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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Good ole fashioned rat trap. I don't use peanut butter. I have had too many sit there and lick it off and not trip the trigger. This is fool proof. I take a peanut. scuff a groove around the middle of it with a knife point then use wire like a bread tie to wire it in one the trigger. It will get him and he won't get the bait.
  2. Clawing a scratching our way to the finish line. Just wanted to bump this. I have to say I really appreciate the response the members of the site have given this. I posted on 2 other forums and believe it or not I was basically told to let them hunt for their own venison. I couldn't wrap my head around a response like that especially when there can be children involved. And in all honestly with the homeless there can be a pretty high incidence of mental illness as well. Kind of makes the owning firearms thing in NY not work so well. Oh well. Thank you everyone and if you haven't shared this link in your networks, please do. https://www.gofundme.com/grst-qdma-feed-those-in-need With what we have donated and a few promises I think we need about $380 to hit our goal and the anonymous challenge matching money.
  3. I'd bet it is somewhere at 1800 - 200 FPS based on what I have read, but never chrono'd it
  4. Thank you. think there would be any issue pushing those at magnum velocities? 150gr of 777
  5. can you provide links to the bullets and sabots?
  6. Nope on the quartering too. Hopefully you have other shooting lanes and if it is quartering to that means it is coming closer? Worth the wait and not worth the risk.
  7. They sell adjustable center post supports for the snow load issue. They work pretty well on the ones I have seen. about $30. The branch just picked up the Barronett Ox 5 blinds. I can't believe the room in them. The outer fabric is quite and no glare. The shootign windows slide to open and adjust. Very good zippers and let me say again, Can't believe the room. Not a light blind at over 30 pounds but I can easily see 2 people and gear and still plenty of extra room.
  8. That is great advice even in deer hunting if you get the chance.
  9. This past Sunday afternoon we had our Range Day with the participants of the Field to Fork Program. A very special thank you to the Springwater Rod and Gun Club for allowing us to use the facilities for this outing. (The pictures are in order of the narrative below) I hope they don't post sideways We started out he Afternoon unpacking, setting up targets and getting everything laid out. We reviewed the Gun safety rules and explained how the day would play out. Each participant was presented their hunter orange QDMA hat and vest to be worn on the upcoming mentored hunts. The branch bought each participant a Case Finn hunting knife. A friend of the branch (Thank you Sergio) donated a set of Peltor Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector for each of them. These are auto cut out for gun shots and enhances low level noise for conversations or hearing that big buck sneaking in..lol. These folks have never fired anything bigger than a 22LR . If you followed our posts you remember they handled those very well. They did the same here and we are very proud of how they took to each firearm they shot. When we brought out a gun they could be using we described all the functions and demonstrated how the gun shot. We wanted them to see what the recoil of each looked like and how it wasn't what they see in the movies. We started of with an Encore in .223. A good "tweener" from 22LR to the deer hunting rounds. All the participants worked their way up in caliber and discovered their own comfort level on where to stop the progression and focus on that gun in practice. The ladies opted for the 243's and the gents worked through the 308 win, 'ought6 and the 12 gauge slug gun. We closely worked with each shooter and kept reinforcing the proper form and trigger squeeze. We shot at 50 and 100 yards. I really think they surprised themselves. We did give a little dose or reality when we put them in some shooting positions that would mimic how they may be shooting in the field. seated with shooting sticks, on just a supported ledge on the forearm and of course freehand. I think it gave them an appreciation on why we kept emphasizing to try an take advantage of any support feature you can to take the shot. I really think if we do our job as mentors and get then in a situation with deer we will have 5 successful hunts. On to the hunts and harvest photos.
  10. Honestly I didn't even notice the yellow dot becasue that wasn't the middle of the middle I was shown. It is middle of nose to rump and belly to back. That puts it right where you are talking about half way between the line and dot.
