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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. When did the use of the stamps really start? I have to dig mine out, I have saved them all. I thought it was not that stamp format when I started hunting in 77
  2. At least back then you had a spot to stick you duck stamp on...lol,. I wish they had gone to seasons that coincided with the duck stamp. Would have saved all that carrying double stuff.
  3. I don't know if anything can stop those with defective minds. Loved your post. On the other side of the coin though, for the normal, does the more graphic reality of the new modern movie themes give a more realistic account of what can happen when the trigger is pulled. I can remember all those shows as a kid and I have to say I never really understood what a bullet could actually do and the results until I went hunting with Dad. I guess some could make a point that a shooting was glamorized back them without the reality of the action. I do agree with the point that the theme back then was the morality of what was going on rather than the act of shooting itself. But that was just reinforced by family values then too, something that seems to be missing in our modern era in many of these shooting cases. Never seems to be the well adjusted person doing this stuff and they just went off.
  4. The days of the Mom and Pop stores in rural NY selling ammo behind the counter of a small general type or hardware store are done. They took care of that with paperwork requirements. If you really read the sections of the Unsafe act about the ammunition there are sever references to having to record individual identifying marks from the ammo. They almost make it sound like there was an expectation that a shell could have a number on it. (or will have) Kind of leaves me wondering what round 2 of this will look like. Serial numbered rounds?
  5. I am telling you it doesn't work that way up here.
  6. And the Safe Act does not restrict sales from Wholesalers to retailers. Dick's and Walmart will have no issue getting shipments. The fun will begin with the start for the background checks. $10 to start and anticipated increase to $20. If the store puts a 3 box limit on you, you will need to spend $20 on top of the price of every 3 boxes.
  7. you are actually combining two provisions into one. There is a ban on internet sales as of the 15th Because as of then all ammunition sales must be done in person. There was also supposed to be a background check provision starting that day also. The background check had been postponed until 30 days after the Supt. of the State Police feels the system is in place and functioning. Since the background check is postponed ( Tin foil hats on: I believe until after the Election) the requirement is still in force for face to face transfers.
  8. Possibly too long. First you probably are already in the minus column in terms of the element of surprise. Following all the gun safety rules an actual safety is not needed. Many of the pistols have safety components that aren't an actual lever to flip. Palm safety and such. If you aren't comfortable and aware then you probably should select a gun with an actual safety. I would also suggest if you don't want to carry with one in the pipe you probably shouldn't carry. IMO
  9. With out a round chambered it is a $600, pound and a half rock.
  10. Wisah I could have hit the "like" button on that a dozen times Jerkman
  11. A restaurant is not the place to show a buddy a gun even if you have a CONCELED carry permit. Glad no one was seriously hurt, but you can't fix stupid.
  12. I can tell you it doesn't wok that way in the automated lanes between Albany and Buffalo. It reads the tag and has no idea how many axles you have.
  13. IF you change it it will hit you for the extra axle every time. Better to just pull the tag off and run it with tickets while pulling the trailer. Or do like my one buddy does. He has it for his vehicle only and goes by the "better to get forgiveness than permission" route
  14. If that guy from the other thread was in this video I am betting the buck would have been laying there. lol
  15. Makes me wonder if the technology of the small game tips has kept up with the speed of the new bows? Seems like it would take a hell of a large tip to keep an arrow from a modern bow from going through. I would have to get different arrows to small game hunt with. No way I am shooting mine into a tree to get a squirrel...lol
  16. Assuming the gun was on it looks like trigger jerk. (from a lefty)
  17. I was gonna bet he was a left handed shooter
  18. I did hear on the news in the car today that the Monroe DA is saying a Federal ruling has no bearing here on the state unless the State court rules or it goes to the SCOTUS
  19. I would have thought more of the statement if he had said. 7 against 15 or 30 since being a criminal they probably aren't following the 10 round rule anyway...lol
  20. Happy Birthday DOC. I wish you many many more.
  21. I am not sure if the still do it but I knew one farm that got tax breaks for allowing it. he posted hunting Co-op signs and in order to go on you had to see him and get permission slips for the season. It was a 3 part form and he had to send in a one of them to the state to prove he was giving permission. One went to the hunter and he kept one. I have no idea how much the break was or if the program still exists.
  22. I agree on the way the hunting styles have changed and the difference in the amount of shooting I hear compared to 30 years ago. But if we look at the deer number from the DEC on their harvest reports there are far more deer taken now then 30 years ago. Are we just better shooters now? I can't seem to paste again but check out the "historic deer harvest report" on the DEC site. My first season I hunted (as opposed to just going with Dad) was in '81. We take 80k more deer now then then.
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