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Lever action

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Everything posted by Lever action

  1. My dad and I went to one of his seminars at a local church about 20 yrs ago.Charlie wasn't only a great sportsmen but also a christian, who took the opportunity at his seminars to witness to others.A genuine good person who will be missed.
  2. If that were true you wouldn't have to have the State mandate antler restrictions.
  3. The man is truly amazing. How much he does in one day is astounding.You wouldn't think a person could do so much and be in so many places and meet so many people in one day. I've never seen a president work as hard as him or do everything he promised while campaigning.
  4. That was what I meant anyways because I do wear camo during bow.
  5. I said I didn't see the need to wear camo during gun season, no one was talking about bow season.
  6. I wear orange even though I hunt my own property where no one else is supposed to be hunting, you just never know.I never have a problem filling my tag while wearing orange during gun season so don't see the need to wear camo unless you plan on hunting where you shouldn't.
  7. I have a 7J tag that I no longer need and will give it to anyone who wants it.
  8. I guess I'll be 1st. Went to the same stand that I shot the 6 pt with the crossbow, which is on the edge of a spruce thicket.At 8:35 am a doe comes running up the hardwood ridge towards me and she has a young buck following.He didn't make it to the spruce thicket.
  9. Went out today at 1pm and was in a stand that was on the edge of a spruce thicket.I kept telling myself that there had to be a buck bedded in there because it was so thick.Well at 3:20 he came out and I put a bolt through his lungs.Sorry for the poor picture,it was dark and raining at the time.
  10. We've been living here 25yrs and I found my 1st tick on me while gathering firewood a month ago.My Dr took a blood sample to check for lyme disease, it tested negative.A week later and I had one crawling on me.Since then I have removed 2 from our dog. My Dr told me to use permethrin ,so I bought some and now spray my hunting clothes with it and also check myself after being outdoors.
  11. My faith in this country has been restored also.I always felt our Gov't was corrupt but I never realized how corrupt until this election year. Now that Trump has won I feel so relieved and don't feel the need to watch the news every night which was driving my wife crazy.I just hope congress will work with Trump so he can make America great again.
  12. Can you believe it! Wow! He's at 222 right now and looks like he's going to win Iowa, Mi, Wis, New Hampsire
  13. When I got my crossbow last year and was sighting it in I had similar problems, after watching some videos on youtube I discovered I wasn't always cocking the crossbow evenly.I don't know if that's your case but that's the problem I had.
  14. I'm sure most of the guys on here( me included) have talked dirty about women one time or another with their buddies. that's all it is to me, harmless locker room talk.If that's all the left can find on Trump then he's got my vote.
  15. I really don't care about what he said , I'm more concerned about the candidate that said her dream is to have open borders and free trade.
  16. Read that Trump had a total of over 300,000 at his rallies during the month of August along with 1,000's that had to be turned away because of limited space. Hildorbeast had only a total of 12,000 for the month of August.That many was turned away at one of Trumps rallies because the building was full. So to hear that Hillary is ahead and going to win?? She can't even fill a high school auditorium .
  17. Glad nobody was killed. I'm afraid we're going to see more of this.
  18. I drive truck for a living and cover a lot of ground here in central NY and also have a camp near Old Forge that we stay at on the weekends.I have seen a total of 2 Hillary signs and I lost track of how many Trumps signs I've seen, and some people took the time and trouble to make home made ones.
  19. I agree, The establishment is afraid he is going to upset their apple cart which they share with the dems.
  20. Good analogy and my thoughts exactly.Anyone else and our country will continue to go south. I've had enough of career politicians.
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