  11. Hard to say. If you said you were shooting that arrow at 200 FPS i'd say I probably make sure it was really close...lol. of course then it might be a self defense scenario. Just kidding. Plenty of game taken with rigs like that. If I was shooting it and I knew my groups were good and I had the practice in, the bear is offering a broadside at 25 yards (and I am in a treestand...lol)???? I'm taking the shot.
  12. 500 is the spine of the arrow. Those shafts weight 6.9 grains per inch.
  13. That is why they say middle of the middle. The heart is a tad back but the lungs really are back further. The have to be becasue of the heavier skeletal design on a bear. if you tuck just behind the leg you can shoot in front of the heart. maybe not as big of a deal on a gun shot but could be a disaster on a bow shot. And those shoulders are not as easy to poke through with a broadhead as they can be with a deer. An animal that can run 30 miles an hour and takes a long time to bleed through the thick fur can mean they are long out of sight before the first drop hits the ground. Rough math. 30 miles an hour is about 40 feet per second. just 20 seconds for bleed through could be in the 800' range.
  14. I've never seen that with the 38 and 357 I load. I've had to trim
  15. take a look back through the pages of this post. There is lots of good info on here. This is a post that I made way back. not sure if the links still work or not. Shop around and a lot if it depends on how muc volume you are planning on doing. Posted November 28, 2012 http://www.midwayusa...gton?cm_vc=OBv1 Press Kit NEED http://www.midwayusa...teel?cm_vc=OBv1 Caliper NEED http://www.midwayusa...ler?cm_vc=sugv1 Bullet puller NEED http://www.midwayusa...lue?cm_vc=sugv1 Reloading Tray NICE http://www.midwayusa...iber?cm_vc=OBv1 Powder Funnel NEED http://www.midwayusa...stud?cm_vc=OBv1 case trimmer lock stud to attach a drill NICE http://www.midwayusa...rip?cm_vc=sugv1 case trimmer ball grip to do a few by hand NEED http://www.midwayusa...-grain-capacity (Digital scale...very nice but not required) http://www.midwayusa...umbler-110-volt case tumbler (not NEEDED but they sure look nice...lol) Nice http://www.midwayusa...powder-trickler Powder trickler...again not NEEDED but makes it easier to hit exact powder amounts. NEED I think http://www.midwayusa...gton?cm_vc=OBv1 I like these dies for a rifle becasue is give you full length sizing and neck sizing. ...for each caliber http://www.midwayusa...ton?cm_vc=sugv1 I factory crimp everything I use. I shortens case life but increases accuracy and gives a positive bullet seat. IMO....for each rifle caliber http://www.midwayusa...ret?cm_vc=sugv1 Turret Plate for each caliber you want to reload http://www.midwayusa...ster?cm_vc=OBv1 Trim Guage for each caliber Off the top of my head I can't think of anything else I got to start....of course that list always grows. I am sure I forgot something but maybe the other guys can add to the list. I tried to show what was needed and what is nice to have. Oh forgot...brass, bullets, primers and powder....step one is read...read...then read some more before you start. It isn't hard to do it is just detailed and you shouldn't be distracted when doing it.
  16. I really thought the one that runs through at the end was gonna come my way. I still can't figure out what made him run.
  17. Shotgun hunting for deer is allowed in the WMU 8A portion, which is the Rose Marsh Unit, north of Manitou Beach Road, as well as the Bennett Road Unit. The entire complex is open to archery hunting. No waterfowl hunting in designated waterfowl refuges on Long Pond and Rose Marsh (posted with yellow and green signs). No hunting within 500 feet of a building. Please be sure to abide by all game laws (view hunting seasons and trapping seasons).
  18. I have run into fake signs before. It certainly isn't a big step for them to take given what we have seen from the wackos.
  19. That was my thought too. I have seen as many as 3-4 in one spot in the Woods from releases.
  20. That is what I use. haven't had any issues. A buddy did the bolt in the ground routine until it hit a rock and then that blew into pieces.
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