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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. Where did you go, a bird preserve I presume? If so which one?
  2. haha how do you know what they are thinking? That process you described is called sweating the onion which to me is just as funny as what you said..the things we do to our food..."Time to sweat onion!"
  3. Yup can't go wrong making it your self, I think adding meat to sauce helps the flavor alot and I can't believe how much Garlic you use!!! I love garlic but it does not love me! I don't know about you but I love the smell of cooking sauce...mmmm
  4. Well that would do it then, I'm not sure what Wally world sells but I am willing to bet that CX are far better and heavier too. Sometimes you have to make a change no matter how bad the timing.
  5. Well of course we mix it in, venison meatballs..mmmmm We too make our own sauce, we go an extra step and go pick the Plum tomatoes and process them at home. There is nothing better than homemade sauce made from freshly picked maters!!! We make several different style sauces and freeze them up for the rest of the year. We get alot of sauce out of two bushells of tomatoes and it only cost $34 this year to pick them. I am into getting food from the local farms and this is just another way of supporting them.
  6. What were your old arrows? I wouldn't think those new ones are that much heavier, the Mutiny's are only 9.4 GPI. The nocks being loose could be due to worn down serving on your string which is easily repairable. Just make sure who ever works on it does not move your knocking point a whole lot provided you are shooting good now and have good arrow flight. Other than that if the new arrows are grouping well just adjust your pins accordingly and have at it.
  7. Its the same over here too, we have been hitting a chunk of state land this year and have yet to see any one or even sign that any one else has hunted it and its not that big of a chunk of land. Its kinda nice like sits said to stretch the legs.
  8. And also isn't NY one of the safer states around as far as hunting is concerned?
  9. I wonder if it wasn't meant to be a joke or something, can people be that stupid? Never mind, yes they can.
  10. And that is what makes you a ...... Tell us again how many bucks you have taken between 110-155 please because I don't think you have bragged nearly enough yet. Are you still angry that your TV career never took off or something. Bragadocious moron. Points on a rack are not a measure of success, but hey that isn't what you want to publish on your website now is it. Edited Post, removed a certain word - John
  11. I'm with WNY, getting in trouble over a coyote is not worth it. I understand being frustrated but but calmer heads need to prevail. And for gods sake don't talk about it on the internet in a public forum if you did do something illegal.
  12. Usually you only see them after consuming to much beer.
  13. I think we only spent 600 on oil last year, before making the improvements it was about double that. Keep in mind I am farther north than you too John.
  14. I think its more likely that one of two things happened, or a combination of the two, the choices are magic or elves...you pick. I think it was magic elves myself.
  15. I heard if you get down from your stand and take a run at them big ones they come back in..quick try that! haha..do you have anything to rattle with? or maybe a snortwheeze?
  16. Nice pics! I went out to Ithaca a couple of weeks ago and hunted with my dogs breeder and one of his dogs. I had a blast and I can't wait to get Gus out. How far north do you guys have property?
  17. That's what I was thinking. From past experience with coyotes, they have rarely done more than chew on the tail and maybe a little of the hind quarter. He didn't have to wait to recover the deer (he made a perfect shot), but we made a pact that if either of us got one, we would recover it together. After this experience, though, I think that it's best not to wait. I couldn't beleive the damage done in 1 hr & 1/2. That bear must have been real close to my friend's stand and just took advantage of the easy meal. Well I can vouch for the speed a pack of coyotes can eat a deer, three years ago I shot a doe, gave it an 1 1/2 and walked up on a half a deer much like the one in your picture. There are alot of coyotes in this spot and they worked very fast and left not a speck of anything. Luckily they didn't touch any of the good bits and really only gutted it for us....I was surpprised at the speed and cleanlyness of the coyotes.
  18. 67 When home and 63 at night, when not home it goes down to 58, I saved alot by getting a new furnace, new windows, and re-insulating the attic.
  19. You wouldn't need a car jack with her around, she could just pick it up like a feather.
  20. Yes it has to be over 35 pounds in order to hunt with it. Get one with a wide range of adjustment and she will build muscle and be able to draw more after a year of practice.
  21. Nice job summing it up there Culver, well said. The instincts and stories can be traced back to drawings on cave walls, I do think that part is in some of us genetically speaking. Some are predisposed to hunting and gathering...my self included.
  22. Now that is cool! Congrats to your crew.
  23. oh poor fantail, what will you do..haha nice job. I'm glad some of us are on a roll!!!
  24. Very true...last weeks hunting trips are part of what did me in..not enough sleep and sick kids, but at least I knew it was coming. It was worth it! lol
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