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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Ya after your post I watched some YouTube videos , not to,much luck with dry ice / hair drier . Some used a puller that had three “ heads “ center one was hot glued to dent then you turn the threaded handle and it pulls out dent , kinda . https://www.walmart.com/ip/Auto-Car-Paintless-Dent-Repair-Dent-Puller-Bridge-Dent-Removal-kits-PDR-Simple-Operation-Tools-ECBY/885323102?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=14055&adid=22222222227125798732&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=t&wl3=235576648268&wl4=pla-389163396948&wl5=9005653&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=117874131&wl11=online&wl12=885323102&wl13=&veh=sem
  2. Ya I tossed my dads in the trash tote , along with inside / outside angle gauges , V blocks , depth gauges, an a ton of other stuff . Couldn’t give most of it away . I kept some micrometers, punches , and rulers .Which my kids will toss out when I die .....
  3. Glad to see this back up . Last week we went to Michigan for a few days, I loaded the Orca up with ice ,drinks and food for the road, I much prefer my sandwiches to fast food crap . Anyway , we go to our Nepwhews house and left the cooler in the back of my black Outback in 90 degree heat for four days Guess what ? I had cold drinks in it for the drive home . Thats why it’s so worth the money to me , it just works and works well . I didn’t have to stop for ice or gas, as the Outback gets about 600 miles to,the tank on the highway as well .
  4. I agree with insurance, you should look at Jewelers Mutual . Most home owners don’t cover , loss ,damage or mysterious disappearance. In other words your wife spends sometime working outside, in the garden and yard ,later while washing up she notices stone is gone . Or she removes it before doing the work, only to come inside and can’t find it , theft ? Cat knock it down drain ? How about losing it while say waterskiing. ? Most home owners your sol ,not with Jewelers Mutual . Im sure you have the prongs checked every few years , but these things do happen . Anothervthing to consider is once you file a claim under your homeowners for say a 50K ring, what do,you think will happen to,your policy ? It’s going to go up at the very least . OK back to atvs......
  5. Homerowners , sucks for ancillary Items . I asked about bumping up my jewelry coverage, most I could do was 5K without an expensive appraisal for,each piece, then coverage still won’t cover damage,or mysterious disappearance , just the old fire/theft .
  6. Most of my drags are across plowed fields and take an hour plus, if I take one in the woods, I still gotta drag to,it to the ditch . Oh one would be handy , but I’d need a trailer and place to store it , and I don’t really do,any work on the land ,other then hanging stands and killin deer . I am open to hunting California with you though . still got the Buick a man would be plum crazy to sell that awesome hunting rig .
  7. Seems easier to me to,keep dragging my deer out ......
  8. I could care less about my lawn . I always feel bad for the farmers .
  9. first time since May 21, shot a bunch pain free and able to draw about 80% as easy ,as when I was at top,form . This is my first group at 20, my 30 yarders were high and to the right, pin was dancing all,over, once I settled down and concentrated they dropped in and I stopped on a high note . Plan on 2x a week 15 or so,arrows , don’t want to aggravate shoulder .
  10. I was going to say some guys text and post on here a lot, for always having bow or gun at the ready .
  11. I polled several men in the neighborhood about buying it , and making it our men’s club . 100% said yes . I got zero interest in being a landlord . If we buy anything it’ll be a few states south . Oh and Got Junk had three trucks there today for a couple hours .
  12. I was close , wife keeps talking about buying a ranch house , but I just put new siding, gutters, storm doors,lights , garage doors and more into,this one. Plus it’s close to,the gym ( can walk ) and a bunch of stores, and the rest of the area and people are very nice. Perhaps now the owner will sell, seeing as how she’s had bad luck with 3 out of 4 renters.
  13. I was close , wife keeps talking about buying a ranch house , but I just put new siding, gutters, storm doors,lights , garage doors and more into,this one. Plus it’s close to,the gym ( can walk ) and a bunch of stores, and the rest of the area and people are very nice. Perhaps now the owner will sell, seeing as how she’s had bad luck with 3 out of 4 renters.
  14. I’ll have to check that one out . Certainly a “ just because “ gun . I think I’d go .410 as well. I have absolutely no real use for this gun, same as my Derringer,but it’s fun to take out once in awhile . Well like that a bit better , love the forend ! Only 12 and 20 though .
  15. Things are back to normal , once again I become the guy neighbors wish would move ! Hell I might even shoot my bow off the roof today, while blasting Hank III . You want that football helmet ?
  16. So after two trips to court they finally got forced out ! No more crackheads and criminals next door ,no more sticks and bottles thrown in my pool , no more police surrounding the house at all hours , I can take the cameras down and put them in the woods. Heres the backyard , haven’t been inside but the owner and three others were last night, with dust masks and latex gloves on .
  17. In Roch a few years back, the bear was up a tree, they shot it with a tranquilizer dart . It fell, but they had a net..... the net was worthless and he crashed into the pavement and died . Personally I’d much rather take my chances with a bear in the city ,then the indigenous animals .
  18. Nomad


    Ugh . Doc ( real one not the hunter here ) says I got gerd or acid reflux, no burning , just stomach distention pain , and I had trouble swallowing 2 or 3 times over a couple months . Started me on meds, and for two weeks no spicy food, coffee or alcohol!!!! Been 4 days, seems like 2 weeks......
  19. Ok, as time gets closer I’ll ask about fields . I sold all my guns that I used to use for this, but my smooth bore BPS takes 3 inch shells, just not sure of the choke . We can always hunt Golds gym, parking lot as a back up plan, you can shoot them right out of the Subaru if you’d like .
  20. If you want to do that , there’s tons of geese on the farm I hunt , and it’s 3,000 acres I’m sure we can find a spot . Crap I can hardly hear in my early bow stand due to all the noise they make .
  21. Moog, how is the corn around you ? Our farmer said he lost a month of planting due to a cold and wet April I think , put him several hundred or more acres behind, I know he was planting past the recommended date , we’ll see how that goes. Have no idea what’s around me . i haven’t been down since shed hunting in March or April . If they plant Timothy that would be good, there is one field they almost always plant that in and it’s just an awesome draw .
  22. As for green vs brown. Sure they hammer them when green, but my experience, hunting over them 30 years , ( 1,000 acres planted this year so we hunt over a lot of bean fields ) is, they still eat them brown just not as much. Ive watched them pick through the dirt after harvest every year . Don’t know much about yield other then there are many factors and it varies in parts of the same field and certainly field to field .
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