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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Green Grass and High Tides , one of my favorites , the Outlaws aka The Guitar Amry ! Just got home a poured a nightcap , tip,of the glass to Jim. We’re seeing Dwight Yoakam this Friday night . Love ZZ Top much prefer their earlier stuff , like
  2. Nope pizza , although I like egg pie just fine and if it boosts my man card any I snuck my LCP, right past the hand held metal detectors. Had it in my overcoat pocket , picked a line where the guy was on my left and held my coat open WIDE, his wand never got near the far side pocket . Just one way I like sticking it to the man .
  3. I hope to do a daytime hunt sometime next week, perhaps when I’m on nights , I’ll go out in the morning . Im not much of a coyote hunter , but there are a lot of them at my spot, we could sit in my hut one night , we’d have the wind and chairs.... Well off to a play on Gloria Estefan’s life and career, that’s ok Friday night we’re seeing Dwight Yoakam to balance things out . Edit the farm has a bunch of huts all over we could use .
  4. Nomad


    Flashback ! I believe my Grandparents has those same glasses .
  5. Hope our schedules line up, I’m working days this F,S,S then nights W,T,F Around that I’m painting kitchen ,hallway , stairway ,upstairs hall, putting in a sink and faucet , four light fixtures. Wife is going to FLA..... oh had my MRI yesterday , find out tues
  6. What a coincidence, I just took a break from sanding drywall , and find a post about NYS compliant ARs...... I don’t care for any compliant ARs at all, how about a 30 Mini or pump action AR ? As for building one , guy at work never owned a gun, his first one was an AR he built himself . He became somewhat of a prepper, got a couple off the books guns he built out of 80 % lowers , and a fair amount of gold .
  7. Some “storm “I got maybe four inches of light fluff, and my street is half bare. As for a snow blower, I do my driveway, decent size with two car parking space off to the side, I cut back the bank in front of my mail box, around the fire hydrant, my front walk, a path through the side and rear yard to our patio ,clear patio around hot tub and grill . In years past I would do two or three neighbors driveways as well . Today I just shoveled . Btw I live near Lake Ontario in the” lake effect “ area . There have been times the snow has been taller then the blower .
  8. Earned time off, get three of those a year. Good play though . Since were posting fireplaces ....
  9. I’m on “cycle “so nine days off . Few inches expected here no big deal we’re going to a play tonight .
  10. I side gate ‘Em , I move over when I can then drift two or three feet over into their lane as they try to,pass. Works well for an old guy driving a Buick It’s almost expected .
  11. So we’ve had a hot tub for twenty plus years, way back I did the double suit . Had a couple over to join us, after a bit, I said “to really enjoy the tub, you,have to go naked “, and pulled off the outer suit and flung it on the fence , to see how’d they react ..... Sadly they didn’t get naked .
  12. Yes and no, I mean with a mount and a few antler mounts in the family room ,it’s a clear reminder everyday yet I’m certainly not in hunting mode right now . Although we’re going to build an elevated shooting house at work soon, so I can get it in place before the crops go,in . But basically from the end of the season I’m onto other things till August .
  13. That was funny. What you’re really seeing are firefighters with Pompier ladders in some sort of competition. We trained with the old school ones when I went through the academy ,they were like a large cane with little cross members , glad we got rid of them ! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hook_ladder heres a great video of them in use at a fire, by some bad a$$ French ff
  14. That one never showed up,on my image search , sure those are eggs ?
  15. So,the announcer says , “another Superbowl that ends on the last play......” Bunch of Rhodes scholars, in this sport .
  16. Ok if Philly doesn’t score and stays at 9 and NE scores two TDs with extra point I win 3k. Go NE,.....
  17. hey for a bunch of players patting each others a$$, Prince and Timberlake , really makes sense .....
  18. Nice I just got a touching square, for $200, puts me $100 up .
  19. My hope is my neighbors will be one day interviewed on the news, saying ,” he was a quiet man, who kept to himself , we’re as shocked as anyone .”
  20. I collect news articles on Bus Plunges . I noticed they always plunge never , plummet , crash, or fall, thought that odd so,I started saving them , turns out I was on to,something , here’s a few of mine , along with an article about this phenomenon. Let’s see you top this .... https://jalopnik.com/5949645/why-buses-always-plunge-but-never-fall-drop-descend-or-plummet
  21. Try reading a book, taking your wife and or kids on a hike, to a movie, join a gym, ride a bike,wash and wax your vehicles ,organize your work bench , smoke a cigar outside in piece and quite . i played some high school football in the ‘70s , after that we’d meet up at a local school on Sunday and play full contact, no,pads pick up,games . Since then I watch the SB that’s about it . Our girls did track, cheerleading and basketball in high school , I had the first and maybe still the only girl at Webster Thomas who was a varsity cheerleader and varsity basketball player . She decided not to,play BB her senior year and I was happy about that , the coach was a jerk, half the parents were obsessed,and all the girls hated it . She got a part time job and still had more free time . There is life after sports, and it just may be better.
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