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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by erussell

  1. Go to the map in the middle of the page and click on your region. It shows you every pc of state land in NY. Pretty simple. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/347.html
  2. T/C Demensions look pretty cool, They also have interchangable barrels so all you have to do is buy a new barrel instead of a whole new gun.
  3. Thats funny snow on the ground and velvet on there heads, I think thats a first for me.
  4. Lots of gobblin goin on around here, I get home in the morning and slam my car door and they gobble on both sides of the road. My daughter thinks its the funniest thing and has me slam the door several times just to hear them.
  5. Found it right in the v of where two logging roads come together. I just happend to walk over and look down onto the bottom logging road and looked down at my feet and there it was laying ontop of the leaves in all its glory. I was just like, holly crap. I almost kept going straight but veared off to look over the bank. They are alot harder to find then most people think,even the big ones. I walked past this one on that same trail below it. I was about 10 ft from it, but you couldnt see it from below you had to be on the upper trail looking down. Makes you wonder how may dandy toothpicks I have walked right past. Here's three that I walked past several times looking in other spots around this one. And If I dont match it up I wont be to heart broken because if these are three of his sheds, I have just found a huge pc of the big buck puzzle. Where he feels safe. Now all I need is alittle luck and play the wind on 1st day of gun and next time you see his antlers will be on my wall attached to his head. Or atleast one of his kids.
  6. I will be getting home from work in the morning and going to bed. Shot a 23 lbs tom 3 yrs ago and a 22 lbs tom the next. Both tasted like crap. Shot a small hen in the fall, still tasted like crap. Not wasting my time on something I do not plan on eating. Only thing I can think of that tastes worse would be a goose or a boar hog.
  7. Ever think about building a shed for all your sheds?
  8. Well Fri. I had a few hours to kill in the morning so what better way to kill time than to shed hunt so off I went. I started out where I left of the last time on my grid search of the side of the mountain and within 30 min I had three sheds 2 oldies and a newbie, including the biggest toothpick I have ever found.All were found in a straight line from eachother 40 yrds apart. The biggest ones main beam is 22 in from base to end of point G-2 is 9in and the G-3 is 8. Brow was broken off during velvet but still long enough to count as a point. upon looking closer at the sheds I relized I had possibly 3 yrs of sheds from the same buck. The two from the same side had the same flatness to the base right up to above the browtine. I have to find the other side to the monster shed to see if the 2nd shed matches also as it is the oposite side to the big shed. I was looking at the middlesize shed and I swear it was the same deer I shot low 2 years ago. Had the same mass with long but skinny tines. I searched for 2 more hours and then had to leave so I will be back where I left off some time this week and hopefully find the other side.
  9. It looks like one was dropped earlier than the other which would explain the differance in color and one being covered with leaves.
  10. Probably way to go. I dont see the need for an 8g card unless I was leaving it in the woods for a yr. I didnt get the card, my wife did, thought she was doing me a favor with getting more pics on the card. But a 2g is more than sufficient.
  11. Also I wouldnt count out the Remington semi auto 750 woodsmaster either. I have one I bought last yr in the Carbine model 30/06. After a breakin box and a good cleaning it is a real tack driver and cycles well. The last 3 shots I fired last yr ( I havent fired it yet this yr ) were all touching at 150 yrs off my porch railing. And since it is gas operated there is very little kick especially for a 30/06 with an 18 in barrel. Also comes in a menagerie of other calibers inc 243 and 308.
  12. Well its all coming back to me now. Before I bought the 8g card I had a 2G card that I had borrowed from my wife. Apperantly the WII cannot read anything over 2G and Im guessing that my wifes Camera that is about 6 yrs old now, also cannot read an 8 gig card. My Daughters cheap camera is newer and can read 8 gig cards. Anyhow I am getting an SD card reader for my computer so it really doesnt matter. I browsed throught the card with the cheap camera and there are a ton of deer and turkeys on it so I cant wait to get them on my computer and take a closer look. One was up close to the cam and looked like a small buck that I passed up during muzzle season but hard to tell on the crappy camera screen so I cant wait to see if its him.
