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Cabin Fever

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. Nothing great, but it's the one and only buck I've gotten pics of so far this year! Coming out of a thicket and is ~7 yards from one stand.
  2. Here's some "companion" trees and plants that I read typically grow in areas where ginseng can be found. Should be helpful in giving an idea of where to look anyway... One indicator that you may be in an area where ginseng grows is the presence of "companion plants" plants which favor the same habitat conditions as ginseng and which are sometimes found growing among ginseng. These include trillium (Trillium spp.), bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides -blue, Actaea racemosa-black), jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum ), wild yam (Dioscorea villosa), goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), and Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum biflorum). Of course finding these plants by no way guarantees that you’ll also find ginseng.It usually grows in well-shaded areas (especially north- or east-facing slopes) of moist hardwood forests, especially where poplar, maple, beech, hickory, walnut, and, sometimes, oak trees, particularly in the Appalachia and Ozark regions. The more mature the forest (with large hardwood trees and a full canopy that shades out most shrubs, briars, etc.), the better for ginseng, as a thick understory of smaller plants will overshade or outcompete ginseng plants.
  3. Is this the one? http://www.dec.ny.gov/pubs/97139.html
  4. Couple of links that I came across... Finding and identifying video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND2Edq4v6n8 2014 Prices https://sites.google.com/site/highpricespaidforginseng/home
  5. Anyone find or hunt for ginseng in NY? Big $, I guess? http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7130.html
  6. I DREAD my late August (last) mowing of the year, because of ground nesting yellow jackets! I disturbed 3 different nests 2 years ago and they put a whoopin' on me! Thank God I'm not allergic!
  7. Sound like a good time! Bet you two had some good laughs too! Both seem to have quick wit, a good sense of humor, and some great one liners!
  8. I started out with Rocky boots, but they leaked. Tried 2 sets of Cabelas Comfort Trac 2000gr thinsulate, but each pair only lasted 2 seasons before they started leaking at the seams. Switched to Muck Artic Pro boots, but after 2 seasons, I got a couple of tears in the neoprene uppers! Need to buy my son another pair of boots soon, but won't be buying Mucks, after mine tore so easily. Gonna try Lacrosse AlphaBurly Pro's http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/80166?feat=Lacrosse%20Hunting%20Boots-SR0&page=lacrosse-alphaburly-pro-boots-thinsulate-1600g&attrValue_0=Realtree%20X-Tra&productId=1333467
  9. Took a walk today and noticed that I don't have ANY crabapples or wild pears at all this year! Bumper crop last year, but none at all this year! I guess the stands that I have up near the crabapples and pears will be dry this year...
  10. I planted Austrian Winter Peas and 4010 Winter Peas a couple of years ago. They grew great and the deer loved 'em! I remember seeing a nice buck out feeding in them, and whenever he picked his head up, he had long vines draping out of both sides of his mouth! The downside was that the shipping cost of the peas! It cost a lot more than the seed did! Then of course, they died with the first frost...
  11. Spent the morning looking at the calendar and deciding how to best use my 27 days of vacation for this fall!
  12. Are you sticking with clover and alfalfa or planting something different? It's bone dry in my area! Even the swampy areas in the woods have dried up!
  13. I dusted off the traps for the past 4 years, for the sole purpose of thinning out the nest raiders! It's a pain trapping during bow season (intrusion, smell like bait, dealing with critters, .22 cracking, etc...). Still have wayyyy too many around, but I'm also surrounded by corn and apple orchards, which attracts them. Don't see as many around on my cams or see as many tracks in the mud as I use to. Can only hope my efforts are helping the turkey population...
  14. Stopped by camp this morning to hopefully get a shot or two at the family of woodchucks that have moved in under my shed. Around 7am, I saw a hen in my plot right behind the cabin. As she crossed into the yard, I saw that she had 12 poults (about the size of pigeons) with her! They pecked around in the yard, passing 5 yards from the cabin, before heading to the clover plot across the lane. They fed around for almost 2hrs, before moving on! I haven't seen that many poults with one hen now for about 12 years! Hopefully it's a sign that the population is rebounding!
  15. I've killed many deer with the .300 Mag. Just don't tuck your shot too tight behind the shoulder and it'll be fine. It's gonna damage some meat, but there's usually no tracking involved either!
  16. Holy Crap! Had to hurry up and edit that last post, as auto-correct changed it to, "That colon cracks me up!" Damn that auto-correct!!!
  17. Beautiful pics... as usual! That coon cracks me up! Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  18. Sounds like it's going to be a great hunt! I know I'd sure be looking forward to that! Take lots of pics and be prepared to give us stories! Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  19. Happy Birthday! It's Friday, the sun is shining, and it's 5:00 somewhere! Have a good one!
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