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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Trial153

  1. Right now my current EDC switches between a Glock 43 and. FNS 9c ....
  2. I been a member of the page for quite a while. Like I said I don't think except on an individual level it's all that impressive. We have a whole different scope and experience sets to draw from that leads us to our own opinions.
  3. On micro level there are some excellent bucks killed in predominantly western NY. However on macro level it compares poorly to a large percentage of other states outside the northeast. That's not speculation on my part. I spend a minimum of two weeks yearly bow hunting the Midwest, so I am talking about first hand comparisons over the last 15 years, in 8 different states. The only place New York compares favorably to is the New England states, that's not saying much. The regulations in NY( and the mentality of many its hunters) continue to hold back our deer herd from reaching its potential.
  4. More likely hunter shoots spike. Wife tags spike. Hunter then continues to hunt the remaining season for a " big buck". No big bucks are sighted, hunter shoots broken up rag horn the last weekend. Hunter tags rag horn. Season ends ...all is well because all the big bucks still out there, albeit invisible. Rinse and repeat next season. Yea that's exactly why we are where we are.
  5. If that was the case then NY would be swarming with big bucks. Alas that theory is ridiculous .....
  6. I am generally against AR via a point system and way more in favor of a spread minimum. I have seen that work first hand in places like east Texas and the results are nothing short of excellent. However I am in favor of AR via points verse no restrictions at all. I would much prefer other changes in place of AR. For example a one buck limit perhunter regardless of weapon season. Also our firearms season needs to be pushed back a week later and shortened to about nine days. Both of these changes will have broader positive effects then AR. However like I said it step in the right direction. NY Hunters have a history track record of abysmal deer management decisions when left to their own accord.
  7. 4.5 y/o.....120". Nice buck
  8. I have used the hell out of my OR and for the most part then been fine. The last 4 years I been running sitka gaiters and they been really solid. Held up to heavy shale, and tuckamore that I have seen shred lessor gaitors.
  9. As were both mine, with the exception that replaced the barrels with Douglas barrels ....still glad to see them them go down road. Nice projects 20 years ago however not something i want at this time.
  10. Honestly I don't get all that excited for run of the mill animals any more. I think that's why I enjoy new challenges and different the locations to hunt every year.
  11. Yea with a moose and half in the freezer I better get working on it...no chicken for a bit
  12. I would rather hunt public land then have to look at the same 5 acres day in and out....
  13. I wouldn't buy recreational property that's wasn't large enough for me to have several options hunting on any given day. If the property is just being bought for hunting i would probably be looking at a minimum of 50 in most parts of NY. If I was buying in another state it would most likely be much larger.
  14. Nice work! I just sold my last sporterized m98...can't say I wasn't glad to see it go.
  15. It's bad luck to be superstitious
  16. Fantastic! If you haven't already consider becoming a member yourself. Pope and Young is an excellent organization with credit given to its members who drive the organization. Congrats again !
  17. I would give it another go if the wind is right
  18. He sure doesn't like that Camera
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