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Everything posted by Gthphtm

  1. If it were a Lung shot there should be air bubbles in the blood.
  2. Sorry I typed it wrong,It should have been a piece of waxed bow String.As it does not get wet and let moisture in the nipple.
  3. Do you own or can you borrow a chain saw.If the tree is of no value cut it down stand and all.
  4. As Live2Hunt said pack a lunch, the best deer attractent . I had deer walk right to me more then once, with the wind blowing in there direction while eating a PJ sandwitch and a open thermos of hot apple cider.Or eating an apple. AS far as the going in the trailer part.As you get older and you have been sitting out side as in the weather we had this weekend,you get smart and go inside out of the weather to get the chill out of your bones and not wind up being sick for the rest of the hunting season.And not have another chance at getting that big 10 pointer.
  5. Doc, I bought my 25 cal. air rifle within the last year.Ordered it 2 days Fed -X delivered to my front door. I live in the Catskill Mountain Area thou.
  6. There are a number of Air Gun Only dealers online, I think they just ask for proof of age and the ship right to your house.
  7. As Jim355 said you need some muscle to cock the brake bbl. air rifles.I have a 25 caliber,it will kill a fox size animal at 50 yds.No problem,but was over $200.00.Nice and quiet too.That Is why I use it instead of a 22 caliber Rifle.
  8. So what happened with the 911 call ?.
  9. There has been plenty of shooting going on by me also, we have AR and the cut back on the amount of doe permits this year.There must be a lot more deer with at least 3 tines 1" or more on one side,then I have seen or heard about. Or the people are just shooting bad.
  10. Freezer wrap and vacuum sealed bag I use the gallon size bag and put a few pieces in each.
  11. Apple,Acorn and whatever they feed on in the area you are going to hunt.
  12. Elmo,Meat chickens that you buy in the store never leave the cage.The less the move the more weight the gain.I had Laying hens ( no rosters) when the got old enough they laid eggs and I had an area about 10' x20' fenced in all around + the top,because we have a problem with Fox in our area.The coop was about 4' x 6' raised off of the ground.Had them till they stopped laying and gave them away.Now I have a few ducks3 females and 1 male,they just started to produce eggs.One of the females makes mor noise then the male.The are in the same coop and fenced in area.
  13. I ran into that situation a few times when I hunted state land,one time that I will never forget is when I was walking a fire line ( I am sure the State built that on the edge of there property ) because it bordered 1000 + acres of state land. There is this fellow sitting in a lawn chair on the fire line,looking at what he claims was His property.The fellow is sitting there Cursing at me,telling me to get the H off of his property an claiming that I spooked a 10 pointer that was coming right to him.That day there was an inch or so of light fluffy snow on the ground.Not the crunchy type.I just waved to him and kept on going to where I was going. Getting back to your question.It depends on how far from his stone wall (if that is the legal property line) is his House.If it is closer the 500 feet,he could be a little nervous about where a shot would go.I have had people walking threw my property and had to ask them to leave.And have them tell me it was not my property.All of my property has posted signs every 50 feet and red tape around trees hole border of my property.And these were local people that own a 100' x 200' piece of property and think because the live in town the can hunt where ever they want.If you know where you are going to hunt,Just go ahead of time and ask if it would be ok if you shot a deer on the state land and If it went on his or her property would it be ok to retreive it.
  14. Opening day and or the weekend after thanksgiving are when the most hunters are in the woods,opening week if the people can afford rooms and eating out.I have hunted State land for many years,many hunters then before the economy took a dump.We hunted deep in the woods and always got or saw deer.Hunted private land 200 - 300 acre farms. Again hunters all round the area,same as state land saw and got our deer.People walking around in areas near you can be a good thing.
  15. I always read it was 5 Max. They sold wooded dowels to fill in the space so they would only hold 5.
  16. I never had a problem with a rope long enough to let the Unloaded rifle with a scope down and lie on the ground.Just do not drop it down.Same way up nice and easy.So it does not hit anything.
  17. I saw 7 does yesterday and the Big boy( the slightest sound which is not normal ) and he is gone.Saw 5 doe this morning and 1 doe with the big bow this afternoon,they saw us coming and they were gone again.The Big boy is for shure an 8 pointer could be a 10,never stays still long enough to glass him.
  18. A group of us made it a practice just not to shoot a deer after 4:00 PM many years ago.Reason is if it was a bad shot,not easy to find a wounded deer in the dark.And if you do not find it that night chances the Yots will have a good chunk of the meat gone by morning.
  19. If you can afford it buy some land now,I would say 50+ acres,it has it's advantages,as land owners deer permits and others.you could just put a camping trailer on it now and use it as a getaway place.When you retire you could build there if you like.And you were just paying taxes on the property.I now live on my property a little less then 50 acres.And it is great get up and hunt when you want no traveling to and from hunting spots which I did most of my life.Today I hunted the middle and the top of my property,I saw 4 does this morning and 7 this afternoon about an hour ago, feeding in one of my clearings which is grass and clover.Then just 15 minutes ago there were 3 feeding right out side of this room about 30 feet away.
  20. Doc, here goes the ones easy to clean worst to easy, Semi auto,Lever action,bolt action,Brake action as in Ruger #1,Tompson Center Encore,or other brake action rifles And Hand guns.And Shotguns.At an age where you are going to buy Your Last Rifle.Go for something easy to brake down and clean is what you would want.,At your age and older (and it is a fact) You and I are not going to shoot as well as when we were 20 years old.So going for the most accurate rifle and caliber does not mean Squat.As it would for a 20,30 0r 40 year old.I still say the Brake action type rifle would be the way to go and you can change calibers,just by removing the for end stock and replacing one Barrel for another.Anything from .17 caliber to 50 caliber.
  21. They were right about the weather today in my area,they predicted rain last night changing to snow or a mix of each and clearing by noon, which it was today also the temps. were right.Well I just looked out the window and no more then 30 feet away are mom and her 2 young ones eating,now only if mom's boy friend would show up.
  22. Yep it looking good,according to one of the moon charts today and tommarow are going to be the best of the month if you want to trust them.Snowing now 34 degrees,just had 5 young does feeding about 60 yards behind the house.
  23. Remember it has been Warm outside the the last couple of days.The deer are getting there winter coats on and the are lieing low during the day in the 60 degree weather.The next 2 days are proberly going to be the Best of this month.
  24. Doc, It seems you have made up you mind on the .270 caliber,it will get the job done. And you are right ho many times do get a chance on more then one shot.As far as shooting off of a bench, it is a slow fire game to try to get (as in archery ) a robin hood shot.One thing to remember the heaver the rifle the less it is going to kick.You do not have to go for the top of the line Tompson Center Rifles to kill a deer.I had one of the early ones with six different caliber barrels, some with and some without scopes,the scope models were not that hard to reload for a second shot.The remind me of the three different caliber Ruger model # 1's that I had.As far as scopes I have had just about every one of the better ones from Brand A to Z and I think the best bang for the buck is the Bushnell scopes.
  25. Gthphtm

    Shot Gun

    In the 20's Friday night and mid.40's during the day Sat.by me.
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