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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Yes I undertstand that . Around here it seems to be always dropped . It's hard to walk back a ticket today, so one way for those with conentions is for the officer to be asked not to show . I got one ticket since 1981, stopped for speeding , wrote me for no seatbelt , I wrote the court a letter, court changed it to $15 parking ticket . Both my kids have been stopped a couple times , failure to dim , taillight a out, and the oldest rear ended a car on the expressway. No damage to,other car, Trooper walked down the road picked up my kids lic. Plate ( in the pouring rain) gave it back to,her and sent her on her way. How you act and what you say at the stop is the biggest factor on many stops. I've seen many cops ingor things many would not believe. Which brings up another point, keep,your mouth shut. I can't tell you how many mva's I've been to where people,just talk and say incriminating things . I just tell them not to say that when the cops show up......
  2. If they don't show it gets dropped , but most likely court will be when he's off so,he'll get overtime pay to show up..... Im a fan of the app Waze, gps app,that fellow users drop pins for , accidents , objects in the road and cops sitting along the road . You can see the officer on your screen and get a voice prompt 1/2 to 1 mile or so before that spot. Not fool proof for sure, not good for officers driving as opposed to parked. But I just drove from Roch to Buff and back and knew where every Tropper was parked well before..... But I try to keep, it under 80 on The thruway anyway .
  3. A fair number of years ago, many people in the town of Webster swore that there was a kangaroo running around town ........
  4. Nomad


    Ive been drinking " craft beer" a good 35 years , back then we called it micro brews.... But all this paring with foods, " beers " with ginger, marshmallow , and fruit stuff is sending me back towards Genny white cans .
  5. Nomad


    Ive been drinking " craft beer" a good 35 years , back then we called it micro brews.... But all this paring with foods, " beers " with ginger, marshmallow , and fruit stuff is sending me back towards Genny white cans .
  6. I try to like turkey hunting , but getting up earlier then in deer season to sit in a green , ,buggy , sometimes hot woods does not appeal much to me . I do,like that I don't have to shower first and can drink strong coffee while sitting here .
  7. Here's a couple shots if my bil trains , this does not do it justice but the video is to large for this site.
  8. I'm not much of a turkey Hunter , but my friend who lives right behind my woods kills Toms every year. He hits the woods after he gets up and eats , usually around 9:00 .
  9. Nomad


    Out with a few fellow FF's , last day in at the Gennesee brew pub . Genny double bock for me !
  10. Never heard of the show , watched my first episode today at work. I think it was last nights episode .
  11. Welcome! I would gladly take a person such as yourself under my wing , but they are always a day's drive from me ..... I truly hope you find a good mentor . Larry
  12. My number 1 and 2 as well ! It's a shame they changed the dates of the sale, I aways enjoyed bringing them( the cookies ) up in my tree stand !
  13. More and more I use ladder stands in gun and bow . I used to be concerned with concealment but it's not been an issue. I really like this field and stream stand 17 footer with large thick beams , pretty solid stand . As you can see this one is in a triple tree which helps break up things a bit. I also carried it in ( 2 trips) and put it up myself .
  14. Friends street in Pittsford NY, last winter . trim.D7105515-31ED-480F-A0E6-1D10FC7A07FE.MOV
  15. It's been awhile . Last time I stopped for a beer at a brew pub after visiting my mom, the place was pretty empty, the female bar tender was telling another worker about her first house she just bought . Then a young man sat down at the bar , soon joined by his mother. From the conversation I could tell he was leaving to join the military . When I asked for my bill for my Scotch Ale, I gave the bar tender $20 and told her to,put the change towards her new house, and gave another $20 towards the young man's tab, with the promise she won't tell them till I'm gone. The look on her face was more than worth a couple pieces of paper I won't even miss the next day .
  16. My friend says it's easier just to shoot a buck to get the antlers .
  17. Have a friend who has a friend that lives in the same town as the Kilchers , I think either Hanes or Skagway ( I've been to,both ) . The Kilchers don't live in the "homes" they show on tv they all have nice suburban homes . And Giligan was not stuck on an island either .
  18. kWell well well, in that time period I went backpacking in the San Juans and visited a ghost town near by , an old gold mining town if I recall correctly .
  19. Last year while walking a well used trail by my house this was lying on the ground a few feet off the trail clearly visible to anyone on the trail. Runners, mountain bikers, kids, dog walkers all passed by it . I expressed my amazement to my wife how no one picked it up , she thought it was weird that anyone would ....... Many would never pick up an antler anymore then deer droppings, not all share our passion for antlers .
  20. That's nothing , looks like N.J. Is about to,get screwed !
  21. Who could have thunk it ? http://globalnews.ca/news/2535297/african-reserve-where-cecil-the-lion-lived-may-have-to-kill-200-lions-due-to-overpopulation/
  22. The correct answer is.... A bottle of champagne ! If you pick a state like Tenn. with no state tax and a really low property tax one can buy many things . My sister pays 20k in property taxes up here , her sons house outside of Nashville is larger and he pays 2K .
  23. Nice guy , we ate lunch next to him in South Beach a couple years ago.
  24. That may be true, my last transfer was pre safe act and to a guy who had a stack of pre signed coupons from the judge. His permit was as thick as a deck of cards .
  25. Woodchuck are you in Erie county ? Each county is different , Monroe is about the best for permits , unrestricted carry, no classes to take easy transfers , no interviews ,our daughter just got hers in 3months. Erie county is no where near as friendly , from what I hear .
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