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Everything posted by Doc
Another great video! Loved the variety.
NY DEC: DEC Adopts Black Bear Management Plan
Doc replied to burmjohn's topic in NYS DEC News and Annoucements
They can play with seasons and weapons all they want, but until they legalize bear baiting, they will never have an effective population control. I have never been a big fan of baiting, and it is unlikely that I would ever take advantage of an opportunity to do so, but that is just a personal hang-up on baiting in general. But, if they are serious about having a real impact on bear populations, perhaps we have to deal with the devil a bit. Bear kills in NYS are almost exclusively the result of accidental opportunities. That will not change with season and weapons changes alone. -
There are always abuses of any kind of consumptive uses of natural resources. Our tendencies are to attack the entire activity in a broad-brush fashion rather than working on eliminating the individual abuses. That is a tactic of most of our animal rights activists. The same arguments and tactics can be found in any animal rights media productions including attacks on all hunting, trapping, and fishing activities. Emphasize the abuses and work to eliminate the entire activity.
This simple request has been made more than a few times already, and all we have seen so far is some not-so-artful dancing around the request. Neither one of these guys has ever come up with a practical plan of action. Their only contribution is to throw roadblocks in the way of those who are trying to make a difference. In doing so they become the dupes and allies of those that they claim to be against. There seems to be some kind of self-satisfaction and fulfillment involved in that kind of negativity. There is an arrogance there that is intended to supply the impression that they know and understand things that are over the head of so many commoners. Of course that delusional mentality is only useful for their own self-esteem issues, and will never be of any real value toward solving any problems.
Looks to me like the problem was getting the bear to respect the hunter's space .... lol.
Yeah that is awful close to the ground. If it was a rub, the deer would be smashing his nose into the ground. Look for a deer with a bent over nose and you probably will have found the deer that made it.
Yeah, if it was a recent antler rub, there would be pieces of bark on top of the leaves. It may not be as recent as it looks. Over the winter months, they can stay amazingly fresh looking.
So there he sits like a piece of bait hanging in the tree. What the heck are you supposed to do? The critter could have just reached over and swatted him out of the stand, or taken a chunk out of his face just to see what he tasted like.
Yes, that's right. You have no clue as to what to do. No plan other than to discourage others from trying to use the system. Well, That at least makes it clear that you are not one that anyone should be listening to. It's pretty much a waste of time to listen to a perpetual whiner that has nothing positive to offer. Only in your case it's worse than a waste of time. Your rhetoric can actually discourage people from taking positive action. Pretty much the same as any supporter of Cuomo and his gang would try to do.
And yet the video claims that CCI alone are running 4,000,000 per day. That is one heck of a lot of shooting per day, and only represents one manufacturer's daily output.
So what's your deal Papist? you come on here and rail against every constructive effort that people come up with to fight the problem of government excesses and never ever offer one word of constructive suggestion. You are basically just another sneaky tool of the Cuomo administration to discourage any political activity, working on his behalf either purposefully or simply due to ignorance. The question was asked, "ok so what is your solution? storm the capital?". So what is your answer besides coming here and trying to discourage all the folks that have honest and sincere solutions, efforts and activities in progress?
I know that property owner's liability laws were modified to relax some of the ridiculous claims that some people were making against homeowners. However, I am still a bit Leary about some of the more skillful lawyers who can make some pretty darn good cases out of nothing these days. I still consider that when guests are invited onto my land, there is still always a possibility of legal issues if something should happen.
If he can recall a detail like the fact that he was exactly eight feet over the property line, it tells me that the trespass was intentional and willful. Still, I have to say that it is probably the first time that I ever felt sorry for a trespasser.....lol. Just watching the video, I flinched pretty bad when the explosion went off. I can't imagine what it must have been like to be a few feet from it in the quiet conditions of the woods. What an ugly thing that would have been to come back to the area and find a dead body laying there where your "trespasser trap" resulted in a cardio death. I know how damned frustrating it can be to unsuccessfully defend your property from trespass, but people have got to be using their heads when dealing with such things. On the other hand, I have to admit that he probably will not be trespassing again for the rest of his life.....lol.
I will make a prediction that the DEC will make a valiant effort until they realize that it is getting them no where and then the season will open again for full-on warfare against the piggies. let's face it, if containing the spread of these things was a simple as sending out a few people to construct some traps, there wouldn't be any pig problem. I think there will be some initial successes, trailing off to none after a while and then it will become obvious that the "hunter army" is required. There may some additional motivations such as bounties offered, depending on the level of desperation. I have to say that this prediction is only a guess, and based on no particular expertise. But it all seems highly probable from what I have read about these critters.
