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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. Things are going to end bad for those clowns I'm betting......maybe some moms and dads will be hanging out in the woods with their kids, just keeping their eyes peeled for those scumbuckets. Also betting the good folks just might be armed.
  2. The DEC? They get a lot right but as we know (last years early archery/ML'er season to name one thing) they can miss the mark as easy as anybody.......
  3. I'm not sure why everybody isn't using a "life line" with a prusik hitch on all their tree stands. Do they work with climbing sticks or screw in steps? Yup...... Gee, how about climbing stands? Absolutely they do...... Well good golly, they CAN'T work with ladder stands too, can they? Does Howdy Doody have wooden balls? You're darn right he does AND that a "life line" and prusik hitch WILL work with any and all types of elevated hunting. Sorry for the passion................carry on.
  4. It's going to be a big year growie...........records will be broken!
  5. I'd be happy to do it for you but unfortunately the shipping would be a PIA. I finally got my Apple Arrow saw up and running. Anybody in the area needs any cut, dial me up.......
  6. That odd vane/feather is referred to as the "cock" feather/vane.
  7. Smart ass.............................
  8. Lawdwaz


    Either I'm going to need a chiropractor or I'm going to drop my computer looking at all these side-wards pics........... Nice feesh Paula.
  9. I "liked" this earlier today but I just now "got". Sooooo true my dear growie, so true.
  10. I'm going to try like heck to make it work. My new-to-me last year 20ga 1968 Browning Superposed oughta' be bad medicine on those bushy tails.
  11. Rock N Roll dude...................
  12. WOW.........................GOOD STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gota be gremlins.............
  13. After 2.5 it's a HUGE crap shoot unless, as posted by WNY bowhunter you have a history. The only real issue with that is that a buck can change drastically from year to year and keeping very accurate photo files isn't something most are going to do. Speculation is for gold miners......
  14. Maybe "hate" was too harsh........
  15. One of the best...........RIP Mr. Wilder.
  16. Turkey burgers and pasta salad here............
  17. I hate these threads............. There are so few 4.5 year old bucks killed each year that who knows WTH one looks like on the hoof? For all the bucks I've killed AND the bucks killed in the camp I hunt out of, RARE is the buck that has been aged at 4.5 or older. These are of course deer that have been aged by DEC biologists and field technicians. How rare you might ask?? I've killed plenty of 3.5 year old, ZERO 4.5 year old and exactly one 5.5 year old buck. I'll stick my neck out and say 3.5 years old. Well, right now he isn't 3.5. That's what he'll be when he is killed in November.
  18. The 10pt in the first picture is a stud. His body really stands out except for what appears to be a lump or mass on his left upper shoulder. You have a nice crop of deer coming up too!
  19. I had Dinsdale out with me on the upper Niagara River a couple years ago and we had a close call. It was probably a 19' cuddy and there were three guys on board, IIRC. The boat was going just fast enough to NOT come up on plane. There was a guy sleeping up on the bow and the boat was going just fast enough to NOT come up on plane. No way could the driver see us as he closed on our location. I said to Dan: "hey, that boat is heading our way". He looks and says holy ship!! We start to holler and wave our arms then stand up to get there attention. The guy on the bow woke up and yelled to the captain. I'll tell you what, it scared the b-Jesus out of me and Dan 'cause it was pretty darn close to being a wreck.........
  20. Other than my wives vehicles, I've only owned one car in my 39 years of driving.........it was a 72 Nova 4 door, straight 6.  I only had it for a few months after I wrapped my p/u around a tree.

    A couple notable facts:  I DID get laid in it multiple times (rear doors wide open of course) and I shot it with a .22 long rifle at about 200 yards, on a bet.  

    I did win the bet...............:yes:


  21. It wasn't too bad until a bit later, they started to roll out around 11:30am I'd guess. For some reason the jet ski people just annoy the crap out of me. They look like the most useless machine ever built............And why the hell do they have to go blasting by so close? Sorry for the rant. The pontoon boats throw quite a wake, especially when they're three abreast! We fished just off the weeds, casting in towards them with some cool little rubber minnow thing. IT almost looked like an old Mister Twister tailed thing but caught fish like no tomorrow. I'll PM you the name............... I had a couple dozen night crawlers but couldn't catch a fish with them, even tipped on a few different jigs I had. It was kind of odd........
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