  13. I know this is about bolt guns, but before you go out and get one you really should look into the T/C prohunter, or a nice Ruger #1. I know both are single shot but if you miss with the first shot with a rifle you probably shouldnt have shot in the 1st place or you didnt sight it in good. Pro Hunters are nice because if you want a different caliber all you have to do is buy another barrel not a whole new gun. Just sayin. If your heart is set on a bolt gun then I would go with a Savage. They are consistantly tighter shooters than many of the more expensive guns. The Savage model 114's are nice
  14. I have a 8G scandisk SD card that I use in my stealth cam. It is a approved card for this particular camera. Now when I first got it I could view and or down load my pics from the card to my computer from my daughters cheap digital camera, and my wifes cannon. I could also view pics on my Wii. Last time and this time I tried to view on the WII and it said it could not find any pics. So I put it in my wifes cannon, same thing, said no pics found on card. so just for giggles I put it in my daughters camera and bam there were the pics. Curious as to why they wont show on the WII and the more expensive camera but will show on the cheap camera? Im trying to find some way to download to my computer without having to take the trail cam off the tree and bring it home to download. The only differance that I can see from the last two times and the the times before that it worked on all 3 is that the last two times I put it on high def pics, should this make a differance? would putting a SD card full of 8mp pics into a 5mp camera stop it from reading it? Im in the process of getting a SD card reader for my computer to fix the problem but was curious as to why 2 of the three devices no longer read the card?
  15. I ran into an old highschool friend a few yrs back and invited him to go ice fishing with me on a local lake. Were sitting there fishing and talking and he wips out a bowl and starts toking it up. Were only 30 yrds off the shore and there are all sorts of houses right there and the game warden frequents the lake to check licenses. Was the last time I asked him to come fishing with me.
  16. Anyone order there seed from anyplace special? I usually just get it from Agway. Anyone know of a cheaper place?
  17. Anyone ever hear of these people before. Prices seem to be to good to be true. http://www.jeinc.com/trophy-magnet-forage-oats
  18. So this spring while putting up my hunting stuff and the muck boots, I noticed they were already dry and cracking around where the foot meets the uppers. And this was with only about 2 months of total use on them. So I took them back to Agway to see what they would do and they replaced them for me. So if you need some boots Agway in binghamton is a good place to go.
  19. Though If you look at the picture, the trail on the right tword the top there is a green spot there that gets a good amount of light and is relatively flat. My stand is going back in the woods about 18 yrds to the right of that and I might throw a bag of chic magnet or buck forage chicory there just to see what happens.
  20. Dang good idea, I think we should have this law for deer hunting in NY to. You wound a deer that tag is done. Bet it would cut down on the amount of dead deer floating around the woods. Yes im being sarcastic!!! What a stupid law!!
  21. Ive had way to much luck with scents to just write them off. Each scent has its use and time of the season when it will work. Personal hygien is very important and staying as scent free as possible. Using scents when you smell like the south end of a donkey heading north will do nothing for you no matter how much "cover" scent you use.
  22. At 20 yrds or under you dont even need 50 lbs. I killed my 1st three deer with a 35 lbs recurve. My 1st deer was killed with an arrow that i found in the woods was 3 in to long and had a rusted satelite broadhead on it. So no you dont need a heavy lb bow to kill deer. You should use the lbs that you are comfortable pulling and holding. I have never had a problem with 70 and am comfortable shooting a deer out to 30 yrds. My Dad pulls 50 and he cant even come close to shooting out to 25 with 3 pins. You can blink 3 times before the arrow is there. Thats not for me, I want a flat shooting arrow. Has nothing to do with being macho, I just find it more efficient to have one pin and not have to adjust my aim up or down or try to remember what pin Im suppose to use in the heat of the moment. 70 lbs does that for my bow, might not be for you, but that doesnt mean its not for someone else. If your confident in your set up , can get good groups, and not throw your back out when you pull back then thats all that matters.
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