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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. Heading up Friday to my camp in 4Y first time this season with bow. I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck yet or seen some good movement, scrapes, rubs etc.
  2. Yumm! that sounds delicious. I may try it this year . . .
  3. My foot is feeling so much better. Still a bit sore in the heel but im going up Friday am. Can't wait anymore. Getting very antsy. Gonna do all day sits to make up for lost time.
  4. I use it too on iPhone. It's been pretty accurate. I'm planning on doing all day sits this weekend.
  5. You should. They have large portions and its cheap. Only downside is you can only pay by cash or local check.
  6. Nice wall hanger and freezer filler!
  7. Nice - I have two like that. Good job.
  8. Just checked the weather in 4Y - Columbia County for the weekend. Fri- 46 sunny, Sat 46 with 30% chance showers. Sun 49 sunny. Winds calm to 7 mph from NE. Awesome weather for bowhunting!!!
  9. Interesting indeed! Picked up some code blue estrous today and I am going to use it this weekend hoping to bring in a big buck to my stand.
  10. I have used fixed 3 blade with so-so results Just bought the G5- T-3 mechanical to try out this season. It Got good reviews. Hopefully it will put a nice big hole in a buck this weekend.
  11. Yeah! I see his boot is missing. Definitely looks fake or photoshopped to me.
  12. A friend of mine had a close call during rifle season last year. He has 30 acres up near Roscoe that abuts state land. He's in his stand - sees a 10 pt about 50 yards out. He shoots, it kicks like a mule and runs behind his stand and onto state land. He waits about 10-15 minutes. Gets down and starts walking into the woods where he saw the buck run in. He gets into the State land about 75 yds and sees the same deer standing up against a tree another 25 yds away. He raises his rifle, and just as he's about to take another shot, other shots ring out from behind him. He drops and hits the dirt dodging bullets. Turns out there were three guys in trees and they all saw this buck and start shooting - emptying their rifles with bullets flying all over the place. And yes he was in all orange especially because his land borders state land. I'm amazed as to how they saw the deer but did not see my friend in full blaze orange standing between them and the deer. They come down. Eventually another hunter from further into the woods also comes over and saw everything that happened got their names and tag numbers and called the local ECO. I'm not sure what happened after that. Thankfully, the worst that happened to my friend is that he dropped a couple of loads in his pants. Unfortunately he didn't take the buck since his shot didn't kill him and one of the other shots did.
  13. Awesome! I wish I could get my wife into hunting.
  14. And how about this one a few years ago when a father "accidentally" mistakes his 9 y.o. son for a turkey? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,351877,00.html I mean. . . come on! How can you mistake a 9 yo for a turkey for God's sake. I feel bad for that family but again, stupidity and unsafe gun handling came into play in that one.
  15. Who saw the Realtree episode last night on Outdoor channel? Michael Waddell killed a 400lb elk with a bow and when it was brought to the processor, they found another 10" arrow shaft stuck in the body of the bull elk. It wasn't Waddell's arrow shaft. I know you can't compare a 400lb bull elk to a 100 lb doe but. . . hey you never know . . .
  16. I hear you WNY! That's why I specifically put ??? next to accident in the title. I think it should have said "Hunting stupidity". The sad thing is that it's still early in the season and I know we are going to hear a lot more of these supposed "accidents". I myself am so paranoid of taking a shot even after I identified my target and whatever may lay beyond it especially if I'm looking at taking a deer at any distance.
  17. And the hunting accidents have started. You gotta be safe out there. It could happen to any of us. http://www.myabc50.com/news/local/story/Update-Shampine-charged-with-Manslaughter-in-the/A-IqdJQFkk6cPF_KK53Aiw.cspx
  18. Welcome and Good Luck this season!
  19. Welcome Home! and THANK YOU! Good luck this season!!
  20. Welcome Bobby! Where in zone 4 do you hunt/live? I got a place up in Germantown where we hunt and stay - adjacent to 90 acres of which we have exclusive use.
  21. Awesome weather for some bowhunting this coming weekend. Can't wait.
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