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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. He doesn't hunt! lol He will come out with me a few times for a sit.
  2. My best friend calls me and says lets go to the cabin for 3-4 days. I was like you sure, yup ready to go. He asks if its still deer season and I tell him muzzleloader season. So I'll get to hunt a few more days eat and drink like a king. Gotta love friends! lol
  3. I totally agree here. I turn 58 next year and have shot more than my fair share of deer. My goal was to put my 16 year old daughter on a buck this year. She killed one on opening day. We got our deer, plenty of meat for the freezer and was able to sit back in the woods the rest of the weekend and enjoy mother nature!
  4. We had two roasts from Teddi's deer tonight. 1.5 hours on the stove and served over mashed potatoes. It was awesome!!!
  5. Few picts from trail cams. That is one nice 8pt and a double split browtine 13 pt.
  6. Thanks for answering the question!
  7. I have some Outdoor Life from the 60's they are a rip to read!
  8. First off I was just asking if the mother would keep an eye out for her missing fawns. By me most hunters will pass the smaller ones until later in season, especially on opening day. By all means if you have the tags use them. That is a personal choice.
  9. I was in the publishing business for 25 years almost took a job at Field and Stream at one time. I worked on the News and Business magazines for Time Inc. I wouldn't of traded that job for world. Great people all around. I was the Managing Editor so I got to work with everyone. Great photo shoot of the dogs. 125th anniversary issue WoW!
  10. There was a doe on my property that had two fawns. I heard the lease next to me shot the fawns opening morning. Sounds crazy but they did. They actually didn't find one. So opening day afternoon my daughter and I are sitting on my side hill. Along comes a mature doe. She hangs around moving very slowly up the hill. Every 10 seconds or so she looks behind from where she came. This went on for twenty minutes or so. I thought a buck may be trailing her. Do you think this may be the doe that had to two fawns and she was watching to see if they were coming back to her? I know it might be a reach but she was acting weird. Also we all know deer vocalize. Would she call out to them or is it more of a scent that would bring them back. Just curious. Thanks, FL
  11. My daughter 5 pt right horn was broken in the skull. Taxi said it was from fighting.
  12. Biz get well soon but I think you hijacked Sodfathers thread! lol
  13. Hunted my brother in laws place Friday with some real old friends, it was great. Saw 3 dow and a spike. Hunted all day at the cabin Saturday and saw nothing. Was going to hunt this morning but decided to sleep in. That's pretty much it up here. My Daughters deer was a thrill of a lifetime! Have a great Holiday season! FL
  14. May I suggest a 6 panel light exterior door. I have the same door you have. Kind of outdated. Just sayen don't shoot me!! lol https://www.homedepot.com/p/JELD-WEN-30-in-x-80-in-6-Lite-Craftsman-Primed-Steel-Prehung-Right-Hand-Inswing-Front-Door-w-Brickmould-O03481/203282179?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&mtc=Shopping-B-F_Brand-G-Multi-NA-Multi-NA-Feed-PLA-NA-NA-Catchall_PLA&cm_mmc=Shopping-B-F_Brand-G-Multi-NA-Multi-NA-Feed-PLA-NA-NA-Catchall_PLA-71700000014585962-58700001236285396-92700010802552460&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9b-1qpak7QIVodSzCh1cCwmBEAQYAyABEgJHS_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  15. There is a club that goes down the seasonal road by my place. Had all my nice metal posted signs stolen one year and then a stand. I have no proof it was the club and I don't think it was, they are very responsible. The trails they groom opn up the area for other that will take advantage.
  16. It's exactly what your saying happens to me also Eddie. Hydrate more and go easy.
  17. I just love having him around. Great fishing buddy right there!!
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