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Everything posted by steve863

  1. It amazes me that there are hunters out there who don't even realize that there was no such thing as food plots for deer not too far in the past. It seems like many think that it isn't possible to kill a deer without food plots. I've got some news for these folks! Although they probably won't want to listen. LOL
  2. Just saw this. I tell you. If there was ever a need for a thumbs down on a post, I think this has got to be it!!
  3. I thought I remembered reading that big game hunting in Nevada had a strict quota system, and it was virtually impossible to get tags over the counter. I think the linked article below pretty much confirms this. Without a lot of prior planning and applying one won't be hunting the big stuff in Nevada. https://lasvegassun.com/news/2016/may/30/a-guide-to-huning-in-nevada/
  4. Have no clue, but give Wolc a few minutes and he'll tell you. He is digging out his PA bear girth chart at this very moment.
  5. The thing is that pellets in most cases are more than accurate to kill any deer walking at any reasonable range. That is why most people who aren't fanatical about accuracy, ballistics and velocity choose to use them. Just plop them down the tube and you are good to go! If they fall on the ground they can still work unlike loose powder. Try picking loose powder back up.
  6. That is definitely my take on things. I have been stopped at a deer checkpoint by the DEC at least once that I remember when I had a box filled with a quartered up deer. I did have the head in plastic bag next to the box and they surely didn't ask me to show any other proof of sex.
  7. Yeah, so in this case will a hunter get fined for shooting a doe if he doesn't have a doe permit? Absolutely not. There was no way for the hunter to know that the antlered deer was a doe when he pulled the trigger if it had a set of antlers.
  8. So they start in September and then the Stanley cup ends in the middle of June. How much of this could any human take?? Baseball, football and basketball are bad enough. I honestly wish I had all the time back that I wasted in my youth watching sports. I should have spent it on something more productive.
  9. There were several stories just out about this in the last few days. It seems that the risks outweigh the benefits for seniors to take aspirin or it's equivalent on a daily basis. And one of the big risks is bleeding. Sometimes it doesn't exactly pay to follow doctors orders. They come out with some theories only to refute these same theories a few years down the road. Typically it is us who have to suffer through their mistaken theories, so we need to be careful on how much trust we put in their hands. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/09/16/647415462/study-a-daily-baby-aspirin-has-no-benefit-for-healthy-older-people
  10. And it will be the same in the general election, on both the democrat and republican side. This is why I REFUSE to believe that it is the urban vote that keep guys like Cuomo in office. Just look at the results of the election four years ago. The NYC vote was not that huge and Astorino really didn't lose by that many votes. It could be surmounted if everyone upstate votes against Cuomo. The key is to beat Cuomo in the general election. Even if he somehow lost the primary what difference would it have made if Nixon won and then no one came out to vote against her in the general election? She is probably even more radical than Cuomo. So far the Republican Party in this state has done JACK to promote Molinaro or give him any exposure. It seems like they have pretty much thrown in the towel which is pathetic. People won't be coming out to vote for him if they don't even know who the hell he is!!
  11. I find it quite sad that people don't have anything better to do with their lives than watch something like college football from morning to night. Professional sports are bad enough, but wasting time on something as irrelevant as college football???
  12. Animal rights fanatics??? We were clearly told that it was the server.
  13. Of all the players who have played, only few are in the HOF, so that is irrelevant here. Biz, you also predicted that Judge would be back in the minor leagues this season, so I won't take your predictions very seriously. LOL
  14. By the way Biz, DeGrom was 26 years old before he ever pitched a game in the big leagues. Just wanted to point that out to you since you were going off on Judge last year for being 25 and only in his first season. A player doesn't need to break in at 20 to become a fine player and DeGrom is just another example.
  15. When I enter the woods after eating my usual morning breakfast of Tim Horton or Dunkin donuts I don't wipe my mouth clean. So if a bear attacks maybe he'll just want to lick the jelly off my face and then move on. I'm even thinking of carrying an extra donut in my pocket for added insurance. LOL
  16. I If we are comparing his body size to the size of the bow lying on top of him, I'd say the bear is no bigger than a cub. Modern compound bows are relatively short from axle to axle, and the bow almost looks longer than the whole bear. If he were a bear 2 or 3 years old he'd look more lanky and not as chubby as this one. That is why I think the bear is really no older than a cub.
  17. Interesting. I'd bet if the bow wasn't in the picture, most would be guessing a lot higher weight.
  18. Seriously Salmon, try buying it online. It may save you a trip out of the house. I would think most youngsters getting their first hunting license don't have a drivers license yet, so there may be a work around that. Once you are in the online system it takes like 5 minutes to purchase next years license.
  19. Why don't you try purchasing the licenses online instead? Maybe the system is only down in the town halls office and not the online purchasing system? I've bought mine online for a number of years now and never had a problem. You won't have to deal with long lines, dumb clerks, etc. They mail them to you in a week or two. Real simple process.
  20. The second redneck Bond film is already in production. It's set in the Louisiana bayou and a sequel to the Bond film "Octopussy". The girl in the photo will be Jimmy-Bob Bond's love interest. The movie will be called "Gatorpussy"
  21. I hear the Bond girls in that movie have some missing teeth! LOL
  22. Still way cheaper than a 4 wheeler and will hardly take up anymore space in your garage than your kids bike would! For me the storage space issue alone would be the biggest selling point.
  23. Good post. One thing that isn't brought up often enough is that a major part of the problem with illegal immigration is that American employers hire them so readily and there really are few to no penalties given to these employers. If employers knew they'd be penalized heavily for hiring them fewer would hire them and ultimately fewer illegals would flock in since they wouldn't find work as easily. I've always had the opinion that a big part of the reason immigration laws (and they've been on the books well before Trump became president) have been so poorly enforced is because our government knew that it would hurt many American businesses if they didn't have this illegal work force. So they just looked the other way and left things status quo. I honestly think that someone other than an illegal could have committed the very same crime. Not like we haven't seen legal whites, blacks and anyone else committing similar crimes before. It was interesting to see the bold headline on FOX news almost happily announcing that it was an "illegal" who committed the crime, while over at CNN you had to dig deeper into the story to find them reluctantly announcing that it was indeed an illegal immigrant. Typical BS attempt to brainwash it's readers into what they want them to believe from both sides of the political spectrum!
  24. Interesting post, I never gave these type of bikes a thought when it comes to hunting. Not sure what the DEC's take on these is, I'm guessing they wouldn't be legal on state land, but I could see these bikes being very practical. I've never been a fan of non-motorized mountain bikes for hunting, since you'd have a hell of a time hauling a deer out by pedal power alone, especially in mountainous terrain, but it's a different scenario having some motor power helping you. I just saw that they even sell deer carts that attach to these bikes. They surely would be a heck of a lot easier to bring to your hunting spot than a 4 wheeler would be, never mind storing one the rest of the year, plus if you have to get around a fallen tree or some other obstacle all you have to do is get off the bike and easily pick it up and get yourself over or around it. Not always so simple with a 4 wheeler. You obviously don't have all the utility and horsepower of a 4 wheeler with these bikes, but I could see some practical benefits.
  25. With people like Cuomo and DiBlasio running things in this state, it's the ASSAILANT that these clowns will be protecting and not the victim. They care more about giving convicts college educations and cleaner, safer prisons than they care about the law abiding man in the street. People shouldn't think that they'd be backing us if we had to resort to protecting ourselves with a weapon. It would most likely be the opposite.
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