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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. I love the names of the opperations that they come up with. Good job catching the bad guys!
  2. Thats right they all taste the same with Heinze 57 on top!
  3. Yea, we are arm carriers too, it happened while we were dragging the one out so it must have jostled loose. I think I told him to just leave it home and it won't do it again, ha! Secretly I want his gun cause its perty, its got the High gloss gray finish and silver barrell. Too bad its a back wards right hand gun. Maybe I should just walk a little behind him so I can pick up his lost cartriges, we both have 7mm...I like that idea cause I'm cheap.
  4. We eat mostly venison over beef through out the year, and we treat it the same as beef. Just season a little extra next time and you will be fine. Meatballs are a great way to fool people into eating venison because you really can't tell. I had some family member ask me if the meat was venison at a party and I repplied with a blank stare...well what else would it be? haha
  5. I'm with you on this one, live a little guys, you can allways do an extra excersize to make up for it.
  6. That was what we had determined too, I am glad he's not the only one it has happened to.
  7. My brothers Remington has one of them bolts that slides open, and I have a newer A-bolt that has the safety lock. His opened this year while we were dragging one out and I had a good time picking on him about it, I told him it was time to buy a Browning and use his gun as a door stop. I don't think he will listen though. Do you guys know of a way to stop his bolt from sliding open?
  8. Yes, all of the above, I will bring the Oscar's Apple wood smoked Bacon as a treat for you. ha!
  9. I took some measurements at lunch and I looked at the B&C sheet before I left....not sure if I did it right but their automatic calculator on their web site said 144 and some change. I only had my wifes sewing kit tape so who knows...lol The score I am sure about is "He looked freaking big on Saturday in the woods"...lol Exactly, thats a good way to score bucks, big bigger, biggest, and freaking huge! haha By the way me and steve863 are gonna stop by for a visit Saturday morning around 530, I hope you will be up and have some coffee on for us. We promise to only shot the littler bucks.
  10. I know you don't care about the score but I am betting it will be a hefty 130's, maybe even into the 140 realm.
  11. Are there ways for land owners to recoup money they lose from animal damage?
  12. Yup, he has five boys all named George, two of his 5 girls are named, Freeda George and Georgetta...funny guy that George.
  13. I use Remington Sluggers out of my 870, soft lead does a number on deer.
  14. I know Geno, they use the arguement that its because it can be used in other states but I'm sure alot of us know of guys that bait their deer in. We know where it is going and it ain't Ohio!
  15. Did you think I was being sarcastic when I said Thanks? I was not, but I guess you would expect that from a goof like me, no harm no fowl, and again thank you for answering our questions. Usually we end up wishing we knew some one with some answers, in this case we had you to give us some answers. Even if we don't agree, you are ok with me.
  16. You mean Jeremy Hurst? He is a biologist for the DEC.
  17. I would say yes legal, because there would be no way for a deer to eat smoke, unless its from the end of a gun barrell. The spray's can be put on leaves and give the deer to something to eat. But the only way to be absolutely sure would be to email a ECO and get it in writing if they say its a go. I don't think those scents work either by the way.
  18. Armcomm are you looking for a future in politics, because you did a nice dance back there and it reminded me of a politicians answer...here let shorten your reply...Yes I am a Lobbyist. There see, piece of cake . Thank you for answering our questions.
  19. Here is a link to the DEC web site http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7197.html No you can not use any amount of c'mere deer or deer cane or what ever product that fits the same vein. Its illegal, it doesn't matter if its a little or a lot. Other scents and lures are ok though, so I can see where you guys got mixed up. Basically if its not clear to you then don't do it. Just hunt, don't waste money on buying stuff like that.
  20. You members of the Matthews nation are weird. Just kidding guys.
  21. haha No us country boys read the friggin regs and understand them. In no way was I being an internet tough guy, most guys from the city are ok and I wouldn't deem them city fella's but, you on the other hand fit the shoe very well.
  22. He's not the one who didn't know if Cmere deer was legal there cityfella. "Think before you right because you sound ignorant." Speaking of sounding ignorant, did you mean write here?
  23. Way to go Culver! thats a nice looking buck, and heavy too. Couldn't you wait until the very last day though..haha
  24. Oh no ATV's aren't allowed what do you do???? ??? haha We drag all of our deer out, I don't think quartering one up is to hard but it would be made harder out in the woods. Its something you may want to learn some day, its a part of hunting.
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