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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. 3-4 weeks . I have some 11 miles away and others about 50 miles away .
  2. It would be helpful if members know where you are located .
  3. Participation medals ? Probably for listening to Hoo Flung Dung's speeches !
  4. It kinda sounds like the noise the hounds make when chasing a fox at the GVHC ........ I am probably wrong as usual .
  5. Nice buck but the picture doesn't show the GPS coordinates .......
  6. Was the one Trespasser the only Illiterate ?
  7. They need to introduce the "3 S Rule" ( shoot , shovel and shut up ) .
  8. Just exactly what do you know about rolling a doobie ? The spammer is gone !
  9. First-light ..... crfingnutz stated in a post earlier that the land is posted . Apparently the neighbor doesn't care .
  10. Take a ladder out where the trail cam is and set your trail cam facing down at the intruder's camera to see who checks it out . Make sure your TC is inconspicuous so that it isn't spotted and stolen . You would want to use a Black Flash camera .
  11. The last Tapatalk update I got was 12 hours ago by Moog .
  12. Do what Moog suggested and let him know how the person can get the Trail Cam back also . Three months was too long of a wait . Get your Posted Signs up also . Let these folks know that there is a new Sheriff in town . 11 acres isn't much and you don't want a crowd hunting it .
  13. I take a foam seat with me when I go to one of my ladder stands . What I forget to do is to take an extra cushion to put between my back and the tree . The temperature might get up to 45 - 50 degrees during the day but if it was freezing overnight , that tree is cccccold and when you lean against it , you will get cold quick !
  14. Sorry for your loss . 46 years old is way too young to go .
  15. I thought it was called a "man purse" .......
  16. Rachunter --- video was removed by user . No longer on YouTube .
  17. What I can't figure is ..... when I posted the pictures , I had the two with the owl in sequence but one shows in the beginning and the other in the end . Not a big deal but confusing .
  18. Nothing with horns except for an owl
  19. So far none of the batters have had to re-adjust their batting gloves after each pitch !
  20. Tractor Supply sells a card reader that hooks up to an I-Phone ( $19.99 ) .They also have one for Android ($12.99) https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/stealth-cam-ios-card-reader?cm_vc=-10005
  21. I have found that the width of a picture need to be more than the height in order for it to be shown upright . The width of Moog doesn't count !
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