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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. So much for the Yankees going for #28. At least it wasn't the Redsox celebrating in the infield at Yankee Stadium.
  2. Nice! I'm heading up this weekend for a four day turkey hunt. Hopefully I'll be filling two tags as well.
  3. I'm self employed. So I can do what I want, when I want to. I'm heading up Friday morning for a 4 day weekend to get some turkey hunting in.
  4. I found a way to make my own turkey tube call using an empty motrin bottle, a latex glove, plastic cup, rubberband, and a hot glue gun. Cut the bottom of the motrin bottle using a scissors. Take the plastic cup and cut it into a portion that you can flatten out. Turn the motrin bottle (opening end) down and draw a circle onto the plastic cup. Cut out the circle from the plastic cup and then cut it in half. Using the hot glue gun attach the semicircle piece of plastic onto the top lip of the top opening of the motrin bottle. Once dried, take a latex glove and cut out a 2x3 inch piece. Stretch the latex over the other half of the opening where you attached the plastic piece and secure it with a rubberband. Make sure to leave a slight gap for air to pass through. Be careful not to stretch the latex out too tight otherwise the only call you can make will be a kee kee run. For a raspier call, double up the latex and then stretch it over the half opening. Test out the call by pressing your upper lip against the latex and form a seal with the bottom lip and blow just like you would use a mouth call. Best way is to start blowing the word "shuck" or "chuck". Once you get the sound and pitch you want, then you can trim any excess latex and dress up the bottle with some camo tape. Below is my finished product which took about 20 minutes to make.
  5. Thanks. I just hope when I attach it to my gun rail on my treestand and move to pan the camera that it doesn't fall off as I'm about to release an arrow . I'm gonna test it out this weekend and take some video of the fields and hopefully some deer movement all the while hoping to stick a turkey.
  6. I disagree. Maybe its just me but I've killed more turkeys in the fall while bow hunting for deer than in the spring.
  7. I was wondering how often should you wax your bow strings. I haven't had to wax them for about a year since I didn't notice any lag or fuzziness. But I've read that they should be waxed every time you see the string starting to get fuzzy. I've also read that they should not be waxed too often or too much cause it leaves wax build up and residue.
  8. Deerthug


    I formerly used Easton Auminums but switched to Carbon express for this coming season. I've also switched from vanes to FOBs and from a whisker biscuit to the NAP Apache drop away rest. I have better speed and accuracy with the carbons. As far as being cheap is concerned, carbons are not that expensive. I bought a 1/2 dozen of Carbon Express Heart Attack at Dicks for under $30. I can't wait to try them in the field.
  9. I told my brother who just started hunting with me that he has to drink the blood from the first deer he puts down and then eat the heart raw. His reaction was -
  10. It's actually pretty easy to do. Aside from drying time for the spray painting portion it took me about 20 minutes to put together. My only cost was the $4.07 for the clamp from Amazon and a rubber leg tip for $1.59. The rest of the material I had lying around in the garage. John, i would be happy to make it but unfortunately I don't have any more broken tripods lying around.
  11. I like to video my own hunts. When hunting from a blind (usually a one-man chair blind) I have two different tripods or monopod with two cameras. One facing me and the other facing in the field. That is pretty easy to do. But hunting from a tree stand is a bit different. Sure I can spend money on a tree arm but did not feel it would serve my purpose. I already have several bow and gun hangers coming off the tree on my stand. Using a tripod on the small platform of the treestand is not feasible as there is not much room to begin with and really no way to secure it. I wanted something that I can attach to the gun rail of my tree stand. So I started researching on the internet. I found a youtube video where some guy created a metal clamp mount for a DVD monitor for under $10. The material used was an American DJ medium duty C-Clamp, a nut to fit the clamp bolt and a rubber leg tip. On the C-clamp he attached a ball head from a small tripod to be able to attach the camera. I took it one step further. I canniblized an old tripod that had an arm attached to pan the camera. This tripod had legs that would always collapse. I removed the top portion of the tripod completely including the riser (the part that goes up and down on the tripod). I purchased the American DJ medium duty C-clamp on Amazon for $4.07 - free shipping. Could not find it at any hardware store including Homedepot or Lowes, not even a local hardware store in my neighborhood. After spray painting all silver parts matte black, I attached the riser to the clamp using a small nut. The clamp uses a thicker bolt which I removed. The riser had a screw cap with a threaded bolt attached. I removed the screw cap, removed the existing screw and added a longer threaded bolt. Reattached the screw cap and fed it through the top hole of the clamp and tightened it down with another nut. I inserted the larger nut into the rubber tip and attached it to the bolt that you would screw to tighten the clamp against the gunrail. The rubber tip at the end of the clamp bolt helps to secure it better on metal. I will be testing it out this coming weekend. Now I can hunt and video my hunt and I can pan smoothly. This is especially important to me in case "buck fever" sets in just before and after I release my arrow or pull the trigger. Here are some pictures.
  12. Excellent job! You'll be enjoying some good eats soon!
  13. I agree. The Yanks may have a tough time against the Tigers this series but they did pretty well to clinch with unknown pitchers so there is always a chance.
  14. That was a very inspirational story and a very enjoyable read.
  15. Deerthug


    Good luck hunting and be safe!
  16. The Jets did at one point play at Shea Stadium in Queens from 1964 to 1983. I remember going to a couple of games there when I was a kid. So technically they did originate in NY.
  17. Nice flathead. Backstrap on the grill for dinner!
  18. Nice!!! Enjoy! Hopefully we'll see some pictures of some bruisers you put down with the new bow.
  19. Absolutely!! Looking forward to watchin an exciting post season with my 10 y.o. He always asks if we can jump back and forth from the game to the outdoor channel. I'm loving it!!!
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