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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. That could be. I've been around for a long time and have never had it explained to me. In fact it was just a few years ago that I found out that it is not required in the Northern Zone. From the standpoint of practicality, I have got to say that if someone doesn't want you to see their backtag, it really is not all that easy to read unless they are posing for you. I really have never heard of any impacts of backtags other than as something to ticket hunters for. So if they are supposed to be some form of protection for farmers, I doubt very much that they are working....lol.
  2. Just guessing, but maybe they are like some fish that only grow as large as their habitat allows.
  3. I basically question the purpose of the back tag. How often does the back tag actually play into the arrest and conviction of any game law violators? And if it is indeed a significant help in law enforcement, what is it about the Northern Zone that negates that usefulness. It really doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it? Maybe we should start a movement to get rid of the thing entirely. It's not a huge earth-shattering issue, but back tags really do seem to be more of a pain-in-the-neck gimmick to cause tickets rather than something that serves a useful purpose.
  4. I have always said that we don't really own the land. We simply rent it from the government. The taxes are the rent, and the government is the landlord. Don't believe it, just try to make changes to the property without all the proper permits (permissions) and see how quick the landlord (government) sets you straight. And if you don't pay the rent (taxes), they will indeed evict you. I never look down on renters anymore. It could be that they are the ones that have got it right. And yes the law is generally on the side of the perpetrators. It's been that way for a long time, and not just regarding property owner's rights either.
  5. So what's the worst thing if you move up there and hate it? You can always move back or somewhere else .... right? We live in a very mobile world these days. I think it's pretty nice that they are giving you a four day visit. Of course they will be showcasing the absolute best weather that the state has to offer. I notice you can almost wave to the Russians from there .... lol. At least its not way up in the middle of the tundra. The climate should be less extreme there I would imagine.
  6. That's great for you guys, but now we need one in Western NY.
  7. That is the thing I can find no documentation on. As a U.S. rep, there is nothing that I can find that talks about her involvement in a state law ... specifically the Safe Act. So, I am not sure that the NRA has any basis for changing her rating. I think that everything in the public record shows her to still be pro-gun.
  8. I don't think the NRA is advocating voting for the Cuomo/Hochul ticket....lol. I don't know about anyone else, but my vote is aimed for or against the top end of the ticket since that is the power end of either team. But, I believe the OP was regarding the NRA's past acknowledgement of Hochul's record and attitude toward gun ownership. If that attitude changes, then I'm sure the NRA will change as well. Anyone have any evidence that her attitude has changed?
  9. I did see that episode, but never caught that little switcheroo...lol. I was probably multi-tasking again. Watching TV and reading the paper at the same time. However, I am not surprised. I have caught them in other staged activity. Actually anytime they are trying to indicate that they are stranded somewhere, I always have to wonder why they don't use the transportation of the camera crew that are obviously there....lol. But, I kindly look past some of the artistic liberties that they take with their story and acknowledge that most of what they are trying to portray is perfectly likely to happen at some point in their lives or the lives of someone else in that area. It is good not to take these programs too literally. They really are artistic representations.
  10. Yeah, you're right. Trespass is a crime of arrogance, and I have little patience with the kinds of attitudes that would make a person think they have the right to cross a posted line. But, the liability aspect is also something that a landowner has to keep a lid on, just for their own protection.
  11. You guys are getting real close to it being a done deal ...... congratulations to Livingston County.
  12. I already stated my opinion of your McVeigh/Nichols rhetoric, and there is nothing here that changes any of it.
  13. I have eaten turtle meat, and found that I obviously know nothing about cooking it. We decided that it probably would be tough, so thought the best way to go about it would be to grind it up into burger. If you took a handful of thick rubber-bands and chopped them up, you would have the consistency of our turtle burgers. Obviously that wasn't the right approach. One thing that I heard works good is to make turtle soup. I don't know, I did my thing and I guess I have had enough of experimenting with eating turtles .... lol. One thing that people should be aware of is just how long that neck is, and how far away they can reach, and how fast they can reach out and touch someone. They do deserve a healthy respect, because if they get ahold of you, they can do some ugly damage.
