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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Been at a hearing all afternoon and no one killed anything. C’mon boys. Ok it’s 80 degrees out. Pass given.
  2. Dan - we have different definitions of the word "convenient" - yikes! I won't even mention that one could then grunt hands free.
  3. The fact that you are familiar with this outfit concerns me Papist! And if you plan to wear one, use a more open camo pattern like predator camo. On second thought, maybe its a bit too open as is!
  4. http://www.bear-hunting.com/2016/3/shot-placement-black-bear-blog-march-17-2016
  5. I think the big thing is not to shoot forward. Behind shoulder or error slightly back. Then again I have only seen and killed one in my dreams.
  6. That’s what guide told me. But it’s much easier to put it behind shoulder where I aim on Deer if that works.
  7. I was told, midway up body and midway from snout to butt. Seems to put it back a bit more than Deer but I certainly will defer to those like Tacks that have killed em. Frankly I like the idea of shooting same as a deer. Much easier.
  8. Good luck Bionic. You definitely need more stands to cover 72 acres. Lol
  9. Looks like high lung and likely liver depending on angle and height of shot. One thing is for sure, it was good enough to kill that buck!
  10. Congrats on a great buck. So nice that it appears to have been an easy track with a dead buck found!
  11. accunocks will prevent this but they are kind of expensive for nocks.
  12. You store it at my place because I am a good friend. lol
  13. A 2' long one sided spike would sure be a unique mount! Sounds like the season is starting off really well Bob! I do recall last season seeing two bucks going it at hard early season. I was exiting the woods and they were in a field tearing it up - probably both 2 year olds. Fun to watch. I have heard an early rut is predicted this year.
  14. Could you tell how much penetration from arrow. High lung can go a long ways as confirmed by my opening day buck which traveled over .56 miles (zigzagging and doubling back) according to onx maps. Hopefully he will bed. Grab arrow and don’t bump him. Go back later this afternoon. One good thing was that we had blood most of the trail but not much at very start. We did have 2 holes. With only one you will have less blood. Be patient and methodical. One more thing - watch the forecast. You want to get on blood before any expected rain. Doppler radar will let you know if and when rain is coming.
  15. At least you have a good attitude about it. Hopefully you cross paths again.
  16. It’s cold here today. Low 50s but feels even colder.
  17. I passed on a PY last year on a quartering too. Did I question the decision - yes. Am I glad it didn’t result in a wounded deer and regret - even more so. I will pass.
  18. Generally I don’t want to shoot a buck unless I am mounting him. I use Tacks standard with an exception last year. So yep.
  19. So out of curiousity I just scored him using the BC website. 107 4/8 gross. 105 2/8 net. How is that for falling between the 2.5 and 3.5 average. Actually scored a few inches better than I estimated.
  20. All the better. Maybe Jay will see one!
  21. I will add a doe. It’s behind the buck but peaking around him. Lol
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