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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. OK - I don't want to call Wooly a fraud, but I did those EXACT carvings using only my hunting knife last week. Not one to show off, I kept them to myself. Last night, they mysteriously disappeared from my yard. Now Wooly posts these photos. Coincidence, I THINK NOT!
  2. I got Larry’s license and sent him my utility bill. All good!
  3. Think of an arrow leaving less than perfectly straight once its released. With only a FP, the fletching corrects quickly but with the front also being steered by the BH, it takes far longer and will correct on a less than perfect path. The BH steers it.
  4. 90 degrees up to 1/8" high of 90 is the norm. Check with a square to string. If you are higher than that, I am not surprised BHs are hitting low. Different for trad bows since they are affected by finger pressure and are often up to 3/4" high but with a D loop and release, you should be in that range. If you adjust it, be careful because your first shot will be high!
  5. Did you consider this stuff? I heard it works but never tried it. https://www.plotsaver.com/ Maybe in the long run, an electric fence is a better option.
  6. Did you cryogenically freeze him in 2016?
  7. Did you attend the Nomad (now @BeIo) school of driving? Little old ladies on their way to church give him the finger.
  8. They should have same POI. Once you confirm they do after tuning, practicing with FPs only is fine. If they don’t, more tuning is really in order.
  9. short legs, long torso, hanging belly, big neck - reminds me of someone
  10. So you removed all bedding and cover. Hmmm interesting tactic.
  11. Don't be surprised if a sketchy looking fellow named Wooly stops by for some wood. He needs something to carve you know.
  12. I vigorously object to this statement - I take hunting VERY seriously - kind of, sort of And the TV was removed from my blind so .......... I am left with watching things on my phone - while I hunt seriously.
  13. Had a really bad trip with Burt Reynolds one time. Learned that Burt was a decent shot with the bow and that a purty mouth is not a good thing in certain areas of Georgia.
  14. Is that going to be tall enough for the horse that I predict you kill this year? Might be time to dig a basement under it.
  15. I hope we get come rain. Since we planted over a week ago, only one day with rain. Not good!
  16. The convenience of a lease is definitely worth it to some. And when you include the cost of purchase and taxes, it may be cheaper than buying land. This area of the state there is not a heck of a lot of public land. In the end, its up the hunter and we probably shouldn't be ruining Peter's thread with our thoughts on the subject.
  17. I am with Mowin, not sure what it is now but it would be a splat spot shortly.
  18. Going to be a big water bill. Tough to keep a nice lawn this time of year
  19. Options are nice. Wind, time of year, morning vs afternoon, observations and hot sign all come into play. Some of more doe stands and others left for the time I think I will see a buck. Then of course you have the spin the wheel strategy too. Lol As I think about it, I have killed more than one doe from the same stand but all of my mounts were killed from different stands.
  20. Not bad. We were only 7 or 8 under last year. Wasn’t consistent but hit some good balls. I think we ended in second. One team posted 18 under. Didn’t stay for the dinner. But I am good until next year. Lol
  21. Well we ended 15 under and I drove a short par 4 for an eagle so I contributed a bit. Couple birdie puts and drives. Irons were not really my friend. Fun day. I will take the clubs out again next year.
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