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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. Chewy granola bars, apples & water. Once in a great while I pack a sangwich.
  2. I try to buy good stuff, but never just before or during hunting season. Wait till around Jan. or Feb. and most stuff will be 50%+ off. You might have to look hard for something in sizes other that XXXXXL or XXXXXsm., but deals are out there. "Ripe old age of 31?" I have boots that are almost as old than you !! LOL!
  3. I can see maybe wearing a camo shirt or pants, but I just don't get it when I see a guy ,in a store, pushing a shopping cart in full camo, including rubber boots and back tag.
  4. I have seen them where I hunt. It was always out of the same stand so I assumed it was the same one. But Im sure there are more. They're very cool to watch.
  5. Good hunt!! I use to hunt pheasants like a mad man. I loved folding one up after the dog really worked for i, and then watching the dogs excitement. I got out of it, years ago, when I started to really get into bow hunting and the seasons conflicted. Your post really makes me want to get back into it. Congrats..
  6. Most of the bigger boys I see, around me, start to show around late Oct. but I see bucks almost all season.
  7. Go with the matt black. On something as small as binoculars the only thing that camo does is make them look cool.
  8. I like to give it a week or so, but the two spots I hunt are farms. I think the deer are use to seeing people and tractors. I have set stands and seen deer out of them the next day.
  9. If you're looking for just one all around gun, then its a 12 Ga. combo all day. Mossberg 500 or a Remington 870 combos. Both are not too expensive and good solid guns that can be used on anything from rabbits to deer. Both are chambered in 2 3/4" and 3".
  10. Awesome !! Beautiful painting…Congrats !! I can't even draw stick figures…LOL!
  11. ALWAYS…ALWAYS.. Let the wife do the shopping…..I learned that a long time ago. Even if I stop at the gas station for a gallon of milk, I have to hear about how I paid too much…BLAH…BLAH….BLAH….Im numb to it but what the hell??
  12. How great would it be to see a major pizza chain in NY do this?? Or better yet, have them come out with a pizza box dart board target with LiL King Andy's face on it ? I know it will never happen, but that would be some funny stuff.
  13. ants


    I know the knee thing….Just do the PT and you'll be good. Don't try to rush it or short cut it because It won't work.. just stick with it. You'll be good. Good luck.
  14. Never heard of them. Deer scents??.. Predator scents or both??
  15. I don't do many all dayers anymore. Maybe 2 or 3, tops all season during peak bow. Gun season I will sit till 11 or 12, take a break and then head back out at 2 till dark, but I only do that the first week or so.. Most times its just mornings or just evenings. Back in the salad days I would pack a lunch & a piss jug and stay put from dark to dark.
  16. I use them. have only had a little success with grunt calls and a little more with doe bleats. In fact I have killed two bucks , and called in several more, by bleating myself…LOL!!…. Blaaahhh...
  17. Sounds like a cool way to get in there, but what if you get a deer? Could you somehow strap the deer to the bike and walk or ride it out??
  18. ants

    Baiting for deer

    Missed the part where you said you hunt over bait in a different state. So you're against it here in NY?
  19. Get ready for big time restrictions on certain types of ammo. Next the self serving little rats will write the definitions of "dangerous" or "cop killer" rounds and push to have them banned. Mark my words.
  20. ants

    Baiting for deer

    Jack Spotting at night or hunting out of season aren't a sure thing either, but they increase your odds and are still 100% illegal. You might want to just stop now. You have no argument. By the way …don't talk openly about illegally taking deer. You only impress people like you, SAD>>> But tell the tales the way you want.
  21. ants

    Baiting for deer

    Why not spot them at night and put one between the running lights? Or why not bag one a week or two before or after the season starts? If its not about legal or illegal…..stack em up!!!
  22. Prayers out for the troopers and family. F.U. and die out for the sick little sh!t stain who did this...
  23. ants

    Baiting for deer

    I have spots where plots were planted, years ago, and then pretty much abandoned. These areas went back to mostly golden rod but still have patches of grasses and clover, that deer come into. Are these still considered "food plots" by the anti food plot people? What about an old overgrown, long abandoned apple orchard, that was originally planted to attract and hold deer. Most trees are dead but quite a few still bare fruit that deer come into. Food plot or natural food source?? Is there a time limit??
  24. ants

    Baiting for deer

    Just wondering. Does a foot plot stop being a food plot over time? If someone plants a perennial crop that they abandon, and the crop keeps coming up year after year, does that eventually become a "natural food source ?
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