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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Gthphtm

  1. I have not but I cannot see why it cannot be done,After a rain or snow with the ground wet and playing the wind.I have walked up on a few sleeping,during rifle season in my 60 years of hunting.
  2. My body hurts, as said in other posts,bad back and sholder + my 100 lb. Lab. pulls me on the ground and screws up my left biecept.So I haven't been out bow hunting.Sleep in this morning and go food shopping after breakfast.On the way back this 10 point wide rack with a swollen neck runs in front of me crossing the road.Get home put the food away,have a bite for lunch and start up the JD tractor,looks like a good day to finish clearing a trail that I have 90 % finished to get to one of my hunting spots,with My ATV or Sled.Now for the last few days I have noticed that 2 of the does born this year have been without there mother, that have been staying on the property all year.I put my bow which is in the case on the back of the tractor Just in case I see one of the big boys. We have AR in my area.On the way to the spot I want to clear are the two young does feeding in a food plot above the house, the see me coming and go up hill and there is Mom.Withe her bedded down is her boy friend.I stop to see what is on his head.I see four points on each side not counting the brow tines.Well no matter how my body hurts I am going to try to take a shot at him,I get off of the tractor un zip the bow case and he is Gone.I guess the rut is on.
  3. Win.model 70 in .358 with 200 gr. sp. or S&W 357 mag.
  4. Ouch,at least we are going to have a few warm days this week,that sucks in freezing weather.Been there done that also cut the tip off of one finger,cut me thumb almost completly off they sewed that back on but no feeling,nerve damage.Now not being able to bow hunt so far this year,bad back and sholder.My 100 pound lab gets a wiff of a hot female dog and pulls me off of my feet pulling me and screwing up my left bicept and I shoot a rifle lefty. Hope it heal up ok.
  5. Since growalot posted the pictures mine are the same some with a little larger tree trunks.I have even found deer bedded down in some.I guess the wanted to get out of the wind.
  6. Doc,do you have one of the 3" x 5" spirial pads that fit in your pocket to write notes in,I laughed at the old guys in work that wrote every thing in them to remind them when and what to do,Now I do that but half of the time forget to look at it.
  7. Anyone using the Remington 6.8 SPC round for deer hunting.If so any luck with it.
  8. You did the right thing,sad but this is the time of the year the yotes are trying to fill there bellies.
  9. Gthphtm


    The ground is white here this morning,32 degrees and still snowing.Should be able to spot them easy this morning.
  10. Balloon over the muzzle and bow string wax over the nipple,leave it that way all season,at the end of the season shoot it at a target and it hits the same spot as before the season.I use a balloon on my shot gun and centerfire also.
  11. Finally got a chance to ride around my property today, have 8 trees down with trunks about the dia.of the one in the picture above only 2 times longer then that.A lot of fire wood for next year.Our power came back on yesterday afternoon, was out for about 16 hours.My generator was out for repair the fellow could not do any any thing he had no power either.
  12. We will see what the morning brings,it's going to pick up tonight.Steady 30 - 40 MPH winds here,been raining all day. As growalot we stocked up also.
  13. Just keep putting Zanfel on the area,just when you think it is gone it might pop out again and spread further.
  14. Should have left the vent windows open,Mine has been left in the same spot all year with the windows open and smells the same as the area around it.
  15. Some people just like to spend a lot on things you do not need,as Camo people started wearing that because it was left over from the Korean and Viet. Wars.Dont need it.Been wearing Red or Bright orange for 60 years got pleanty of deer walk right up to me.And never been shot at either.Do not use all of that stuff you see on the hunting shows So the deer do not smell you.Just use any unsented soap you can buy in any store.To kill the mouth odor,Eat apples,Good for your health and the deer like the left overs also,for lunch or snacks eat a PJ sandwitch All animals like Peanut butter.To quench your thirst take a thermos of warm apple cider,it will warm you up on the cold rainy days.And yes the deer walk around in the rain.
  16. If you have a doe management permit for that area and your archery lic.which you can shoot a deer of either sex.Depending on the area you are hunting,remember some areas the bucks have to have at least 3 points 1" or longer on one side YES You Can.
  17. growalot,You have too many good areas,You have to hit the lottery and buy a bunch of video cameras and set them up and sit and see where they are when you want to hunt. .
  18. Was In a store the other day to buy some dog food,everybody there had a big smile on there face,i asked hows business as a joke the said very good,they were almost out of hole kernel and cracked corn. The DEC website had a post on how many people were caught baiting the beginning of the hunting season.
  19. The first thing is that you want a rifle in the caliber that you can purchase ammo for it anywhere you intend on hunting with it.I would save my money and try to buy the top model of whichever company's rifle you seem to be the most comfortable with.I bought a custom rifle from a company out west and the salesman was originaly from a town where I grew up in New York.He hunted all over the country for deer,elk,moose ect.He suggested what he uses for them all and all 200 yard or more shots.It was a .270 WSM.Others to consider the old reliable 30 - 06 or a .308 and by the way bench rest shooters shoot the .308 out to 1000 in 8" or better groups.
  20. Had just about all of them in the last 50+ years X2 on Muck Brand get the ones with the agresive thread pattern not the farm muck boot.
  21. One year we were hunting just below the top of one high spot,sitting under a mature pine tree with our Bright Orange rain gear on and a condom over the muzzle of my 35 Caliber Marlin ( was a lot younger then)I had 5 adult does stop and graze no more then 10 feet from where I was sitting.(No doe permit that year) they stayed there for about 5 minutes and slowly walked away.
  22. I have one and it is easy to set up,not wide enough for bow hunting as said above,not high enough for me, I leave it in one spot on my property.After the 2 nd. year it faded to a redish color,the fiberglass support rods snapped form the weight of the snow.If you intend on moving around and breaking it down,it is not that bad for the price.I myself would buy something taller and wider,if I were to buy another one.
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