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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Congrats. Glad it all worked out. How was the actual shot placement compared to what you thought?
  2. And there is the error in the centrists and independents. To think for one minute that the Liberals would consider an option that was middle ground on any topic is laughable. They have proven it time after time after time. Hold on to your nickers if you think NY's Safe Act was bad. When Cuomo get's reelected version 2 will dwarf it and then we will be glad we have that extra seat in the SCOTUS
  3. Information on a post like this can help if the OP puts general area they are in. Things like access to deer search options can help but only if the area is known.
  4. Our branch goal is $1,000 of our matching dollars. a donor put out a challenge and a $100 donation. If we hit $1,500 their family will toss in another $300. I believe VDC will leave this go fund me up after our initial efforts are done. i raised the cap to $10,000 at their request so that it will remain open and for their use even after we hit our branch goals. Thank you for your contribution.
  5. The video doesn't do justice to the two fighting. The loser of the fight was a very nice 10. Maybe 16-17" spread and G2's about 8-9 inches. I hope to give you guys a nice look at a couple of these...lol
  6. I don't get your reference? Are you saying the Turret won't turn out accurate ammo?
  7. I'm shooting the firenocks and never had the issue. Honestly it is probably my serving. I should have gotten a new string this year but ran out of time. it's probably a tad worn.
  8. We are stuck at $960. Could I ask a favor from the members here. Please share this in your networks. This is a great cause and the extra push would be appreciated.
  9. Love my Lee turret. I do the pistol rounds in it and then remove the indexing rod and basically use it as a single stage press for the rifle rounds. I like having all the dies set on the disc for the rifle rounds. It makes the set up and switching time less in my book. A single stage would be handy so I'd take it anyways. Using it for things like a resizing die if any of your calibers you will be reforming brass.
  10. I am gonna need a new house and a new wife if I get another mount...lol
  11. So I am out Friday night for a quick after work hunt. It was an amazing evening for movement. I was in the stand and had a 2.5 year old 8 pointer work his way into 20 yards in front of me. I didn't plan on shooting him so I took out my phone to video him. As I was slowly making my move for the phone he kept looking up the hill behind me. I turned my head to see what he was looking at and I saw another deer in the woods. Just uphill form my shooting lane and about 40 yards out. On this video the downed log is 40 yards. I was waiting to see what he was going to do and I see another deer working it's way up the hill towards the log. I could see glimpses of antler on both of them and was hoping I might see some interaction between them. Maybe a little brushing or clicking antlers. I wasn't expecting this. The video was cut short when another buck showed up and looked like it was going to go by them and right to me. I dropped the phone on the seat and put my release on. He broke down hill and never came out of the thick stuff. The ones fighting broke up and one was a very nice 10 that ran by me at about 10 yards as fast as he could run from the winner of the fight. Definitely was a 3.5 year old. The winner had a much bigger body and he came walking into another shooting lane at 15 yards. I was at full draw and when he walked out he was definitely mature but his antlers took me by surprise. Left side was a main beam about 2' long and not a single point. Right side was not even there. I was trying to tell if it was broken or deformed for some reason. I let him walk off and as I released my draw the darn arrow popped off the string and rattled it's way all the way down the ladder of the stand. That got his attention and he walked off. In that short sit I saw 14 deer. 10 different bucks. I saw 3 bucks Saturday night that I didn't see Friday and two buck last night that I am pretty sure were repeats. Saturday night I went over by the log to see if there was a broken antler there from the winner. Nothing. I can't believe he could effectively take on a challenger with just the one antler. I get the bigger body size would help and have heard stories of bigger bodied less desirable bucks running off ones that have been watched and hunted. Wish the quality was better. Well I am going to leave this post up while I try to figure out how to put the video up here. I will say this taught me that I never have made enough noise when trying rattling. Have your volume on.
  12. Sure is. Have the Taxidermist keep the jaw for ya
  13. Keep pressure on to vote YES Manchin:202-224-3954 Collins: (202)224-2523 Murkowski: (202)-224-6665
  14. Now I am hearing Manchin is gettign cold feet about the vote cast.
  15. I've had that go south on me before because of snow fall...lol
  16. We have a cloture vote. 51 to 49. Barring something drastic he's gonna make it in.
  17. We use Cotton Hanlon but all theirs is east of Corning in southern Tier.
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