It seems they survive and thrive in Siberia. Bitter cold weather is usual there .... right? I don't know, I think they are just a nomadic critter, and are probably just keeping one step ahead of everybody.
What's wrong with Fletchtite. I've always had pretty good luck with that and it's available at any major archery outlet.
Astorino picks a running ,mate.
Doc replied to bubba's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Well, I guess I have had enough of this foolishness. Time for a serious, on topic, question. Has anyone heard of any local Astorino campaign headquarters being set up yet? It might be that the man needs a little help. -
Well, it does show that the DEC does do some independent thinking and doesn't always play "follow the leader" with other states. I just hope it works for them (us) and doesn't leave them with egg on their face. It could come out very badly if they don't follow through and keep up an adequate effort.
I love the on-line system. I've never had a problem, and as a bonus, you can print off proof that you performed your legal obligation of reporting your harvest.
Astorino picks a running ,mate.
Doc replied to bubba's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Well, actually I never knew anything about you years ago ... lol. And probably those that did listened briefly to your Henny Penny imitation constantly running around in circles, waving your arms frantically and declaring that the sky is falling. The problem with that behavior is that on the rare occasion that you might have something credibly worth saying, everyone has already tuned you out. It's the old "crying wolf syndrome". It gets especially weird when you get off into your militia mode. So, I have no idea what it is that you were saying "years ago", but I imagine it was about as incredible as some of the strange nonsense you have been spewing here, and likely it was quite properly being ignored. People respond to positive direction and hopeful leadership, and really don't have a lot of patience for the old "woe is me, the world is falling apart and there's nothing that can be done" party line. Frankly, I don't listen to people who's answer to everything is to run and hide, while trying to discourage all those that are interested in making real contributions to real solutions. I see nothing positive in any of that and would rather not get bogged down in the self-pity and negativity that never brings any real change. I think we have had more than enough of that already and we really don't have time for anymore of it. -
Astorino picks a running ,mate.
Doc replied to bubba's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Actually that is the embodiment of the attitude that got us where we are. So many people ready to throw in the towel and simply run from any kind of adversity. People running from the state, people running from the system, people running from any real responsible reaction to conditions that are unfavorable here. And then people who think they are some kind of heavy thinkers by discouraging those that are actively trying to fix things. These are the people who talk about standing and fighting and yet turn tail at any sign of problems. It really is hard to stomach that sort of arrogant hypocrisy. -
Here's the problem. Many of these supposedly pointless arguments can wind up as legislation against the other groups. It is not always just a harmless outcome. I have watched the tension between gun hunters and bow hunters grow to the point where you start getting some people of rather militant mentality like Stubby. As primarily a bowhunter, I understand that we are in the minority in the hunting community, and when ever I hear these messages of hate, I do pay attention to those. There is nothing cast in stone relative to bow hunting.....no guarantees that the long seasons that we currently enjoy and the long list of bowhunting benefits will be forever. So when these kinds of issues start up, I do get concerned. But then that's just me.
Remington is finally doing the right thing.
Doc replied to Mr VJP's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Right thing or wrong thing, I don't believe they were given a lot of choice. And while they are the largest of the arms manufacturers, there are getting to be quite a few others that are forced into making the same decision.....all representing jobs and benefits for NYS people as well as the loss of tax revenues and contributions to the NYS economy. Lets put our wrath where it belongs, and that is not the gun manufacturers. I think Remington and others were perfectly happy where they were until the SAFE Act. -
Astorino picks a running ,mate.
Doc replied to bubba's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
That is a position I would encourage you to forget. That is pretty much simply throwing a potential pro-gun vote away and really accomplishing nothing at all. -
Astorino picks a running ,mate.
Doc replied to bubba's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
There is nothing a politician covets more than a vote. For years gun control was kept under control because candidates feared the wrath of the gun lobby. It's time to put that fear back in them. This election right after the SAFE Act can send one powerful focused message off into future elections. That message will be either "It is certain death to piss-off gun owners", or "The gun lobby is dead full-steam ahead with the gun control". We have people that are working to put the fear of God back into these guys, and we have others (here) that are working diligently to do Cuomo's work for him in discouraging voters from focusing on what has to be done to send the pro gun-rights message. Your reply leaves no doubt where you stand.