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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. But they've created far less damage once elected, then the Democrats have. It's also easier to prevent damage, than it is to fix it.
  2. I've said it before, and this is more evidence it's true. We have no hope of winning this fight through the courts' as the deck has been stacked with activist judges who do not support or defend the Constitution of the United States!
  3. There are fewer gun laws on the books now BECAUSE the NRA fought the existing ones on local, state and national levels. Obama's DOJ put up a very big fight to stop the laws from being overturned. Most were dismissed because they were UNCONSTITUTIONAL! The information gun groups put out isn't wrong, the facts are twisted by anti-gun groups that put out simple statements to address very complicated legal issues. The credibility of the pro gun side is intact, but the minds of many people have devolved into uneducated and uniformed apathy. Obama and Cuomo are writing laws that make existing firearms and ammo illegal. How can anyone believe they aren't taking our guns away. Just because the cops don't knock on your door, or start kicking them in, asking for them, doesn't mean your rights aren't being taken away. You want to know what are the documented facts in the SAFE ACT? READ IT! It's all there in writing for anyone with enough of a brain to read the law! Legally owned firearms and magazines have been declared ILLEGAL now and can no longer be owned. If you don't see that as being taken away, you are in denial. The issues voters need to be concerned about are FREEDOMS! Our rights are being eroded, in all areas, not just the 2nd Amendment, and the people don't even realize it, or care about it! Just because they haven't seen the effects on their personal lives ......YET! And when they do see it, it will be too late to change it. Each step, in the Left's "Right Direction", is another step closer to a boot standing on your neck!
  4. NY is going to create a huge black market for ammo, and ammo smugglers. People will buy ammo in bulk in other states at low prices, then sell it privately to friends and others in NY, making a good profit in the process. NY will simply loose a lot on sales taxes on ammo. Just like booze during Prohibition and drugs today.
  5. Registered firearms will be the first ones confiscated. The SAFE act also says if they revoke your pistol permit, (and there are many simple ways they can do it without you committing any crime), ALL of your NY State firearms ownership "privileges" are gone! A couple of years ago, people also laughed when they were told this would soon be the law. I don't hear much out of those folks anymore.
  6. You don't know anyone can tune into radio frequencies and listen to you? By the way, I love Vizslas!
  7. Wish I could do it and shoot off my Kimber Talkeetna .375 H&H so I can really be heard. But I'll be in work on that day at that hour and can't.
  8. I haven't voted FOR a POTUS in years. I always vote AGAINST someone. I don't care who the GOP runs. They get my vote anyway.
  9. Conservatives want to cut waste and spending that destroys the country, not spending that helps defend it!
  10. And that is what is destroying this country. And it is being perpetrated by the likes of Obama, Cuomo, Democrats, Leftists and Progressives. Anyone who pulls a voting booth lever for any of these people is also destroying this country.
  11. Active duty service people are under paid and their pensions are not adequate. How do they dare attack them?
  12. A&E can go to HELL, along with anyone who thinks Robertson doesn't have the right to freely speak about his opinions!
  13. Teachers in Israel have guns in the classroom to defend their students with. The kids in Israel understand exactly why that is, and exactly who is a threat to them. In America, kids have been deliberately deceived as to who is a threat to them.
  14. It doesn't matter now. For years the NRA has been warning NY gun owners this would happen and for the most part, the reply from NY's gun owners was pure animosity. If there were lots more NRA members in NY for Cuomo to fear voting against him and his cronies, this would not have happened. Now that Cuomo has run over NY gun rights, people want to blame the NRA? Non-members should have gotten in the fight before we got our butts kicked. Maybe now, if non-members wise up and join, we may be able to overturn this lousy law. But from what I've seen of many NY gun owners, that will never happen, even if the NRA comes to the rescue and gets the law overturned. IMHO, and probably in Cuomo's as well, If you're not NRA, you're nothing.
  15. They don't lose states. Some states have gun owners that reject their help. Besides, bad state gun laws taken to the SCOTUS as NATIONAL violations of the 2nd Amendment, get overturned anyway. Look at Illinois and D.C. as examples. But these legal battles cost lots of money. How much money have NY gun owners contributed to the NRA to help fight their battles? Not much.
  16. Don't blame the NRA, Blame NY Gun owners. Not enough of them are NRA members and they don't care enough about their guns to join. They wrote off their own 2nd Amendment rights, so why should the NRA waste limited money resources on a lost cause state? The NRA is making great strides nationally, as it does in states where the membership in the NRA is a high percentage of gun owners. The NRA needs boots on the ground to fight these political battles and NY State doesn't have them.
  17. If you read it, you will see, in reality it covers ALL ammo sold or used in the state of NY. No dealer will sell ANY ammo without subjecting the buyer to these rules, because there is too much uncertainty in the law. And WE get to foot the bill for all of this because we are the ones who are being blamed for all of the carnage bullets do. These elected officials are wiping the azzes with our Constitutional rights by infringing on them to the point of nullification. If you think throwing them out of office will stop this stuff from happening in the future, you are wrong. They will be given appointed state positions by Cuomo for supporting this Safe Act, and they will get paid even higher salaries then. They feared nothing when they passed this law, and they fear nothing from gun owners in the future either. That's the reality of the situation whether you like it or not. The only chance we have left is the courts, and I believe the deck there has been stacked against us in NY State. Obama is now stacking the deck against us in Federal Courts too, and the SCOTUS will be changed soon also, when Obama gets the chance to appoint a replacement for any right wing SCOTUS judge. Most rulings currently go 5-4 in favor of our rights, so only a change of 1 justice tips the balance against us. Hope you guys all plan to support Plan B when the courts turn against us and the 2nd Amendment is nullified in the near future. Believe it won't come to that if you like, but the signs indicate, and many believe, it is coming for sure.
  18. I don't know about you guys, but I sure feel a lot safer now.
  19. LOL!! Another graduate of the Univ of MD and Georgetown Univ Law School who would bet he knows a lot more than you do pal. Nobody uses any other form of the spelling of "Donut" in this country anymore, unless you are a pompous ass.
  20. Metcalf thought he was professing his beliefs in a positive way. What he failed to realize was that "reasonable" gun control has far surpassed the limits of "reasonable" for quite some time. Most gun owners have lost all tolerance for foolish statements asking them to accept more control, when we all know none of the controls of the past have ever done anything to lower crime rates. In fact the evidence proves gun control increases crime. All of the rights in the Bill of Rights are subject to regulation, but none have been so heavily regulated as the 2nd Amendment, to the point of almost total infringement, where only the government benefits, while society suffers. Anyone who calls for more gun control today, claiming it is "reasonable", is not a realist and a pawn of the anti-gun agenda. He got what he deserved by being too dumb to continue his career as a credible gun writer. I see it as a self inflicted mortal wound. I have no sympathy for anyone who's misery is self inflicted.
  21. BUY MORE BACON!!! Eat what you like in moderation. That advice would save taxpayers billions on stupid studies.
  22. Some people never learn, no matter how intrusive the government gets in their lives. The hits just keep on coming, but the oblivious never see it.
  23. By being on this site, the Fed assumes you own a gun and it has been duly noted for future action.
  24. This is an idea at the federal level that anti-gun politicians would like to pass, but as of this date, it has no hope for passage. Individual states may pass laws prohibiting the possession of ammo not purchased and registered in their state though. None of this has any intention of reducing crime at all. It's just PEOPLE CONTROL!
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