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Everything posted by thphm
Grow get it fixed Now,It is not goin to get any better by waiting,I had no choice after I took my foot off of my leg in a bike accident and was in the hospitle for 2 -1/2 months, I missed bow season but Because of my friends being nice, who took me with them during gun season and set me up in a beach chair covered with blankets and a walki talki and rifle ( I was still in a full cast ) I think that was the best therphy I could have.I had deer walking around me most of the day, no bucks and no doe permit.
Years ago when we hunted on DEC run co op land there was no garentee of getting the area you wanted,All from the ground.No cameras and no scouting and no food plots,Just looked for sign and played the wind.And we got our bucks and does almost every year.
I can relate to Mr.B and the Gout, Just had it of all places in my left hand, fingers to my sholder,been 5 year since in my big toe right foot.Eat very little red meat & seafood,Only have a glass of wine with dinner. Yes butchering a deer is a tedious job, my brother in law and I usualy got a buck and a doe each almost every year. My father in law was a butcher,and took his time getting all good cuts of meat with the 3 of us it would take 1 to 1-1/2 days to have the 4 deer in the freezer.
Gee maby for 50 + years I have been doing it wrong.As far as draw length .Years ago a very well respected Pro. in an archery shop had me pull back a few bows, Long Bow, Recurve Bow and a compound bow. To see how much weight I could pull back and hold and anchor at my lips. He said I could do 55 pounds But recommended 50 pounds.Then we took all of the type of bows ( he had an idea what My Draw length was). And drew each bow with an extra long arrow to my anchor point. He marked the arrow with a different color marker for each bow.They All came within an 1/8" of each other.The length came out to be 28". Which he said is my draw length.
What a waste of time preping the garden and planting Here, 5 out of 50 sunflower plants up with no flowers yet,Pumpkins one 10 th. came up just got flowers .Cukes the same , peper plants small just budding ,grape tomatoes a hand full and plants are turning brown,brockley went to seed, brussel sprouts the same,kale about 1/4 busshel now dying, reg. tomatoes BLITE. I guess there is afirst time for everything.I am usualy giving vegies away every year.
Here is the no BS method. As Doc said the bow must be set up exactly the way you are going to use it.Buy an arrow longer then you herard your draw length is,put in place the way you are going to shoot it,draw the bow back to your anchor point,now have someone put a mark on the arrow lined up with the front of the bow at the arrow rest. Inside of the knock to that mark is IT. Now add 1" to that for broadheads.
the problem with the 17 is at any long distance the wind effects it, 22 mag.would be a better choice.But I think the 223 is still a all around favorite.
Thats what I was thinking. Also don't you people put locks on your cam's.?.
Bow = the one you are most comfortable with and can hold at full draw for at least a minute ( or more ). Tree stand = one that is sturdy and does not woble when you move around and one that has a swivel seat. ( buy extra 1" 0 load biders to make it more secure. And by all means buy a good safety harness and strap.
If you want to ride again the best thing is to get on the other bike,when you feel you are able.To see if you have any fears or doubts.I did it with a half leg cast,Just to see if I could without being leary. But I sold it afterwoods.
50 pound bows, 29 '' carbon arrows , 4 -1/2" feathers, 400 grains with 125 grain steel force 2blade with bleeders broadheads I can take the same arrow shoot it in my compound, long bow , recurve and it flyes great. They fly fast enough to heat up the foam in the tadgets and go almost up to the fletching.Morell six shooter targets.I use a arrow shaft lube that keeps them from sticking and they come out easy.
Hope you are OK, don't worry about the bike it can replaced or fixed.I spent 2 -1/2 months in the hospitle after they put my foot back on my leg.The bike was fixed a lot faster then I was. Did the cop give you a oermit for the deer ?.
If you are hitting arrows next to each other at that distance, Why don't you just take the advice jiven by others above.I shoot only carbon arrows now, Even a scratch on one of them could be an accident wating to happen.5 each 3 " dots on the face of my target.
I had it done to both Knees, but not at the same time and both sholders also not at the same time.Had all done in the ER, in and out the same day. releived pain in all.My doctor was aslo a strict beleiver in theraphy afterwoods, which mostlikley helped all done 10 -15 years ago and no problems since.
If you read the directions on the good old stuff like Sno Proof and some of the oils, The say to warm the leather shoes, boots, whatever up to a certin temp.then apply. This opens up the pores in the leather and the product goes in deeper,scrapes do not effect as much as not heating. I have boots as Danner and Sorel that are 40 or more years old that are still on good shape, I do the above once a year.
Maby someone was Bow Fishing.
Muzzy drop away rest 5 years no problems.I cannot see wanting fletching to go threw something ,Just My 2 cents.
Get that bow out practice, practice.Go to the range a get them bulleyes with your firearms. Buy Sport Wash and wash every thing with it.Play the wind, walk sofetly.Lots of luck I hope you get it.
I start with a lighter draw weight bow first week, then switch to my regular bow or bows after that,shoot 10 shots a day then work up to 50 a day.
Where I lived in the past,If a persons pet animal made whineing or barking for more then 15 minutes continous you could call the police,1st. time they would get a worning. 2nd. time they would get a fine.After that the animal would be taken from them and put in a pound and the owner woul have to pay for there upkeep.
I think it is all a bunch of BS, In the past I would apply for areas with very low chances of getting a permit so I could build up enough points to apply for an area I wanted a permit for. Last year my area was a very slim chance of getting a permit.I applied and got one.This year I applied even though the chances were worst then last year.I got one for this year also.
At 14 years old I shot bows @ 50 pounds. At 72 I shoot recurve,long, and compound @ 50 pounds never saw any reason to shoot any more poundage.Way back whe cement bags were 100 pounds I carried one on each sholder @ 18 years old.So it is not that I could not have shot a higher poundage bow.
If you are going to carry Just that pistol thats fine,Remember they are big and bulky,carrying that and a rifle was just too much for me.Sold it and bought a Contender a little lighter ( yes it is a single shot ) but I can shoot anything from a .22 and up with a BBL, change. What are the odds of downing a deer after the first shot with a pistole anyway.
The thing I use to measure a distance is my Grandfathers 100 foot Starret tape measure. after all these years it still is right on. Hint check out your GPS and thoes other electronic distance checkers. Some have a + or minus 10 percent variance.