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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Well I am excited. Especially looking forward to hunting with my daughter and friends. Fill the freezer, maybe kill a wall hanger but regardless enjoy the woods, peace and quiet. I do become indifferent about fishing some years. This is one. Probably because I have been doing it so long and caught my fair share of great fish. Who knows but that isn’t the case with hunting. I probably did more preseason work than ever this year.
  2. I planted the clover with the brassicas 2 or 3 weeks ago.
  3. Clover is coming in but very small. Brassicas are kicking.
  4. I have a masterbuilt electric. Works great and maintains consistent temps. I did add an Amaz-n pellet smoker to it which maintains a much more consistent smoke flow, long lasting and allows for cold smoking if you choose. The Amaz-n is only $30 bucks or so but a great addition.
  5. I don't usually use them but have in the past. They are nice. Weigh quite a bit more than a standard nock so tune with them if you plan to use them.
  6. Culver raved about it when the black flies started coming out in Canada. I plan to get a full set. Looked way more comfortable than a bug suit.
  7. I got something for you. Just need to pack and ship.
  8. It’s my basement Biz. I can get 23yds. It’s a ranch so it’s a big basement.
  9. Almost looks like crabgrass but that doesn’t die out. Are you cutting it. Looks well manicured. I would think a heavy dose of glysophate would kill it.
  10. Honestly it’s not that tight. I don’t think about it unless my daughter challenges me to a spot she knows I am blocked out. Shattered a few arrows that way. Lol
  11. Tonight was a thank you good night group for me. 7 of 8 including bareshaft in bullseye. One an inch or so high. That’s the indoor range or obstacle course as Culver called it.
  12. Oh and if looking for a great burger and micro brewery, try https://skewedbrewing.com/ Not far and likely on your way in Watertown i have made the drive from Rochester just to grab lunch. Excellent burgers.
  13. moog5050


    I don't like a or b at all for bow. A worked well with a 3030 last year though.
  14. Cant remember names of restaurants, but it is nice. We stayed at a place called captains lodge (I think) a few years ago and the deck was right on the river. It was cool.
  15. Taste test was condiment free but I am a mustard fan on dogs unless they are hots and potats.
  16. Finally cooked up the Sahlens. Excellent dogs. In fact, they were deemed different but equally good to zweigles by 2 of us and better than zweigles by 2. Hope they sell them here as my wife wants more. Thanks TF!
  17. What? It’s just an idea I am throwing out there.
  18. Maybe the state should just consider full inclusion. Has anyone ever proposed it? Lol
  19. get the 90-100g deer ammo. Good luck.
  20. This! Have a few stands in and around the thick stuff for each wind. And wait for the right time!
  21. Wow. Great job. Congrats.
  22. Nice truck. Good luck with it!
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