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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by steve863

  1. For those who think the deer in their area don't have ticks, I would suggest they put the head of their next kill in a trash bag for a couple days. Good chance they'll see some when they pull the head back out.
  2. I almost find it hard to believe that some have never seen a tick on a deer or elsewhere. Granted, some places in NYS have a lot more ticks than others, but I know that ticks could be found in most all regions within the state. Years ago they were virtually non-existent, but these days you will find them just about anywhere in the country. I think the suburban areas are the worst, but if you look hard enough I'm pretty sure you'll find a few ticks on most deer. And I do know the difference between a tick and a ked.
  3. Wouldn't be the first time that the DEC is BS'ing us. I was out this weekend and it was youth weekend wasn't it?? Barely heard a shot, and it was probably someone shooting their pistol. One would think that there would have been lots of youth hunters out there this year if what the DEC is telling us is true.
  4. I scratch my balding head when people talk about "orange armies" and that opening day will sound like a "war zone". I sure as hell haven't seen or heard any such thing in well over 30 years. Where I have hunted on opening days over the last 10 to 20 years you could count the shots on one hand on opening day or at the worst two hands. Far from sounding like a "war zone". 30 plus years ago maybe it was closer to that, you had way more hunters both on public and private lands, but there are fewer and fewer hunters out hunting each year from what I've been seeing. Thus, it would absolutely amaze me that now all of a sudden, just because NYS has online hunter safety courses you will be seeing a mass influx of hunters. No way in my opinion!
  5. You are panicking for nothing. Just because people took the online course don't mean we will have tons more hunters in the woods this year. As I said in another thread, people are just as lazy as ever before and awful few have the patience and will power to sit in the woods for hours waiting to shoot at a deer. Just because hunting classes were online now everyone want to become a hunter?? Come on. The majority of those courses were taken by friends and family member of hunters for the sole purpose of getting extra DMP's.
  6. Maybe if you get to hunt in someones back yard where rabbits frequent you might get to kill a couple with a bow, but hunting them in a wild habitat will be challenging enough just to find them. Hard enough to kill them with a shotgun or .22 without a beagle. With a bow I can imagine it might be next to impossible.
  7. If it's named after him it's got to be the greatest park in NYS if not the country. Just ask Donald. He'll tell you.
  8. No! Folks don't get a deer consistently because they don't know how to hunt, can't shoot, don't have patience and many other reasons. None of which have to do with developing loads.
  9. Yeah, so "thinking critically" in your mind is to swallow everything the media, celebrities, black lives matter movement, etc. are telling you, right? We now have to erase everything from our history to make them happy, give them jobs that they aren't even qualified for, pay them money because their great, great, great grandfathers were enslaved. This is all BS of the greatest magnitude. If you can't figure any of this out for yourself without falling for everything you are being told and hearing in the media, then I feel sorry for you. These people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and not just cry victim for everything they haven't achieved. I know PLENTY of people who arrived in this country with one suitcase and were NEVER on welfare and were able to buy a home, cars and live a very decent life in this country. They did it through hard work and didn't expect handouts from anyone or think they were entitled to anything like many blacks who have been here for generations. It really doesn't take a lot of critical thinking to figure out what's going on here.
  10. What do you find simple about what he said? I agree with Uncle Nicky 100% with what he said and I'm far from a diehard Trump supporter. I have absolutely NOTHING to apologize to blacks for. My ancestors were peasants in Europe and didn't reach these shores until the mid 1900's, so I owe them NOTHING and I'll be damned if I will apologize to them just because I happen to be white. If you can't see our point of view then you are the "simple" one here.
  11. Horrible. He'll probably never be the same again. I was never crazy about tree stands and at my age I will be hunting from the ground. Easy decision after hearing numerous stories like this every hunting season.
  12. This kid is telling his dad that a 12 pointer is coming his way!
  13. Nice spin. How about the spin of him not listening to people who know a hell of a lot more than him about infectious disease? He mocked people for wearing masks and rarely wore one himself and now he has contracted it. I'm afraid this will be the great American story that you will be hearing. I'm sure he will be fine, but this makes him look more like an ignorant know nothing than ever before.
  14. LOL, yeah everything is someone else's fault! It couldn't possibly be Trump's fault for being so bold and not listening to people who know $hitload more about such things.
  15. 30'?? He's one lucky dude to survive that. No animal on this planet that I would climb 30' up a tree for.
  16. I got this newsletter from the DEC yesterday. 450 have been reported, apparently.
  17. So you think BM and Left field have now switched over to Trump? This debate/sham hasn't convinced a living soul of anything other than that we have two losers running for president. Trump and Biden could make the biggest blunders and their blind supporters like you will see it only the way they want to see it and in their eyes their candidate can do no wrong and will always come out the winner.
  18. Didn't he shoot elephants with the .275 Rigby which is the same as the 7MM Mauser?
  19. Maybe BM and lefty will post pictures of themselves tomorrow wearing MAGA caps as proof that they turned. LOL
  20. I honestly couldn't imagine taking them when they were 4, 5 or 6 years old. No way would they have sat for more than 30 minutes. You are talking Pre-K to 1st grade ages here and it is not in them to sit still for very long.
  21. I didn't take my son hunting with me until a year before he was old enough to hunt himself. It will be a LONG wait for a kid who's 4 until he is legally allowed to hunt. I've seen a few kids taken out early and then they lost interest by the time they were old enough to hunt. They got wrapped up in other things where they could participate in the activity themselves and not just be tag alongs. As mentioned, I think taking them squirrel hunting where there is a lot of action will give you the best chances to keep them interested. Deer hunting where the weather can be rough and you might not see anything for hours on end and maybe nothing at all can be tough on youngsters.
  22. There is absolutely NO possibility that a midge could be imbedded in the hide somewhere? How about if a midge takes a bite out of the dead deer, could it now carry the virus or must the deer be alive with the virus when bitten for the midge to spread it? I would doubt anyone really knows for sure.
  23. Who lopped off the heads of those bucks? Isn't there a risk of spreading this disease if the heads are taken from where they were found and then moved to another location? These mites could still be on the hide and then jump off to spread in another location. Don't know if this is possible but I think it would be best to leave the carcasses intact where they lay, no??
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