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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Dinsdale

  1. Some taxidermists subcontract out work when they get busy, or have better paying work at hand.....can make for inconsistant mounts.
  2. Good stuff Grizz......glad you had a good time.
  3. +1 to Coverts' post.... I use USPS; cheaper and easier than the others. Don't count on much satifaction from any of them if something goes wrong. So far so good with good packaging for me, maybe 25 times? I use the cheapo Plano gun cases that sell for $20 at box stores for shipping wrapped with cardboard (appliance stores always have big pieces). YMMV.
  4. Dinsdale


    I have been dumping parts from deer, pigs, a couple steers/vealers in a power line ROW down wind from home. When the crew came through a couple years ago to clear cut the saplings, they thought they stumbled into a wacko's graveyard. I was asked politely not to do that anymore. Now I compost everything in a couple loads of chips from tree crews; when I don't use it for yote bait.
  5. Tail's still OK. 17 cal?.....head shots work good.
  6. Good to see the pics and folks are getting out there.....
  7. Ok; but you know where to find me. On a positive note; there have been some real nice deer between 9 and 9G off a couple of the roads that cut through that area (did some work there this summer on a few places) Hope you get one. Good hunting.
  8. I'm guessing I'm about 15 minutes or so from your place..... I can cover during the week with some trap,handgun, and a couple of breaked rifles that really scream......ask my neighbor.LOL
  9. Changed my tune on this one......buyer is a fool to buy anything with restrictions.......there IS one born every minute. Too many great properties in the area for same money. On the other end; good on ya' for getting them in there!
  10. Around here (I live near this property) 5K an acre is about right for that size acerage......proximity to getting to NYC in a couple hrs........location location location. Maybe this particular property is a bit high IMO. Lost more than one property to folks south of Westchester coming up here and buying land......tough place to count on keeping hunting rights in general. Hope you make friends with the new owner.
  11. Thanks for posting..... Us 3 kids got a Atari pong game one Christmas (and that was it for toys, just cloths and stuff we needed for the rest.LOL)Mid 70's I'd guess? We left it on attached to an old black and white. Eventually it ghosted the screen and you could always see the lines in it when trying to use it as TV.
  12. That's DEP not state...... Fahnestock (sp?) is state and thats bow only. There's another park also......have to go to DEC and look on "places to hunt".....Hudson Highlands maybe?. Saved my 10 bucks and didn't bother with tags......little chance so I didn't see the point.
  13. You can read here for a UL listed safe; http://www.klsecurity.com/ul_fire_rating.htm Links on top back to UL. Doesn't amswer every question, start anyway.
  14. Crows fall under Federal regs..... One of which is hunting for a certain number of days (124 IIRC for crow). Bunch of states restrict days to stretch season over several months and those need to be outside breeding season.
  15. I was fortunate to have a neighbor who liked cleaning and cooking them, he passed this year, I will miss him. I love hunting squirrels, the more challenging the better. I shoot more than a few every year but I will cut back now I won't eat as many. Only missed one opening day in 23 years..... 2 new rigs this year, one open sites and one scoped. Had to hit this one on the run, first for the year; Nice head shot at about 70 yds;
  16. Nice day there. Lunch looks good. Next time I'm in town it's on me.
  17. I do the same but with Buffalo chicken wing sauce.
  18. I'm just messin' with you a little on the tacticool stuff...... Triijicon stuff is top shelf. Personally I would lean more to one of their more "conventional" designs. I tried one and liked it. Here is a good dealer to call; sometimes he can better his listed prices and on occasion has some good demo or used that he will stand behind 100%; http://www.eurooptic.com/trijicon-riflescopes.aspx
  19. Maybe he just wants to be tacticoooool.......Like them shades in his avatar.
  20. BINGO......we have a winner. Best statement on this thread. IMO
  21. Like its the Dems who are honest and truthful. Har Har.<roll eyes> Baaaa.....Baaaa......go the sheep.LOL
  22. I'm not any where near an Obama guy...... But this shit is funny......they could at least use his orders for examples. But I guess the author expected the sheeples to believe it anyway. For example and notice the date; Executive Order 11921 Adjusting emergency preparedness assignments to organizational and functional changes in Federal departments and agencies Signed: June 11, 1976 Federal Register page and date: 41 FR 24294; June 15, 1976 Amends: EO 11490, October 28, 1969 Amended by: EO 12046, March 27, 1978 Supersedes: EO 11522, April 6, 1970; EO 11556, September 4, 1970 (in part); EO 11746, November 7, 1973 See: EO 11953, January 7, 1977; Pub. L. 94-412 (90 Stat. 1255, 50 U.S.C. 1601) These are stupid easy to look up; these all date from JFK/Johnson/Nixon/Ford years by number. http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/disposition.html
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