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52 farmer

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    Wyoming County
  • Interests
    Archery,3d,small game, big game, fishing

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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Be in the stand right after 6AM Mass,maybe that will help. Good Luck to all to day, best weather since Tuesday,the rest of the week looks like rain again .
  2. Sorry for your loss, my Dad passed 18 yrs ago, not only was he my Dad he was my hunting partner since i started .It sure does leave a empty feeling in your stomach, one day at a time as life goes on.
  3. 15 years at this location, not 1 trick or treater.
  4. Great informative site, and pretty funny also, you will enjoy.
  5. HHA single pin,only way to go (IMO),you will never return to a multi-pin sight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. 9H - Not raining almost no wind,just need the main ingredient DEER Good Luck to all that can get out today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. We all probably do, in our dreams.
  8. Baby wipes are much better, moist and clean better.Not much good for tracking thou
  9. That is great craftsmanship, extremely professional
  10. My dad was a Marine who served in WW2.Never realized the brother hood of the Marine Corp until he was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery . Be as proud of your son as I am of my Dad.
  11. Timber consultant, they definatly are your best bang for your buck. Their is a guy that was on here a few times with lease property available, who is a consultant,I believe he is located in Portageville NY,sorry cant remember his name.
  12. 9H in the stand,calm wind at the moment,feels like it could be a good day Good Luck to all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. No idea on score, but man what a beauty,congrats
  14. Retired ,so can get out pretty much anytime.That said so far very few deer while hunting, nothing closer than 55 yards, and only 1 mature doe, and 2 small bucks, spike,fork horn. Weather has been biggest deterrent,mostly high wind and warm temp.,maybe because i can go almost anytime i scrutinize the weather too much. Hopefully better days are coming.
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