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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I agree, it isn't about you and me. I thought we were discussing different points of view. You clam to be playing devils advocate but your wording choice says other wise. You seem to be clearly against them and your wording and phrases are very much in line with the anti's talking points. . I have never attended of taken part in one of these. I honestly just don't see them as a problem. I believe the ads to promote them need to be tasteful and we should be mindful of pictures posted of the event, but the anti's (as they always do) blow the events out of proportion and as I said, they get the media. Controversy sells. I am curious what you said to that non-hunter that had issue with the coyote contest? I know we have a couple of your hot buttons all rolled up in one thread here (lead and coyote hunting) But how did you respond? Did you tell her that only 53 were taken last year over a wide area of the state. probably no more than would have been taken if there wasn't a contest? I won't lose a minutes sleep if they have 20 more of these or choose not to have another. I have entered big buck contests but not in years. That always seems to put the whammy on my season every time I do. Lol
  2. As you all probably know, aircraft used to located and or drive deer in NY is illegal. Wonder how long before we see something like this drone being used? I was surprised at the cost. I expected something like this to be more. http://www.parrot.com/usa/products/bebop-drone/
  3. I was using your words, not mine. So your perception does matter to clarify your point of view, motives and credibility. One of the posts on here spoke of how tasteless the Crow Down advertisement was. Can anyone post it. I can't seem to find it.
  4. I have some beer to drink so I am going to get both mine out of the way in the am
  5. So I guess it is YOUR perception that 53 is "copious" amounts of killing?
  6. I have talked to quite a few guys that don't understand you still have to buy the ML privilege to use the tags in the late season. I keep getting told "the tag say bow/Muzzleloader" on it. If you only bought your bow license, you can't use a ML in late season.
  7. Only if you buy bow privilege as well. Your first special privilege gives you an either sex tag. Your second special privilege gives you an antlerless only tag.
  8. http://www.sullivancountysportsmensfederationny.com/news.html I guess 53 coyotes taken over 3 days in 9 NY counties and 4 states = a "copious" amount of killing. I see their face book page from last year. and it doesn't look bad for this event. https://www.facebook.com/SCCoyotehunt Have you guys seen the 2015 Crow down poster? I am curious what is distasteful about it.
  9. Nothing like a fu d raiser that isn't advertised to bring in the funds.
  10. I understand no one is debating the legality of it (At least for now since it may become illegal). My point is, and then I am out of this, if a person, hunter, non hunter or anti form an opinion without truly understanding this is a social activity that is not a promotion of slaughter and waste and is simply a social activity and fund raiser then they don't get it. And if it isn't this activity that we are pissing them off about , it will just be something else. Bottom line, that antis and protesters get the press. The public sees the face of hunting that the anti's and press want them to see, squirrel slam, coyote event, crow event or what ever flavor of the day. If you enjoy bending over and grabbing your ankles, then by all means have at it. I won't be joining in the apology tours.
  11. Controlling population aside, it is a legal activity. One that takes place with or without a contest. This isn't 500 people descending on one woods and shooting every squirrel in the place. Do we have any members that were at last years Slam? did they give out the number of squirrels entered?
  12. So continue our activities under the cloak of darkness to avoid those with no actual understanding from forming an opinion? I certainly hope that after our extinction the cockroaches learn from our mistakes. We don't even deserve to be here anymore with what we have allowed to happen to our society. unfreakingbelievable. I have got a news flash for you. If a person can not (or does not choose) to see what I previously posted, they are not a NON hunter. they are anti. They may not admit it but they are. and the hunter you said that found it offensive, has she ever actually been to one of these events?
  13. I bet you would be hard pressed to turn a profit at those numbers, especially if you had to drive to you lines. Put in any value for your time and probably even worse. I think it would be more of just a past time they love and really enjoy. Kinda like my wife telling me the venison should be skipped and just buy prime beef to save money...lol
  14. So how many hunter do you think are going out to hunt coyotes for this contest that wouldn't be anyway? Do you believe that it would be so easy to just pick up a gun, go out and bag a few yotes in an attempt to win that contest? Do you think the public does? I know guys that do quite a bit of squirrel hunting and actually take part in the squirrel slam. This doesn't draw them out for the event. Quite differently, they don't hit areas they normally would and save those for the day of the event. So if as a hunter we take a dozen squirrels a year but choose to schedule one day afield to coincide with an social activity, I don't see the harm. Anyone that looks at these contests myopically and doesn't understand that the hunting activity still takes place even without a contest do not understand what really happens.
  15. It happens to me a lot when I really stuff the bags with multiple cuts. Like bulk bags of stew or cuts for sausage making. Try reducing the size of the bags and leaving in more of a single layer. if you are doing stew, once the meat is put into the bag, hold by the end that needs to be sealed. and bounce the bag on the table a few times to force the meat down and remove some trapped air. Seems to minimize the trapped air.
  16. I don't get the whole "what hunting has become" comments. Hunting contests aren't some new invention by a new attitude hunter or new generation. They have been around for years. Longer than I have been hunting and that is 37 years. Every bar, Elks lodge and such, the area that I grew up had big buck contests. The Fish and Game club near me had events as well. I remember a rabbit contest. To me they are more social events than trying to win prizes on the back of the poor innocent game animals. What's next, we gonna start seeing protest of fishing contests?
  17. Depending on the stand and approach I could be 1/2 hour to 45 minutes in the dark for bow. During gun I will be there about a half hour prior on opening day. After that I still hunt to my stand locations so it is light before I go in.
  18. But wouldn't you agree the more large bucks are coming out of non ar areas mor frequently?
  19. As long as we have pretty much had the question answered, let me totally derail this...lol. Years ago I had my hands on a swivel breech 50 cal muzzleloader. I cant remember the manufacturer but it was a pretty long one. I know we can't use them in NY for ML season but it is one gun that always stuck in my mind and being really cool and I would like to get one some day. Anyone ever shoot one?
  20. Was driving down Rt. 96 in Pittsford last night headed to a side job and right next to a garage just outside the village was a doe. and two bucks fighting. They we probably 120's but couldn't see their horns well enough to count points because they were really going at it and I was doing 40 in traffic...lol. They were about 30 yards off the road.
  21. You will be really hard pressed to find a person working at one of those retailers that knows their butt from their elbow. I have heard conversations like that and I just can't help but correct the person. These salespeople should just button it if they don't know. I have seen it at Dick's, Field and Stream, Bass Pro and Gander.
  22. Might want to check it as NFA ADK said. Could have been from a fight. The buck I took a few years back had what I would have swore was a bullet hole in it's ear but the taxidermist moved the ear around and it lined up perfectly with a contact point on his own antlers. He was certain it was pinched in between his antlers and another's during a fight.
  23. Nice job Wooly. Just talked about this in the AR thread when extending the season to January was brought up. Glad you were able to get the set.
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