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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Our group ended up with 3 good does. We put a bear out on a drive but no shot. Mine was at 5:45 last night so it was a late night. 2-1/2 hour Drive home, skin and debone and into and tote and into the fridge. Trim and cutting tonight. All in all a very good weekend, Except for the sunburn I got yesterday. I needed a tank top, shorts and flip flops. Should have been more but there were 4 misses in the bunch.
  2. I would go for waterproof and thin. (waterproof is wind proof) Size it big and use your layers. I will also say that if you are sitting a lot pants are your worse enemy. Bibs will always be warmer. it allows air flow becasue there is no belt and it keeps the cold and wind off the small of your back.
  3. you wearing pants or bibs on you lower? I'd go with the layers. You are going to do better for the money doing that. I would find a good waterproof below the waist jacket and layer. It doesn't get better than layers especially in bow when it can be cold in Am and warm up a lot by noon.
  4. No but it is valid since the ones outrages at Trumps comments were not even phased by Bill's ACTIONS or Hillary's response to the accusers.
  5. On the second map i like the looks of the draw in the upper right hand corner. the high points on either side would give a good view into the draw and the draw lead down to water. it isn't showing a creek in the draw so that water may be from runoff or spring fed but maybe the vegetation is thick around that one. you would have a good view and could use either high point to set up depending on the wind. Do you have any Arial views of these areas?
  6. The best advice I can give you is to NOT overthink this. It really isn't rocket science and i't supposed to be fun. do a little home work and then get your boots on the ground. I have yet to see a deer taken from a desk or table with maps and books in front of you. It would also help if you put you general location on your profile. There are many members here that are very helpful and could probably lend more specific assistance if they knew where you were.
  7. think of them as a ramp to get up or down around a steeper slope. As far as the direction it will depend on what is on top and what is on the bottom. If bedding is up and food is down then that would be a different timed, preferred route than if it was the other way around. when you get up in the morning and head to the kitchen for coffee, which way do you go? why? remember that most deer movement will take place around dawn and dusk and they eat at night generally. Then there is the pre-rut and rut which means that everything you think you figured out is out the window...lol
  8. Long gentle sloping finger ridges can be hot spots for travel routes if there is bedding or feed on the ridges. You have to at least look at these on Google earth or some other satellite program becasue even with all the "perfect" features if there is only large mature trees with little understory it can be barren. This will only help you isolate areas that may hold what you are looking for and Google can be years old information too. Gotta get boots on the ground to scout. I would also look for areas that are swampy, old beaver flows and features that lead to and from them. One of the best areas I have hunting in big woods is a gentle sloping finger leading from a swamp up to a steep sided table top that is loaded with oaks. That finger is loaded every years with rubs and scrapes and is a main travel route.
  9. No way I would drink from a stream in the Daks without purification. Beaver population are way to high and you never know what is upstream. I've have 3 different people I know get it up there. https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/giardia/ Best way to describe what they went through was that they thought they were going to fall through their butt holes and strangle themselves.
  10. or just do 20- $100 raffles and I'd still take one...lol
  11. Just so I understand. he will be arraign a bow? What tags does he have?
  12. While he is bow hunting he is NOT taking part in the "Youth Firearms Weekend" and then abides by all the bow season rules.
  13. if he walks back to camp, drops off the gun and picks up the bow he is now a bow hunter participating in the bow season and not the youth gun season.
  14. Are the barrels interchangeable with the actual Remingtons?
  15. They only endorsed two others. Lincoln and the author of this comment. " “negros” are “getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness….” and claimed further that his efforts would secure the vote of the “nig*ers” for “200 years.”
  16. Sorry thought you meant the trapping part not the transport and disposal.
  17. I know they still aren't American but this is what I got from Vortex a couple years ago. Razor: Japan Viper/Dimondback: Phillippines Crossfire: China
  18. Don't believe you do need a permit if they are damaging property.
  19. Not buying that artificial hormones can grow rear bumpers like that. lol
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