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Everything posted by steve863

  1. That's for darned sure. Even Cabelas is not half the store it used to be since they've been bought out by Bass Pro. They don't have a fraction of the stuff that they used to sell.
  2. The one big negative for me with these mounts is that they are aluminum. I like steel for high powered rifles. Interesting that they even tell you not to use them with calibers like .338 Win Mag and larger. That would rule them out for the rifle I had pictured since it's a .338 Win Mag.
  3. Maybe some think it's stupid and it doesn't bring in many youth but it sure will be nice being out there with my son and him having a chance at a deer with rifle before the regular November season. And I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who feels this way.
  4. Looks like you have a picattinny rail on it and the rings sure look considerably higher than on my Ruger, be it an older top tang safety version M77. I don't think the dimensions of the scope mounting systems have changed with the more current models.
  5. I've always liked the Ruger M77 family of rifles and felt they never got enough recognition. Their scope mounting system is rock solid, too. Simple yet very effective. I also think the scope is way more than needed for NYS hunting. I don't like all those bells and whistles on a scope to confuse the hell out of me. The Hawkeye is a more traditional rifle that would be better matched with a simpler scope in my opinion. Also, don't you think those scope rings put that scope a bit too high?
  6. Yeah, they definitely look like some rapper bro's from NYC with those earrings. LOL
  7. This is only my second summer running cameras. Have two up now. Went to check them this weekend on my 37 acre lease. Getting lots of deer this summer. Hope they stick around until the Fall.
  8. Most people don't know the difference between air rifles or any other rifle so I don't think they will look to kindly at you shooting one near a populated area. I'd say stick with a .22 for hunting. You can't beat a .22 for squirrels. Get a brick or two of ammo when the prices settle down and you'll be good for a long while. In the meantime I'm sure you can find a 50 round box or two to get you thru the season. No fuss with a .22 and you don't have rediscover the wheel with air rifles.
  9. Maybe you and Bill can have a cage match for the forum championship. We'll put up some billboards on Thruway. "Billy vs. Squirrelly". LOL
  10. She probably has no clue what a crossbow is and could give two $hits about the subject. If it could win her a million votes in a future election maybe she'd support it otherwise a politician won't care. They are all the same.
  11. Try Googling the anthrax vaccine during the Gulf War for an unapproved vaccine given to US troops. 2/3 of the US military have already gotten the Covid vaccine so obviously they trust it more than many here and the US populace in general.
  12. So, if we question anything you or Grouse post here we are immediately accused of being a leftisf/ Marxist and you think we shouldn't consider that an insult?? Talk about getting old. He makes 100 posts to every one of mine and most anyone else about political BS. You guys call me a leftist and I will call you a$$clown drama queens so take it or leave it. You can cut and paste anything you want about FDA approval being needed for military vaccinations. Once you enlist or get drafted the military owns you. If they can send you to the battlefield the can stick any damned needle they want into your butt.
  13. I'll come over to take karate lessons from you, Bill, since you are such a legend in Rockland County. At least that's what you've been telling us daily for the last 7 years on this forum. LOL
  14. Yes, the insults will keep coming to a$$clown drama queens like you and Grouse. Someone's got to tell you what you guys are since you don't realize it yourselves. And if you think that the military won't stick into your a$$ whatever shot they damned well please, you know very little about being in the military.
  15. No, COVID is not the situation that WWII was, yet if those men did what they had to do and with much greater risk to themselves I see absolutely NO reason for all the bitching and moaning that is going on constantly right now on this forum and this country over something as simple as a vaccination.
  16. What about the guys who saved the world during WWII? Was it just personal choice or did they think it was their moral obligation to go fight the enemy and save the world? Lots of them never came back home and knew the possibilities before they left. The odds were a hell of a lot worse than getting stuck with a little needle like some of you clowns are bitching and moaning about here. It was a liberal democrat who called those boys to war, too. I can only imagine how you pansies would act if it were you who got called up.
  17. I believe he is finished. He can try to deny all he wants but I don't think anyone will be buying any of it. Everyone hates his guts be they democrats or republicans. This is there chance to finish him off for good and I believe they will do it.
  18. Yes, you would see your preference points. I was just in the site buying licenses for me and my kids and it is surely more convenient buying online but I have to say that the site in general is quite lame. Hasn't improved at all since last year. I tried to edit my sons height since he grew a good deal from last year but it doesn't allow me to edit even though there is an edit button. His email is incorrect and isn't allowing me to edited that either. To top it off my password somehow expired from last year and now they require a 14 freaking character password. First thing that came to mind was "yourwebsitesucks!!". That would be easy to remember and has enough characters. LOL
  19. Absolutely 100% correct!! Plus, these same clowns who complain about the illegals carrying it in also tell us that the virus is just a head cold and there is no need for vaccines/masks/shutdowns. etc. so what the hell are they worried about? They just want to bitch for the sake of bitching. Period.
  20. This country is the most drugged up nation under the sun. Every other commercial on TV is a drug commercial it seems. Prescription drugs are available for just about every ailment and most of these drugs have a laundry list of potential side effects yet it doesn't seem to stop people from popping them like candy. What I find funny is that many of those who are afraid of the potential side effects of the vaccine are the same people who have no problem taking these various prescription drugs. And many of these prescription drugs are needed by these folks because of bad life choices they've made. Go try to figure that one out, I sure as hell won't. LOL
  21. It's a selfish world we live in. There is absolutely NO sense of civic responsibility anymore. People just want to bitch and complain about being forced to get vaccinated or made to wear a freakin mask. No sense of what might be best for society to get rid of this $hit once and for all. All people care about is themselves and it seems like most everyone these days is completely brainwashed by one political ideology or the other. If we had the same mentality as we do today during WWII the freaking world would have been taken over by the enemy. No question about that!!
  22. Not that I care about baseball or any sport anymore but I was curious to know this guys career numbers. He's a .211 lifetime hitter in 7 major league seasons. He's another Gary Sanchez. LOL He can hit a home run but makes an out every other time up. He's listed at 250 lbs so he's not even hitting his weight for his career. I can't see him being too valuable. https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/g/gallojo01.shtml
  23. So what did I say that has you clowns freaking out here?? That I support law enforcement taking any action necessary when you have a mob destroying property be they BLM hoodlums setting state houses on fire or Trump supporter thugs breaking into the Capitol building. Did I hear any of you clowns supporting the same?? All I hear is birds chiriping and Bill talking out of his a$$. If that paints me as the bleeding heart liberal you think I am you all can honestly all go F&*K yourselves. I have better things to do than waste my time with a bunch of paranoid idiots.
  24. That's because you got karate kicked in the head one too many times, Bill.
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