gunbroker for Remington 11 . They mix some of the other models with number 11 in them. But there are a bunch of the real Mod 11 in this search . The prices are all over the place with the higher prices not getting any bids . Some are in worse condition and some are alot better condition than yours . Its a guessing game what its worth but this will give you a range . https://www.gunbroker.com/Guns-Firearms/search?Keywords=remington 11&PageSize=24&Sort=13&View=1&PageIndex=1
  13. I still haven't unpacked from hunting at my camp in Maine last year . But everything was washed before I packed up . New Hampshire muzzleloader starts Oct 30th so I have Plenty Of Time ! Its more fun when there is last minute panic involved !
  14. I stand corrected Split ! After reading it again , I believe you are correct. Its only those 2 brands .
  15. Oh Great ! Another freakin mess in the making . Cartridge and shotgun ammo shortage is bad enough . Now its muzzle loader powder . Since Hodgdon owns Pyrodex , Triple 777 BH209 and GOEX brands plus a few others , whos left making Black powder substitute ? Its going to be buy all the guns you want . You just wont have anything to shoot out of them !
  16. Wishful thinking on FSW turning into a meat hunter , but there is no way in hell that Wolc is going to prefer Antlers over Balls !
  17. Her stomach is also bloated among all the other things that have been pointed out. She doesn't have much time left .
  18. Vacuum seal is the only way to go . The meat stays fresh for years . Earlier this year I found a pack of venison steaks that got buried on the wrong side of the freezer where I normally keep them . 2017 was the date on them . Tasted like I shot the deer the week before. Still all nice and tender. No freezer burn at all . They say that vacuum packing is good for 5 years if its done correctly
  19. Going to hard to explain that one to a Cop and to the insurance company if someone rear ends you LOL
  20. Im with Spaceman on this one . I shot a 235lb 9pt that was the 2nd largest buck taken with a muzzle loader in New Hampshire that year . The butcher made a comment like yours and said that buck was going to be like cutting up an old leather boot . That was until he actually started processing it and he was amazed how tender it was. The buck was aged as being 7 1/2 years old by the biologist . I know he was right because I found a shed of his 3 years earlier that was a perfect match to my buck only a bit smaller . He was delicious . Tasted way better than the 123lb Doe I shot in Maine the same year .
  21. If his family did that then they will be charged with " Aiding And Abetting A Fugitive. They can occupy the prison cell right next to him .
  22. Send the scent tracking dogs in after him . If they dont find him , I hope the Gators do !
  23. Thats Awesome ! Every detail of the 1st deer is forever embedded in the memory banks ! Congrats to both of you !
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