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Everything posted by ants

  1. Last I heard, hunters were just being asked to stay out of a certain area. That may have changed.
  2. Good luck with it all. For what its worth, I would play it the exact same way you are.
  3. I had it a few years ago,for the first time, and trust me it SUCKS!!!! When you're not on or over the can you just want to curl up and not move. It SUCKS….. And I use to think just like you. "No big deal". If you ever get it, I guarantee you will get a flu shot every year……..Did I mention that the flu F'ing SUCKS???????
  4. ants

    Mock scrape.

    I have made them before. I have had a little success. Nothing great. Bucks did work some of them, but most went dead. I scrape out an area with a stick, about 4 feet wide. Then I smack the over hanging branches with the same stick, to break and bruise them up. Add just a little buck piss. I did this in one of my spots, a couple weeks ago. Its full of leaves and seems dead, but now there are 4 fresh scrapes 20 yards away from it. Not sure if my fake scrape caused a buck to make his own or not. I would bet not, but who knows.
  5. My guess is that wing nuts who would attempt a 100-200 yard shot at deer, with buckshot, are the reason why hunting with buck shot is illegal in NYS
  6. Very cool…I guess this kid is getting harassed, by anti hunting douche bags for shooting it. ??????What ever. I had a piebald doe go past me a few years back. I couldn't get a shot but my buddy got her. He had the hide done. He has it hanging in his man cave. Every time I go over , he breaks my ba!!$ about it. Still….. VERY COOL!!
  7. Bunch of scum bags…..Who theaters to kill a little kid??
  8. Sorry to hear it. It happened to me once too. I lost a whole deer, two store bought turkeys and a bunch of other stuff. You should be able to pick up a new chest freezer for not too much money. I think I paid about $200 to replace mine a few years ago. At least you have a fresh deer to put in it. Good luck.
  9. Yesterday was my first day out in a week and I spotted 4 new scrapes. One was all torn up. About 4' wide. 2 are on a trail about 20yds from my stand. Yesterday and this morning I watched smaller bucks sniff around one of them. They are there. You're just not seeing them.
  10. I have been shooting Lightfield 2 3/4" out of my Winchester 1300 since 1996. The gun is topped with a 2.5-4.5x32 scope. I won't switch slugs until Lightfield goes out of business. These things are crazy accurate ( at least out of my gun) and devastating on deer. I have killed a pile of deer with this slug and they are the real deal. The last deer I took with a Lightfield was two years ago. It was a good buck at about 75 yards. He went down and kicked and thrashed himself about 15 yards. That was it. Good stuff if you can find it.
  11. Over the years I have heard about photoperiod, daylight, temperature….etc… Im sure that those factors all play a role. But for me boner buck prime time has always been the last few days of October through the first two weeks of November. I never pay too much attention to the Alzenchieem-which- a ma-jig report.
  12. Yup……Just heard that NORAD picked up Santa on radar. He's heading out early this year…EVERYONE GET TO BED!!!!!!
  13. Wondering if it was some kind of exotic pet that someone had & tossed in the woods when it died…..Weird
  14. Whooo!……. And I got exited watching a 4pt. this morning
  15. If this guy says he takes 200yd shots at a deer, with buckshot, then I would consider him to be irresponsible, or full of s#!t at best. Most people wouldn't try a 200+ yard shot with a slug.
  16. A friend of mine was complaining about the same thing. He got a deer the other day and when he went to fill out the tag, he said a lot of the print was faded to almost nothing. My license is printed on last years yellow paper & the print is fine.
  17. They will replace them. Bring proper I.D. They charge a few bucks.
  18. Where I hunt, I have always seen the best rut activity, from the very end of October up until the third week of November. It seems to be the norm year after year.
  19. LOL!! He ever mention what kind of pie was at camp??
  20. I really miss her………...
  21. Im not in any full panic but the two people who did get it wore the space suits and still contracted it. Just something to pay attention to.
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