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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. You better stay away from my doe at bow season. I told them to be on the lookout for two hillbillies looken to wack some doe! lol
  2. You two are always good for a laugh! I will be up there that weekend just not Monday and Tuesday. Thanks to all for the confidence!
  3. Ouch! my 4 day weekend Nov 3rd just turned into a regular weekend. We are taking on a big project at work and that comes first. I will have to do my 4 day weekend the 2nd week of bow, Oct 18th and 19th. A bit early but not hunting is worse!
  4. That's so funny, that was me in the video! Nice product thanks.
  5. My brother gave me a load of veggies like that. Home grown and they were so good. Great job, that is on my list for next year!
  6. I have seen squirrels carry corn into the woods for over 100 yards or more. One year I was sneak hunting and an ear of corn landed by my feet. Thought my Nephew was fooling around and throwing it at me. Turned out to be a squirrel high up in a tree. Remember bears also love corn and will be in it all day and night!
  7. Cool I'll try that next year. Almost gave up on one stand! :'(
  8. John, Can one person put that up? I had a hell of a time getting a ladder stand up last weekend, just curious.
  9. Yea the bears can also put a hurting on your fruit and berry trees. I have had pine trees snapped in half. Last 2 0ut of 3 opening days for deer we saw bear we could of shot. Their time is up this year!
  10. Maybe they were young Mallards? There is a swamp behind my property. It was just odd that they were in the brushy part of the hedgerow. Thanks guys.
  11. Was walking my property and out from the edge of a hedge row busted 4 birds. They were all grey looking about the size of a grouse. They didn't fly as fast as a grouse and seemed to have web feet? ??? Wood duck, wood cock? I'm at a loss-help!
  12. It lasted for me into the early 30's and slowly declined..No jokes guys! Still love hunting the deer but I enjoy seeing others that come to my property get one. That first taste of a cool fall day in September is all I need to get my hunting mojo on!
  13. Had a place in Roscoe years ago, love the Catskills. Welcome!
  14. Having to take a dump in the woods.. Really, your up your stand-got to get down and stir up things around you, not good. Take care of business at home before the hunt!!!!! How about you?
  15. I started the thread and just want to post that I did watch another episode or Realtree roadtrips, Wadell hunts with his son Mason. It was a nice show, he gets the kid out there and has to pass on a real nice buck late into the evening hunt. The kid ends up taking a half rack 8 pt. I enjoyed the show, the kids are our future in hunting, get them out there!
  16. You can buy it but its not legal. I stopped at Dicks on my way up to camp last week. Was looking for something to put in a late season food plot. The guy at the counter leans over and in a low voice says " food plots are frowned upon in NYS, that's why we don't sell the product" he then says go try agway. I found the stuff I needed at a great feed and grain store in Arkport. Funny how you can buy these attractants but it's illegal to use them.
  17. Wether its early or late work dictates when I take off. This year like last will be a 4 day weekend around Nov 4th. Last year at that time I had bucks chasing does. Ruts a hard thing to zero in on, many factors go into it all setting up to be a daylight activity. I'll tell you one thing, if you do hit it right it could be some awesome time in the woods!
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