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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. i think the stat is that an unmanaged deer population will double in just 2 or 3 years? there is obviously a limit as food and shelter are finite resources. As much as the show "Chaising Tail" bothered me, they have the right idea. introducing man-made solutions like birth control doesn't sit very well with me.
  2. Or he is a hero... depending on what side of the fence you're on.
  3. i have to imagine it was an oversight.
  4. agreed. Although, I don't see why a youth needs a gun to get hooked. Bowhunting hooked me harder than gun ever did.
  5. fwiw, climbers are a little harder to get up that high. The tree generally gets thinner, and I would feel better with a hanging stand then a climber. But I'll add the disclaimer that I've only used a climber for 1 season. so I'm used to permanent stands with safety harness tie-offs already in place.
  6. exactly. then enter the negative nancys. Like I said, I think his response was perfect and what I would like to see. A compromise to help the elderly and disabled.
  7. i'm confused, is this a store or a guy? any more details? thanks for the heads up. not sold on savage, just need a nice gun at a reasonable price. unfortunately that's my son's 1st birthday. oh well.
  8. i cant believe they couldn't get a better picture than that. Culver just posted some good ones haha
  9. NYB is the devil. conspiracy in the government, the end of the world rabble, rabble, rabble.
  10. has to be some bugs irritating them. I'd still shoot one. Sometimes the DEC will issue you another tag for shooting a sick or wounded animal... not sure if these would qualify because if it did affect the meat it'd be a shame to be out all that venison.
  11. when i belonged to alden rod and gun, I know they did it.
  12. so i've never been able to figure out why their clothing is so expensive. they don't seem to offer any scent blocker or anything but their gear is in the hundreds. anyone know?
  13. very civil thread with little arguing... then enter wnybuckhunter
  14. i think that response is on par with how most people feel. Would like to see it someday should I no longer be able to use my bow.
  15. good decision. logging our property was good for us financially and in just 2 years time significantly helped our whitetail population... and approach trails
  16. I find it interesting you preface your advice on where he should be with "i've never hunted from a treestand". I guess this is better than just leaving your experience out of the post though I do agree that the killzone shrinks, however I believe that you should always practice like you play. My practice stand is at 22'. Like anything, if you practice at certain heights and angles it should not affect you in the field. I'd rather have my success come down to my skill as an archer, then getting busted from being too low visually and scent. easiest way to judge height is if you're using ladder sticks, or break out the range finder. And I agree. I've seen some 10 footers where guys think they're way up there in the tree.
  17. Depends on the stand location. If you're hunting on a hillside, you want to consider the highside of the hill and that they may be level with you. Good time to use stand blinds. All of ours are from 20-30. I realize that's knee shaking territory for some people, but we rarely get busted.
  18. kinda cool. but i'm not going to just sit there and watch. some turkeys right now.
  19. yeah there are cheaper packages with simmons scopes, but I've never had issues with nikons. I really don't have any shots over 200 yards so I should be ok. but what do you mean by chicks?
  20. Toying with spending some money I don't really have on a rifle now that they're legal in Wayne. Thought this package looked pretty decent in .308... Wondering if I'm better off trying to pick up a used .308 or 30-06? http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Savage-Model-11-Trophy-Hunter-XP-Centerfire-Rifle-Package&i=721846&r=view&from=grid
  21. i've actually seen pears attract deer more than almost anything else on our property. Just like apples, they fall in stages and fall even more when they're just out in the wild. Still probably good to trim them so they keep producing. Last year we had none and the stand near the pear tree was almost unhuntable.
  22. phade, who makes x-scent? has anyone tried under armors stuff?
  23. used to be real bad as a kid. i'm talking like whole body. Then there was a period of 15 years or so where I never got it. Then i started getting it last year again, and my wife too for the first time in her life. weird...
  24. So I unfortunately opened the new basspro catalog yesterday... which really just gets me to want or buy stuff I dont need. I start with the skin tight older under armor set, and then my scent-lok base layer (getting a little old), and long underwear has always been part of my layering routine. Was thinking this year I'd buy a 2in1 scent blocker and long underwear combo. It seems there's a few options on the market and even within the same brand. Who and what do you prefer? *I'm not trying to debate if these products actually work*
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