Was grabbing a few things at gander and lone behold they had ny complaint at-15s for the low price of $1700. I talked with the salesman who actually had a brain and we just both laughed at the price.
I've had 2 year old vac sealed meat. Got some fresh today from a doe my brother hit with his car. Still alive 10 yards off road with two broken Legs, Local sheriff finished her and told
Me to have a good day!
Good start! If you need to move the scope closer or need more clearance there are longer scope ring bases they make fore the savage 10 or 11 that will help.
Maybe a Ruger single ten or sw 617! Growalot I do believe I saw some 35 at gander in johnson city the other day.. Might cost a few pennies I refuse to buy ammo there untill I'm out of options.