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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Call for help on phone, if you,own the land and or have a camp keep a ladder chained up somewhere. Ladder stands may be the hardest to my thinking to get back into, you're type with no side rails, shooting rails and such may not be to bad . Try to put both feet against trunk , push out hard and fast and try to reach beams and or rungs. On many trunks and a ladder stand one who's in shape can wrap both legs and one arm around trunk, cut teather and slide down . You've hit upon something most never think about much less plan for. I keep a long rope , carabiner, and straps in my pack and can get someone down with this by doing a pick off. Basically rigging up my own rope transferring you from yours to mine and lowering you down . I've hung from hunting harness and paracticed one thing to keep in mind is they ride up very far , so keep as tight as comfortable , it may also limit access to pockets once you're hanging in it.
  2. Ah someone who knows knives and history ......
  3. Which is why estate planning is one of the things to take care of as soon as possible . Everyone one here should have will, Poa, and health care directive in place right now anyways . But things will have to be a little more advanced for the winner . I have two attorneys in the family as well as friends who are and right now I'm working with one who specializes in elder law in regard to our mother. Re gifting assets ,setting up an annuity , Medicade apps. Prepaying funerals are just the tip of the iceberg . Things can be done to protect assets and work around very complex laws , the sooner in place the better.
  4. Inspect the stands and replace the straps . I climb up and clip,into a pre hung strap that goes around the tree at a heigh that allows you to sit with just a bit of slack in harness teather . One could tie off a rope at the point the strap is , tie a Prusik knot ( self tensioning hitch) onto the rope and clip into that on the ground and slid knot up,as you go . I climb ladders much higher than anyone's ladder stand while wearing 80 pounds of gear in all kinds of weather , so,I don't feel the need to use a safety line for ladder stands, some may though . Safety line withPrusik on one of my hang on sets.
  5. He made some really great knives, I believe he used one at the Sandbar fight and Davy Crockett is well known to have used one at the Alamo .
  6. They're to smart to play. Although Cuban did give advice to the winner on what to do . I don't mind being on the FBI's watch list , it's like having free security ! We'd get a summer place on Canandaigua Lake, main home in TENN. ( no state tax , great deer hunting and family already there ) and spend the winter months in Hawaii , I always wanted to be surfer ! Wife would run a charity to help single moms, and Biz gets ten million, the rest of you a free t shirt .
  7. I was thinking more like pediphiles ,rapists and the guy who keeps sliding into my yard , but ok Sean makes the list .
  8. I'm a subscriber of over 30 years , the no nudity starts this spring , Im shocked , shocked I tell you !I believe Pam Anderson is either going to be on the cover or center fold of the final nude issue, at least they're going with one closer to my age , kinda creepy when the center folds are my kids age. I'd do enjoy the humor and articles so for a few bucks a year I'll keep getting it .
  9. We're mostly paperless as well. It's a rare day any mail makes it past our recycle bin and into the house. Playboy, American Hangunner and Outdoor news being notable exceptions .
  10. We get over what our taxes are, and what we get seems on the low side for the area, but we rent to relatives and I hunt their land, where they mow, bush hog let me build huts and so on. Ask around what others get. Many factors come into play, soil, Size and shape of fields, access , drainage , how far from his other fields and demand for land in the area ( perhaps the biggest factor ) I'm know folks that get from $30 to $ 60 per acre, but this is in an area where land gets sold before it ever gets " listed ".
  11. Just got this pic last night . Nephew in Tennessee took his kids and their friends out for the youth hunt. This kid took his first buck ever at 150 yards, he looks happy, although he should look happier .
  12. We're now reaching the level where I can employee a group of private high skilled hit men to remove those I feel need removing from ever walking the earth again . With this amount of money I can have multiple layers between them and me along with a team of the best attorneys, private island in a country with no extradition with the U.S. Oh and some money for charity .
  13. If I was him, and my teammates got on me I'd say "everyone who scored a point today raise your hand " . " Thats right I scored the only ones thanks for the help fellas" .
  14. I stopped following him, probably out of jealousy .
  15. I thought that was going to be link to Dan Bilzerian's Instagram .......
  16. Prior to claiming it I'd move to and establish residency in a state with no state tax , than look into a LCC and or trust . I'd also get all new cell numbers and change everything that tied me to being found by most prior to claiming . Some states don't require the winners to be identified and a lawyer could then Claim on behalf of the the corp/ trust keeping my identity a secret for the most part .
  17. I hate swans nasty birds .... He's not answering his phone , but I'll see how they did .
  18. I'm in! I'd like to see it cost at least $1,500 or more though, that way I'd be one of only a few using them around me .
  19. Saw deer in four different fields today, mid day 40 and sunny. Two doe feeding in woods as I hung a camera , tons of tracks as well. Got about 30 deer pics off the one camera I hung the last week end of gun.
  20. Irondequoit Bay from a friends house tonight . Couple friends going to,be blasting ducks there tomorrow as well .
  21. Many years ago I had a log from Deer and Deerhunting that i recorded info on our kills. That was kinda nice to look back over the years and add up who got the most and where. After that I tried to write on my desk calander after each hunt, sightings , stands etc. that did not last long though. Frankly after hunting the same private land for close to 30 years I know where to sit when , where the deer move, what the big bucks check out and so on . I could put anyone here in a stand and you could kill a deer in a day or two in bow if you're not picky . The farm keeps track of the number killed which is nice but not number of hunters, days hunted etc, this year we're up to 40 ,which is our normal range, after two years in the high 20's. I write date, distance and weapon on skull caps, don't keep track of doe kills or seldom take pics of them , so that info gets lost over time .
  22. I don't like the straps because they make the cameras visable from 360 . Which I think makes them more prone to theft, I would often see the strap around the tree before the camera I assume someone passing through would too.
  23. I know this post is a bit old, but holy crap you guys have to put up with a lot. Monroe county all permits are full unrestricted carry, no class to take, no letters to judges, no showing "need". Most of my family ( including 23 y/o daughter ) , neighbors, friends and co workers have them. My daughter's recently went through in 3 months, they did not even call all of the references. It's almost like living in a free state sometimes .
  24. I was joking .... Trying to come up with some strange unbelievable hobbies for a laugh . I am about to go in the hot hub with Mrs 302, and smoke a cigar , more of a pastime though.
  25. That's a sweet offer , however I'm trying to keep them just made of mine, that way future generations will be more inclined to keep them in the family .
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