  14. The only tactics I use is calling things the way I see them. I have listened to the two of you bad-mouthing my country to the point of absolute disgust. At some point someone has to say that enough is enough. And that is the point where I am at right now. The constant whining and carping with absolutely no direction toward solution is the position of cowards and is truly getting stale and repetitious along with your rude denigration of the entire forum membership at every opportunity. As far as demonizing your character, You guys do a fine job of that all by yourselves. Your McVeigh/Nichols rhetoric demonstrates your character quite clearly.
  15. Beware of overly generalized statements regarding any part of the legal system.
  16. If I was rich, a summer place in Alaska might be ok. Any of you guys ever watch some of those TV shows about people that live up there (Alaska The Last Frontier and Life Below Zero, etc.). Yeah, I know a lot of that is staged just to beef up the drama level. But the weather isn't staged. Those people are a completely different breed of human.....lol.
  17. It could be that that was a lady turtle off to lay eggs. I think June is about the time that they do that. They can travel quite a ways overland to lay eggs, and that is often the reason they wind up crossing roads. One year when I was plowing a field, I noticed a whole bunch of snapping turtle eggs that had been laid in the field. This was close to 3 or 4 hundred yards from the swamp and on the opposite side of the road. I re-buried them off to the side of the field, and hoped for the best.
  18. I was hoping that the conversation would not be interrupted by the two members of the Terry Nichols and Tim McVeigh fan club with their delusional nonsense and constant attempts at sidetracking every discussion to their twisted versions of America bashing. But alas the usual attempts at hijacking topics is visited on us once again.
  19. Would the same result occur in NYS? I'm not so sure.
  20. From what I have read about the Hochul position on gun control, it sounds like we would be extremely lucky if she happened to replace Cuomo for any reason like the Patterson inheritance to the throne occurred. That's why I asked what kinds of quotes, news reports, or voting records anyone has come across that really indicates that her attitude on guns has changed one bit. I think I would take Hochul over Cuomo, and an awful lot of other Democrats and Republicans too, for that matter, any day of the week. Perhaps it would be another opportunity to get a pro-gun governor.
  21. Well, before we get all super-upset, can anybody show me any anti-gun legislation that she has supported? Can we find a link to any anti-gun comments that she has made? Is there anything that says that she has changed her position on any aspect of gun control? Yes, she has accepted a nomination in the Cuomo administration, and it occurs to me that the choice may have been a concession to the pressure that Cuomo is feeling from gun owners. Did he choose her because her philosophies on gun control match his, or was the choice because they don't and he is hoping to win back some of the gun owners because of that? Now to be practical about it all, I have to ask why anyone would be concerned about a Lieutenant Governor candidate anyway. Is anyone able to point to the last meaningful act that any Lieutenant Governor has made for or against any gun issue, or any issue at all for that matter? Tell me what earth shattering impact that Bob Duffy had on anything. So first of all, there is nothing that says that Hochul has changed her mind on anything, and even if she did, is that going to make her anymore relevant as Lieutenant Governor?
  22. The distance thing is not a big deal for me. It is more a question of being able to frequently practice for awhile in shooting sessions with my deer rifle and actually enjoy it without putting up with the shoulder mangling that my 12 gauge used to supply. frankly, in my neck of the woods, distance is not limited by the weapon, but rather by the density of trees, brush, etc. But oh what a great feeling to be able to pick out what hair I want to hit and then make it happen.
  23. I think we've got some internal house-cleaning that's in order. I have kind of had a bit of a problem with their fund-raising techniques for quite some time. At this point, I no longer am cordial about my responses. If the first no is not accepted, it gets very unfriendly after that point. I am concerned that some of their pressure techniques are driving members away.
  24. Has anybody ever heard an explanation as to why it makes sense to require the display of the back tag in the Southern Zone while it isn't required in the Northern Zone. It makes absolutely no sense to me at all, but I am curious how the DEC justifies the difference. Is it one of those politically inspired nonsensical regulations?
  25. That's a nice looking critter. Congratulations are in order on your first bow-kill. They are all great, but none are more significant than the first.
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