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Everything posted by philoshop

  1. The fact is that many NYers would rather be living under Socialism in a European country, but they lack the fortitude to actually make the move. It's much easier and more convenient to just bring it here. Frightened children, all.
  2. Flip-up caps, and keeping the glass clean will help prevent that foggy condensation that can happen when there's a temperature difference between the air and the snow/rain.
  3. As shareholders in the company they have a right to speak. They should not, however, have any expectation that anyone is listening.
  4. I've never heard of that Eddie. Is that an Ontario county thing? I have one frame and one permit. The barrels have always been considered 'accessories'. That's why you can still buy and sell them on ebay. I went through the registration process in Wayne county in 1980, left the county in 1981, and other than notifying Wayne county of my whereabouts since then I haven't had an issue. When I moved to Ontario county I went to the courthouse to change my permit and they said, "Here's the paperwork if you really want to do it, but as long as your address is up to date it's not necessary." OK. I still have the old paper permits, though, so I actually do need to update to the one-for-all card.
  5. .35 rem was the biggest and baddest pistol barrel out there, for a while. T/C sold a bunch of them until the Herrett wildcats gained favor. The .35 and 30-30 are ill-suited to the pistol setup. I'm a decent shot and a good hand-loader, and I've never been able to get anything beyond mediocre results with either of them.
  6. The average shooter would never be able to 'shoot the difference' IMO, with respect to the firearm itself. All other things being equal, a 70*F temp change on the mechanical end of the gun/scope combo is minor. But, all things are never equal. Powder density in the case, relative humidity in the air, quality of the scope and mounting hardware, and the effects of the cold on that nut right behind the trigger come into play as well. High-volume shooting, like on a prairie dog hunt, can heat up a barrel to the point where it will grill a steak. The only problem I've ever had was when a round was left cooking in the chamber of a hot barrel. They can shoot pretty darn funny at that point, and there's no telling what they'll do. That would be about a 400*F change in temp. I hit a fox in January a few years ago, and without changing anything except my clothing hit a woodchuck in July with the same rig and load. Both shots were right around 200 yards and the difference in temperature was about 80*F. The hit on the woodchuck might have been an inch high.
  7. 10" .44 mag with 2x Leupold that I've taken a few deer with. My other barrels are mainly for woodchucks. The .44 in a shoulder holster is nice if you're crawling through brier patches or picking your way through a swamp where you need both hands free and the shots will be close in. It's another tool in the arsenal.
  8. For the folks who hunt in the dark, it's also the longest night of the year. ;-]
  9. Best of luck to you my friend. Hope it works out for you. I won't touch Pygmy's meat comment. (notice the proper punctuation, there)... ;-]
  10. Think of it as the first step toward being able to feed him a venison steak.
  11. Brown Carhart bibs and jacket during deer season. When someone shoots at me, the squirrels move over to my side of the tree so I can get a shot. To be serious, it's not what you're wearing, it's how much and when you're moving. And whether or not you want to be seen by other people. If you're stealthy it doesn't matter to a color-blind animal, but sometimes I'd rather not be seen by the humans.
  12. Sandwiches tonight, and lunch with the folks tomorrow. I'm going duck hunting in the morning. Anybody ever heard of duck stew? Any recipe suggestions? The crockpot is waiting...
  13. We had a seasonal routine in the mid-70's: Schlitz in the winter because a friend of ours worked for the local distributor after construction season, and Rolling Rock during the summer because the general store in Port Gibson had returnable long-necks for about 3 1/2 bucks a case. Genny was reserved for spring smelting trips with the dads, and for other special occasions.
  14. The last chainsaw I bought new was set at the factory to run so lean that it wouldn't have lasted me a month! EPA regulations for emissions... too much exhaust or something...? I fixed that problem before I even fired it up. It's been 6 or 7 years now, and that saw is still getting better. I bought a new log splitter 4 years ago that was set up the same way. It was built to die, but I fixed that carburetor too. The air pollution caused by all the chainsaws and splitters I've owned in my lifetime wouldn't come close to that of a single city bus just getting warmed up at the start of the day.
  15. Government sets the regulations, and the big manufacturers pay big money to absolve themselves of further government regulation. It's called 'crony socialism'. The alphabet soup of regulatory agencies in the US exists to make sure that everyone pays. No one is really happy with this arrangement, except of course the government.
  16. The Muslims don't even realize they're being used as tools. Or more appropriately in this case, as weapons. They will be marginalized, pushed aside, and buried just like everyone else if the NWO comes to be. Preventing Islam from gaining a stronghold in the US is very important, but in the end it's just one battle in the ongoing war to keep our Republic and our way of life. A war we are currently losing, by the way. It's necessary to win battles, but it doesn't mean crap if we don't win the war.
  17. Islam -- A totalitarian political system masquerading as a religion. The US is tolerant of different religious beliefs. The US Constitution is mostly intolerant of invasion by different political systems. The masquerade has been particularly effective here.
  18. Synthetic stocks will go for well under $50 bucks on ebay, last time I was looking. With that and a decent case to prevent 'transport rash', I wouldn't worry too much about the barrel and action.
  19. Swizzle stick, maybe. Straw, absolutely not. I'm not squeamish, but there are rules.
  20. Can't help ya here Pygmy. It's listed in the books, so give it a shot. ;-]
  21. Bringing in actors from Home Improvement gets hysterical. The spoof on Wilson behind the fence had me rolling.
  22. Prosecute the people who use guns to commit crimes. The laws are already in place, they're not currently enforced.
  23. "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964
  24. Netflix is showing the first four seasons. Funny stuff.
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