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Everything posted by steve863

  1. He's a joke for sure. Only reason I opened this thread was when I kept noticing that FSW was making numerous replies. I just knew he would take it into the abyss, and he surely didn't disappoint! Unbelievable!!
  2. That thing better not rip a fart with the flame so close. We'd have another Hindenberg disaster. The humanity!!
  3. Keep dreaming that people are jealous of you and your mutant deer. I can assure you these deer interest way fewer people than you think or will ever accept as truth.
  4. Bourdain hunting ducks. I'll give him a lot of credit for being accepting of hunting on mainstream TV.
  5. He did seem like a very unique character. It is well known that he used some heavy drugs in the past and has even smoked pot on some of his TV episodes. He did have a very interesting TV show. Even had a few episodes involving hunting and game meat. That's the thing with drug use. If it doesn't kill you quickly from an overdose it can mess you up in other ways down the road.
  6. I've made this point before, but it is CRUCIAL that folks from upstate go out to vote in November if there is to be any chance to oust Cuomo. I know many think that it is NYC that decides the outcome of the election, but I can assure you that is not the case. In the last Gubernatorial and Mayoral elections only a little over 1 million voters turned out of the 8.5 million residents of the city, so that is certainly not a number that couldn't be surpassed if EVERYONE turns out to vote upstate.
  7. No, the gubernatorial primaries are coming up in September. https://ballotpedia.org/New_York_gubernatorial_and_lieutenant_gubernatorial_election,_2018
  8. You are correct that I am only going by what I have read in news reports and from what I am assuming that happened. I think we can all agree that the facts are that the vehicle fell into the river with 6 people in it. Two got out alive and the other four we are not sure about. I would also assume that the two that got out would have seen if any of the others got out soon after the incident. Do you have any reports from these family members you know of the survivors seeing anyone get out of the vehicle or being taken down stream whether conscious or not? I think that would tell us a lot. It would have only taken a minute or two for someone to perish submerged under water. If the two survivors didn't see anyone get out of the vehicle or water, I honestly don't think there was much hope from the very beginning. This may have had something to do with how the rescuers decided to go about things.
  9. Pretty soon they will tax us for breathing the air in NYS. .25 cents per gulp. NYS will find ways to tax you more, you can rest assured of that.
  10. What else can these agencies do at this point? They've searched on the ground and from the air. Not like they can send divers into raging rivers looking for bodies under water. I know it must be really difficult for the families, but I don't think the police or any other agency should be blamed here. They are not miracle workers and can't bring people back to life if there is no sign of life.
  11. I don't think the house I own here in NY is worth anywhere near what the market rate is right now, but nonetheless if I were to sell it I could probably buy a huge house with lots of acreage around it in a state like Tennessee or the Carolina's with it's low cost homes. The problem for me is that I can't see myself being too far from my kids. And I don't think my wife would like that either. It would be an easy decision if one had no one else to think about, but that isn't the case for me and I would consider it a selfish move if I was just thinking about myself and not those who I care about most. Lots of factors that come into play with making such a move that go beyond only dollars and cents.
  12. FMJ was surely a bad choice for hunting, but if he did hit the bear thru the vitals with a FMJ he'd still have a dead bear. I would assume that if he did hit the bear at all, he made a very poor shot.
  13. They are tenacious for sure. I've had a couple lay still for a good while and then start flopping around. Luckily I was next to them and able to wrestle them down. If they do get up and run off I don't they will ever be found. They are not like deer where you can track and possibly make a follow up shot.
  14. Wow, is putting it mildly on this story!! Do you see footprints of humans or predators close to where you had left the bird?
  15. Since the guides got out, I would assume they would have seen the NY brothers get out of the vehicle? If they didn't get out, it would be a matter of a minute or two before they perished.
  16. That's why Greeks are a good group to pick on. You cover an ethnic group and homos all at the same time! LOL
  17. I may be a bigot, but at least I am an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY bigot. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, Italians, Poles, Irish, etc. all get equal treatment from me! LOL
  18. Pygmy, why was the greek guy in such a rush to leave home?? Answer: He didn't like the way he was being reared.
  19. Funny you mention VJP. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks he and Rattler sound like one and the same. Have no way of proving it, but it seems like I've heard the same boasting before. If it wasn't for him we would have all had our guns confiscated years ago.
  20. Absolutely! I have never met a woman who didn't consider her wedding day the most important day of her life. Even for the women from modest backgrounds it is their day to be princesses and the star of the show.
  21. Your hero boy here is the one who looks a bit effeminite if you ask me, but whatever floats your boat.
  22. Between shooting guns and listening to this type of music you guys must be close to deafness! Couldn't imagine the decibel level listening to that live.
  23. So, if someone just recently bought a gun for the first time, but would prefer not to become an NRA member for reasons they prefer not to explain, you think this person deserves NO respect and you want no part of? What makes you think that everyone who already owns a gun is as passionate as you about guns and the 2nd amendment? You are taking a swipe at a lot of people with your statement. How many members does the NRA have now? 5 million? Maybe that's as far as you will get in terms of the passionate ones while the rest own guns for various other reasons but are hardly passionate about them. The guns they own may have been passed down from family members or they may only have them to hunt or target shoot occasionally, etc. Their entire being may not revolve around thinking about guns or the 2nd amendment. They probably don't go to sleep worrying about the government confiscating them like you probably do. Maybe the truth is that some gun owners wouldn't be bothered with some more gun regulations? You clearly witness on this forum that all hunters don't agree on various hunting regulations, so what makes you think gun owners are in agreement on gun laws? Maybe others are offended by some of the clowns the NRA allows to represent them like LaPierre and Nugent and don't want to be associated with such folks? Maybe some think the NRA is full of it and themselves with some of their rhetoric? What makes you think all gun owners think like you? They obviously don't for one reason or another. If the NRA can get only 5 million people to join, maybe that is more their own fault and NOT the fault of the MAJORITY of gun owners you are taking a swipe at here? Did you ever think of that?? I'm pretty sure you will continue to harp on your same old story about everyone else being lame while you are the hero here, but maybe you should just stop and think about things from someone else's perspective at least once in a while. You surely will NEVER get these people to listen to your point of view if you take the type of swipes at them as you have with your statement here. They will simply look at you as another know it all blowhard, the type they see ,hear and read daily on TV, radio, internet, etc from ALL the different political ideologies.
  24. I hope none of the stuff she threw ended up in the donut fryer. Might of gotten mixed up with the Timbits once it got scooped out of the fryer. LOL
  25. No, he cut and pasted that off the Chinese restaurant menu he ordered from last night. That's Chinese for Chop Suey. Wasn't too great according to First Light. He wasn't abducted, just spending more time than he'd like in the bathroom this morning! LOL
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