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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I think if you got the supersportsman and bow and ML and DMP's you save $1 now. lol. the out of staters had a very large reduction.
  2. we get a bit over 40 psi out of ours and it is lifting the water about 4' to the pump. you may do a bit better if you are gravity feeding the pump
  3. for anyone that is looking for another option I am going to use a 12" sonotube or even better a 12" diameter corrugated metal pipe (so it has ridges like a real cultipacker). center a 1" diameter steel pipe in the middle using plywood templates and stand up like a soda can. fill with concrete. should be about 86 pounds per foot of roller. A 4' roller will be just shy of 350 pounds. Then a frame to pull it. Sonotube should be about $25-30 It should be about one 50# bag of concrete mix per 6" of roller. $2.50 a bag. so about $20 in concrete. I am doing this way so once at camp it won't walk. no way to empty it.
  4. Same IT company that did Obama care...lol
  5. We use the 12 volt version of this. Might work well for you. It is on demand. http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200249074_200249074
  6. http://www.basspro.com/Eccotemp-L5-Portable-Tankless-Water-Heater/product/10227476/?hvarAID=shopping_googleproductextensions&om_mmc=shopping_googleproductextensions&kpid=10227476%26adc=pg_315_11126_5282bc6ce4b006f67e9550a9_48242840551 We have this at camp. Best $130 you will ever spend. If your water supply gets below 50 degrees it is challenged to get it hot. Supply is only limited by the propane supply. We run ours off a 20# tank.
  7. Gotta be honest. With the route being taken on the 2nd and the Unsafe act I can't believe some of the crap coming out of some of you guys here. Couple good candidates for tailored brown shirts.
  8. I have been going out with my Father for 41 years. (Since I was . Actually hunting myself for 37
  9. Fortunately I don't have to plant any since I have a close Uncle that seems to have a garlic fetish. He just gave me a very hot garlic that I use for my salsas, canning and venison sausage making. he has more put up if I need more but he gave me 50 cloves to start. I might pop a few in the ground this fall myself.
  10. Hunting when you are not on the top of the food chain puts it all in a whole different light. Thank goodness for our opposed digits or we would still be scurrying around under rocks.
  11. Since this is a family site I can't type what I just said while watching this....wow.
  12. I have had conversations with quite a few like her about bowhunting. I often bring up how you cut yourself with a razor shaving and don't notice it until you see the blood. That seems to click on a light bulb.
  13. VT. Ever hunt in any of your neighboring states? Know anyone that does? I believe that with your neighbors there are legal uses of the product. Some allow off season feeding (NH, Mass. Maine, CT)and NH and CT have conditions and areas that allow hunting over it.
  14. They ask for ID to buy Coleman fuel in VT? And in terms of you last question. It is not an illegal product and is none of their freaking business.
  15. Salted minnows can not be used in an "artificial only" area but it relieves you of the requirements for "certified bait" because they are dead and prepared.
  16. Nice job. Buddy of mine did something similar but on his first outing a shone poked a hole in it. he now has pea stone in it.
  17. only fabricated complete ammunition is under the requirements of the Un-Safe Act. Bullets are fine.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sysmrqw4sEo very interesting
  19. 250 grain shockwaves over 150 grains of 777. Have only lost one and it was totally my fault. will probably draw criticism but at 60 yards I did take two does with one shot (on purpose). front one ran about 30 yards and second one fell in it's tracks. total pass through on both.
  20. The other option which I tried and didn't like with a mount like mine is to set it up to shoot 1.5" right at 100 and it will always be 1.5" right from point of aim. Parallel lines.
  21. NSNH, You talking about this type of mount? This is how mine is mounted. If you zeroed @ 100 and the offset of the scope is 1.5" then you would only be off 1.5" the other direction at 200 yards. Right? (rifle inaccuracies aside). Note the turn of the scope from normal. Windage adjusts elevation and visa versa. This stops the spent casing from hitting the adjustment knobs. I think these guys are actually talking about a forwards scope mount that is actually on the barrel.
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