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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by greg54

  1. Nunchuks are illegal in New York State
  2. My friend got me a Scope Repeal Safe Act bumper sticker and I put it on my back truck window so it is seen by anyone behind me.
  3. Once a dirtbag, always a dirtbag. Once a scumbag, always a scumbag. Where are getting their F%#@%$d up morals from? Losers, that's all they are. And if the one who stole my 4 trailcams last week in Sanborn, N.Y. your everything I just mentioned. Hope you find the thieves who got to your stands.
  4. Bought one few weeks ago and they save a lot of your blood...would recommend to anyone.
  5. My sister just called me said my brother in law (as a type this) is going to talk with the adjoining property owners let them know and ask them if they have seen anyone etc. Get the word of mouth going and I will keep my eye on craigslist. I was so angry and upset about what this dirtbag did I didn't sleep last night. My friend called this morning asked if I wanted go salmon fishing tonight, thast sounds like a good stress reliever hooking into a nice Chinook, so its off to Olcott pier tonight.
  6. It was in Sanborn, Niagara County
  7. Just had a guy on atv in springtime picture of his backside. Right now the corn goes from behind the house all the way back to the 15 acres of woods. Until they cut the corn you cant see anything or anybody from the house back to the woods. I'm already planning to try catch them on other cams.
  8. So I finally went out this afternoon to my sisters property, and sensed something wrong as I was headed into woods to my spot. I notice one of my cams was no longer there, and it was only 15 yards behind the posted sign. So I decide I better go check the other ones I had up and sure enough 3 more were gone. They even cut the tree I had one of the cams cable locked to. Ruined my day for sure. Its been reported to the sheriffs dept, and all I can say whoever you are that took them that you are the scum of the earth. A dirtbag, plain and simple. Why don't you get a job and buy your own camera and leave other peoples property alone and stay off the property, you didn't have permission. Your a scumbag.
  9. I love the profile name, but get your dog to do this like the chiuahua. Its an honor to do that lol
  10. Yep today I did something stupid (actually 2 things). Was going out to my sisters property to get my first time back in the woods in 2 yrs, and well, it never happened. On my way, I was in such a hurry to get out that I found myself being pulled over by the cops. I was at 28mph in a 15mph school zone. After a quick stern warning to slow down, I was let go with a warning. Sigh of relief. Well, I get to my sisters and start to get my gear out, and notice I forgot my pack that had my clothes and back tag. After a couple curse words, I kicked my truck tire and headed home. 2 stupid things I won't be doing again!!
  11. Welcome and good luck!!
  12. Good luck to you and to all
  13. I just did everything the doctors told me to do to recover from the surgery, said a lot of prayers that I get better, and so far so good. I got my modified archery permit and practiced as much as possible shooting the bow. The year went by fast, and opening day is almost upon us!! Good luck everyone and have a safe, fun season!!
  14. I bought a pair of boots from Guide Gear few weeks ago, and wore them few times out to the spot I will be hunting, and they still have a strong rubber smell to them. Does anyone ever had this problem and how can I get rid of that strong new rubber boot smell?
  15. My goal is already here for me, and that's the ability to be able to get out hunting in the woods this year!!.The cancer kept me down and out last year...but not in 2013!! LET'S GO OCT 1ST!!
  16. I still have my 2001 S-10 LS pickup. This is year I finally get that deer into the back bed for a ride to the butcher!!
  17. Looks like my neighbors wife......ugly ....LOL
  18. Tragic story to hear. Prayers go out to his family. Due to physical and health problems, I can't hunt from a stand and hunt from ground blind. Hope everyone has a very safe and successful season.
  19. greg54

    Corn Fields

    Stopped out at my friends place in Lyndonville, Orleans County this past Saturday and that's first thing I noticed was the farmers out cutting the corn.
  20. Do you do it on high or low in the crockpot and for how long? Sounds really good
  21. Prepaid deal like Tracfone would be good. They have excellent nationwide coverage and you buy minutes as you need them. Plus the phones aren't expensive. Would fit your needs just right.
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