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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. Creative laser specialties is an Ebay vendor out of Yorkville NY, a suburb of Utica. I do not know exactly his relationship with Utica Cutlery but I guess he a dealer and gets his knives directly from them and does his custom touches on them. His name is Rob but I do not know his last name I can say it has been a pleasure to do business with him. You are correct about all the features of this knife and I am pretty pleased with it. The knife model is UTK S4 survival, there are also other models This is a link to his ebay store https://www.ebay.com/str/creativelaserspecialties Al
  2. I got my stimulus check awhile back from Uncle Donald and decided it to do a little stimulating. Being somewhat of a half assed American made knife collector I decided to shop around and see if there was anything American made that would catch my fancy. I checked creativelaserspeciaties on ebay, I purchased a pocket knife made by Utica Cutlery from Rob the owner a couple of years ago and liked what I received. I found a nice survival knife on his site made by Utica Cutlery and while I need another knife like I need a hole in the head I decided to buy one. I went for the last polished blade model he had with green scales, I am happy to say Utica has did themselves proud, very good build quality and sharp as heck (I Cut My Finger) and for under $100 a very good buy in my opinion for American made. And by the way Rob laser inscribes the blade for you for a personal touch. This is my third Utica Cutlery knife and I like all three a lot, hopefully they can hang in there as they are one of the last American knifemakers in business. As for the rest of the stimulus check it will go to the IRS to pay my taxes.
  3. Woodchuck hunting has provided me with great memories and taught me to shoot well at game under field circumstances, I lived and breathed it for many years and it is my favorite kind of hunting. Al
  4. For me Fox news has nothing to do with my political thinking and feelings, I listen directly to what Democrats say to the public about their platform and policies and take them for their word. I make my decisions on what comes out of their mouths and I do not like what I am hearing or seeing. Al
  5. A fellow (Greg Hertel) on my Airedale board passed along this photo of a hike he and his daughter along with his hunting dogs recently took near his home in Wyoming, looks like a good place to be living these days. His dogs are first rate cat hunting dogs, they are great on both Lion and Bobcats. Al
  6. Most of the Democratic party would have it done in a heartbeat, The way old Sleepy folds under pressure he would do it in a heartbeat if he thinks he can get away with it. As for other democracies how they handle guns in their countries is up to them and none of my business, this is the USA and we have the Second Amendment. Al
  7. Again speaking for myself Tax relief from Trump's tax cut on the Federal end is in line with ApexerER and that is substantial for me. NY having the highest state taxes in the nation for all the free stuff it pays for is more of a drag on my tax burden. I celebrate my Trump tax relief every year with a new firearm, this year there will be two purchases made as soon as the Emperor lets the stores do business normally. Al
  8. You just don't get it, it is all about the big picture, I don't give two shits about his personality, it is about platform and policy and what gets signed into law, that is what counts to me. Al
  9. Because he is behind and signs into law legislation and Judges that I like and suits the lifestyle that I live, it is that simple! His personal life is none of my business. Al
  10. Speaking for myself I believe the Democrats have articulated how they have formed their policy-platform opinions very well and I have zero problem understanding what they are doing and want to do to this country. I agree with just about none of it. Al
  11. Back in the late sixties I purchased my first new Television set, a Motorola console model with a 21 inch screen that had closing doors on the front, in it's day it was top of the line. At that time the job I was working gave me a take home pay of $126.00 every two weeks so the TV's $550.00 price tag was huge, in fact I had to buy it on time as they said back in those days. Those old TVs had vaccum tubes that would blow from time to time necessitating a call to the TV repair man for a replacement tube, or you could go to the local store which had a tube tester and test the suspect tubes yourself and buy a replacement. Fast forward to today and that same $550.00 will buy a Hi Def flat screen with a four to five foot screen with picture and overall quality that is light years better than the old Motorola in every single way.. My current TV is an LG sixty inch screen that I purchased around 10 years ago, I think I paid $1200 for it, picture is still great and have had no problems. The old Motorola could not make it through a year without some sort of repair. Anyhow with this Covid horseshit going on with not a whole lot to do for entertainment I decided to try one of those TV-Movie LED projectors so the wife and I can have the family over the summer for some outdoor movies, I purchased a simple 12 foot screen which is pretty good size but this projector is capable of projecting a 300 inch image if one has a screen that big. Best part the whole works is under $400.00, hopefully this gizmo works well, let the good times roll. Al
  12. There is an old saying about walking a mile in someone's shoes before making a judgement, some of these dipshit politicians should heed that saying especially when it comes to the day in and day out, week in and week out, year in and year out total bullshit these police officers have to deal and put up with. I see the TV show "Cops" has been canned, the Dems do not want the public to see what these guys and gals have to actual do on the job. Al
  13. The board administrator or one of the moderators if they have permission should be able to fix the problem for you. Al
  14. I do not see much humor in it! Forget it about Trump and look at the party's platform and policy, lets take a look. Anti Pro Life, (As a side note I would like everyone be made to witness a video of an actual late term abortion before making up their mind, especially those making ruling policy) Defunding and dissolving Police departments and ICE and just plain anti Law and Order! Taking away second amendment rights Anti Hunting & Fishing "IE animal rights" Open Borders Free healthcare, free education for illegal aliens-nothing is free Free college-nothing is free Free monthly paychecks-nothing is free Anti Energy coal, gas and oil Anti Farming Anti gender differences Anti internal combustion engines, boats, cars, motorcycles, planes, tractors, planes, chainsaws, mowers etc etc! Anti Tradition ammo Anti historical monuments Anti American flag Anti national anthem Giving rioters and the likes of Antifa and asshole like them a pass Men pissing in women's restrooms and vise versa Whew I am getting tired of typing so last but not least taking way poor Elmer Fudd's shotgun By the way the quote above was made by Bowmanmike in Pygmy's reply and not by Pygmy to be clear! Al
  15. Video games are what hunting in the future will end up being and I will bet there will be a day when they are banned also for not being PC! Al
  16. Congrats, your mount is beautiful, there is not much that can top a Wood Duck drake for color. I had one for a pet and he was sure pretty. I did a bit of waterfowl hunting years ago and where I hunted Mallards, Teal, and Woodies were what was most common with an occasional Back Duck. 50 years ago I once bagged a Pintail drake and it was the only one I ever saw hunting ducks, I had it mounted and it sits here in my gun room. Snapped a quick photo of it and it is still holding up after all those years. Al
  17. I am now realizing there is an upside to being old, I won't be around to see the libtard Democrats turn this country into the utopian shithole they wrongly want it to be, hopefully I am dead wrong! That being said for as long as I am around I will continue to fight them at every turn and vote against them every election day as long as I am physically able. I do feel sorry for the young folks for what looks to be down the road! Al
  18. Last weekend more Than 80 Shot, 21 Fatally, as Chicago Sees One of Its Most Violent Weekends So Far, and this is just Chicago mind you! What will be the results from this weekend? Where are the protests? Main stream media does not touch it. Hypocrisy on Steroids!
  19. From where I am sitting the whole Corona episode has and continues to be nothing but political from the get-go! Al
  20. I like the way amnesia conveniently afflicts some in a short period of time, remember the Freddy Gray and Michael Brown riots? Who was President then? Al
  21. If I lived in one of the areas the low life scum is rioting, destroying property, ruining people's lives and businesses I would not only be glad to see them I would be cheering them on and obeying their orders. Al
  22. A great memorable quote from the Magnificent Seven movie on Quotes.net - Calvera: If God hadn't meant for them to be sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep. So about all I am going to say is I ain't no sheep! Al
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