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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Trial153

  1. While I am favor of AR's I think they are a band aid for a problem that has much better, and easier solutions . For example: 1) one buck tag to be used in any season. 2) DMP that are zone and person specific 3) A 10 day state wide regular season that is after the rut. Do this and you won't needs AR's at all.
  2. Personally I think it's ridiculous to celibate the status quo ( mediocre on at best) and disregard the potential that is possible in a large portion of NY state. We are talking about simple changes to our management NY could improve its herd dynamics as well as its deer hunting.
  3. That would be an enforcement nightmare.
  4. Land owners suck because they don't let you hunt for free, hunter that lease suck because they can afford it. City people suck because you think they are better off then you. No gas, no cars, no hunting land ...no jobs. Sounds like some people need to focus more on work and getting their lives in order and less on blaming others for their perceived lack of success.
  5. Grow, just out of Curiosity have you hunted any other states ? Provinces? If so which ones? How many times?
  6. Nice to see the moron of the year award is locked up already. Congrats to the winner for joining a long but distinguished list in record time.
  7. Donald is just as likely to spend the weekend upstate trout fishing and shooting with his family as is to be off hunting distant locations. If the worst thing you can say about him is that he goes on guided hunts then your grasping at straws and talking out your ass.
  8. Hopefully it isn't a hunter trying to prevent theft. You'd have to be a serious kind of moron to hurt someone over a trail camera
  9. Culling of deer by trained professionals on Long Island. Long Island hunters your to be out sourced .
  10. It's takes long because many on them slack off and procrastinate.
  11. I paid about 200 shipped if I recall. No problem shooting broadheads, the insert replacement is very reasonable as well. I had a delta that was completely junk, lasted like a two year and started coming apart. The other target I have that is decent is the woodland buck, you can pick them up for a bit over a hundred shipped. I have shot both broadheads and field points with it. It's a good target.
  12. I have a couple of them, the cam guardian ..they work very well.
  13. My rhinehart broadhead buck has treated me well. Had it for several years and it's still in very good shape.
  14. I love camping in the the Daks...hopefully you had a great trip!!
  15. Join BHA. Contact your Congressman and Senators and let them know the public lands are off the table.
  16. Glock 43 today! Oh wait! We are talking gun hunting right? Haven't hunted with a rifle in about 12 years. I should sell about a dozen of them and pay for a sheep hunt.
  17. The Republican Party is on the wrong side of t his issue. Comes from being in the pocket of corporations which are funding this push. Look one further then ALEC...
  18. Doesn't surprise me one bit. This place is a shithole.
  19. It happens.... Hopefully if the doe was just young and came in late, however if there was some genetic predisposition to late cycling..with any luck the fawns won't survive to pass those genes on.
  20. Your in good shape. Get it. The dnz is a nice mount ...but so is the tally light weight as well. Either will be fine. I wouldn't do with the rail and rings just for the weight and it's not needed. On thing I might do is step up to the vx2 ....check eBay and you can get it almost for the cost of the vx1 at retail....
  21. Your on the right track, but don't spilt hairs. You said .308 stick with it. Make it a bolt action but make sure it a dedicated short action otherwise your wasting the length of the .308. Next get a barrel that is between 20 and 22 inches. Next mount a GOOD quality scope on it. 2-7 power, 2.5-8 power, 3x9 power. Keep your objective 40 or under. Next mount the scope as using proper rings as low as possible. And finally you want your finished rifle to weight about 7-8 pounds give to take. Load it with 150 or 165 grain loads and your good to go..... Tikka t3 are a fine gun by the way...as are many others.
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