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Everything posted by steve863

  1. 3S and 3N are suburbs of NYC. You don't have the hunting culture down there like you have in the more rural parts of NYS and never will.
  2. Good luck with that! More trouble than it's worth in my opinion. Plus, Steve Rinella has even tried to eat coyote meat, but I sure won't be trying it just because he did!!
  3. I think I see a drain pipe running down from the floor. Do you have a flush toilet in there?? LOL
  4. Sure, you can negotiate, but it doesn't mean they will give it to you. And if they do end up giving you more than they wanted, they will most certainly make you pay for it in other ways. They won't forget that you were asking for more than they really wanted to give you. They will expect more from you for any extra perks they give you so it's best to not be too greedy.
  5. Ah, the world of accounting, its such a glamorous career! Don't ask me how I know. LOL Since she's got her CPA my suggestion would be to eventually move away from the public accounting world altogether. Too much work in the public accounting field and firms typically aren't too generous with perks or benefits. They are professional accountants who tell clients how to tighten belts so they know how to be cheap. She could probably get more pay and way better vacation time, benefits, etc working in the corporate world. With a CPA and big 4 experience she could become a CFO somewhere and make way more than she'll ever make at a public firm and work many less hours.
  6. I think you'd find more hunting equipment inside Billdogge's house than inside a Cabela's store. LOL
  7. It's a replacement Boyd laminate. They give you lots of options to customize it with different checkering patterns, stock shape, etc.. Can't beat the feel and look of wood compared to fiberglass or other plastics the majority of guns wear these days.
  8. Same gun since 1985, although it now wears a different stock since the original got broken. Remington 700 in .270 Win with Leupold 3-9 scope.
  9. Cuomo and Trump honestly deserve each other. They are two egomaniac know-it-all's who in reality don't know $hit.
  10. It is quite simple. You need to get at least 80-100 miles away (and probably more) from NYC to get away from this kind of stuff. Most preferably upstate because you surely won't escape this kind of stuff anywhere on Long Island. It will probably require you to stay over at a motel or somewhere for a couple of nights if you don't have a camp, but the further away from the mobs of people in the NYC radius you are, the more at peace you will be while hunting.
  11. He was a very good mayor. 100 times better than the current idiot mayor DeBlasio. Rudy seemed to have somehow gone off the deep end in recent years, however. He's nothing but a conspiracy theorist like Trump right now. His lawsuits won't go anywhere other than get thrown out of court. A few have already been thrown out.
  12. Where did the water come from? Aren't you guys up on a hill?
  13. You are so full of it, it isn't even funny. Like most of those soldiers weren't DRAFTED and made to sign away those constitutional rights? I would think being told to wear a mask is giving up much less than they gave up. But you can go ahead and spin this shit any way you want. Obviously you are beyond reasoning with.
  14. Yet how many people think being told something as simple as wearing a mask is a total infringement of their freedom?? Plenty of folks who simply refuse to wear them. Did the first soldiers who were sent to land on Normandy beach have a choice to do anything other than "what they were told"? Their lives were pretty much sacrificed for the greater good of our country and the world. If they could give up their lives for the betterment of humanity I have no problem wearing a freaking mask and won't consider it an infringement of any of my freedoms.
  15. With nutjob Rudy as his chief lawyer Trump won't get a parking ticket overturned! LOL
  16. Where did you ever hear me say that there was no liberal bias on most of the networks? There sure is. And there's fake news from FOX and the conservative side, too. Will you admit that? I doubt it. And the laptop story is dead in the water. Will never make news again.
  17. Yeah, notice how FOX dropped the story completely after harping on it for months. Was probably fake BS from the start. It's not only the liberal media that feeds their viewers fake news.
  18. I agree that he will eventually concede but still claim that he was robbed. Couldn't imagine him saying anything different. That's why I'd actually like to see some of his lawsuits get heard in court. If they get heard and the courts rule against them, the question is will his base now accept the decisions or still continue to cry fraud? Would they ever realize and admit that Trump might be the real fraud here?? From what I've seen and heard a good many would walk over a cliff for Trump no matter what.
  19. You also predicted that Trump would win NYS, so I don't think I'll be putting money on your prediction.
  20. Oh the drama! What America wanted was to remove a man who acts like a spoiled child from the highest office in the country. I am surely not claiming the next president will be better, only telling you why Trump was shown the door. You can continue to be ignorant and only see what you want to see. If he was as great as you claim he would have won the election by the type of landslide Ronald Reagan won by in 1980 and 1984, but he was nowhere close to that. You can even throw in some fraudulent votes and he still was nowhere near that. More than half the voters did not vote for him in 2016 and the same happened in 2020, so obviously plenty of people in this country don't see him in the same light as you.
  21. Doesn't matter what any one person thinks of him. America as a whole didn't like what they saw and voted him out. That is the only report card that counts. My math teacher might of thought I was brilliant since I aced every exam, but if I flunked all my other classes I will still be considered a failing student.
  22. I think anything you've said before or from here on in will be completely ignored after the above post. Like there aren't any republicans who are perverts or drug users?? I'm sure Trump himself has a laundry list of perverted things he's done in his life. Of course you'd never believe any of it.
  23. What about the red T-shirt? MAGA, Chiefs, Cardinals? Maybe a Red Sox fanatic like you thus you got retrieval rights??
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