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Everything posted by stubby68
SB 4739 - Establishes the yearling buck protection program
stubby68 replied to Rebel Darling's topic in Deer Hunting
Maybe just maybe we need to let mother nature control the heard and the Dec should control the hunters. Someone stated that if mother nature controlled things she would drop bucks out of the sky to even out the buck to doe ratio. Everyone says there are too many doe and not enough bucks. More doe are found dead from winter kill and other natural things then bucks. Maybe there are enough bucks and too many doe. Maybe that is mother nature's way of trying to bring the doe numbers down. Maybe the fact that so many does are passed in hopes of a big buck is the problem. Humans have a big impact in what nature can and can't do. It might not be that too many young bucks are being killed it could be not enough does are. Anyone with a trail cam knows there are bucks that never get seen by b the human eye because they are out only at night. How many times have people seen big old buck out in a field after dark but those same bucks never get seen during day time. Could be that the old big bucks are more in number then anyone knows. How can an accurate herd number be given when we all know there deer out there that only get seen once or twice a year. Could be there are more then a few out there that will never be seen. So much thought and argument put into saying we need more bucks to make the ratio better and never a thought that maybe we just need less doe. Fewer doe might bring out those older bucks that everyone wants because they just might have to go searching for does. Everyone things the buck numbers are low and maybe that is because they want to see more bucks. Could be mother nature is good with buck numbers and needs to get doe numbers down. But no one wants to hang a doe on there wall now do they. As for bigger deer producing more meat. Whe do you think beef cattle are sent to slater at a young age? Because the meat is better tasting and not tuff. A lot of maybes I know but think about it people think the ratio is off because they want to see more bucks. Mother nature just might think she has enough bucks and need fewer doe and she doesn't care about your wall. In some areas maybe we need to lower doe numbers and in other lower buck numbers. Just a thought. Because in the end who really knows what needs to be done other then mother nature. As humans we refuse to let her take care of things because she does not have our wants in her best nature. Only our needs. She placed deer here for humans need for food nor our want of wall decorations. Wee humans started using them for things other then they were intended. -
SB 4739 - Establishes the yearling buck protection program
stubby68 replied to Rebel Darling's topic in Deer Hunting
Why does there have to be a lot of older bucks for that healthy age structure? Why is a herd with more younger bucks a bad thing? Why does there have to be lots of older bucks for the herd to be healthy? Why is there not a push to let younger does pass so that they may become older better producing mothers? I agree that a herd needs a diverse age structure but why only push for the bucks to be older? As long as you have old middle age and young deer you have age structure. Why do the older bucks need to be higher in number? What is it that causes a younger over all herd to be bad? I am asking these questions because because every time AR is brought up the number thin said is that it makes older bucks. Older means bigger and that where the trophy hunting things get brought in. No one ever explains why more old big bucks benefit a herd in any way other then to give antler hunters a trophy. I think that is part of the problem with talking to people about ar. When someone asks why ar the answer is we need more big bucks because that makes for a better herd. Well why? If an answer was able to be given that didn't have the words bigger bucks in it I think more people would be willing to listen but when the answer is always older bigger bucks and no explanation as to why older bucks make a better herd that is where people stop listening.Also the fact that no one ever says that older does help the herd just older bucks. Never a push that says we need to shoot fewer young does because they will become older bigger does. -
SB 4739 - Establishes the yearling buck protection program
stubby68 replied to Rebel Darling's topic in Deer Hunting
The statement, AR will make a healthier heard, keeps popping up. What is a healthy herd? Why do we not have a healthy herd now? Some areas have a lot of deer all of different ages and some have few deer yet all of different ages.. Why does a herd have to have lots of older deer to be healthy? Just asking not wanting to start srgueing. Just want to know what everyone thinks makes a healthy herd and why. I keep hearing older bucks make for a healthier herd but no mention of older does doing the same. If we need more older deer to make the herd healthy then why not bucks and does. How does only passing young bucks help the herd. Why no mention of passing younger does. Again just asking. Trying to understand and learn. -
Go to Walmart and buy a vcr. Only about 40 bucks
Get a lifetime hunting license.
SB 4739 - Establishes the yearling buck protection program
stubby68 replied to Rebel Darling's topic in Deer Hunting
If a tag I paid for does not get used then yes. Most not all. Some places you are lucky to get one. Some places you only get 2 doe tags. Not everyone gets 5 doe tags. If you only hunt gun then you can only get 4. 2 regular and 2 left over. That's if you hunt in an area with leftovers. With a bow you can get 2 doe tags and thenot have a either sex tag. I don't see why the gun tag can't be either sex. Then even if you got denied a extra doe tag you could still shoot a doe instead of that young buck. You do not think paying for something then never using it is a waste? Would you pay for a new bow then leave it in the safe and never use it? Why pay for a tag and not fill it. I buy my tags to fill my freezer that is the only thing I need them for. I get to the woods all the time for free don't need to pay for that . I just can not stand spending money for things I get no use out of. Just how I am. -
SB 4739 - Establishes the yearling buck protection program
stubby68 replied to Rebel Darling's topic in Deer Hunting
I'm not a gotta get a buck kind of guy but I will not waste anything. Paying for a buck tag and not getting one is a waste. I do not like eating older bucks and will not shoot one for the decorations on there head. Why is the bow tag either sex and the tag for gun buck only? Make my tag either sex and I will take a doe with it instead of a young buck. Does anyone know why the bow tag is either sex while the gun tag is buck only? I have always wondered about that. I bet there are a lot of meat hunters who would fill that tag with a doe instead of a buck. -
A sport is a game. Football,baseball,basketball,hocky,golf all games. One team or individual try to score more points then the other in a game. When hunting one individual is trying to kill another but that is one sided the animal is not trying to kill you. Hunting is not nor should not be considered a game therefore it is not a sport. It is an outdoor avtivity. Are hunters called sportsmen? Yes. I dislike being called a sportsmen I am not playing a game I am a hunter. Games are not meant to end with a loss of life hunting is.
Speaking Of Lost, What's The Worst Thing You've Lost?
stubby68 replied to Lawdwaz's topic in General Chit Chat
Was checking mail one day and a car drives by with gun on top. Watched gun slide off. It was a rem 700 243. Lucky it was in a hard case and had no damage to gun. Picked up gun and ran to my truch. Tried to catch up with the person but could not find them. Figured on turning gun in latter in day as I had a lot of work to get done. About an hour latter I notice same car driving up and down road slowly. I walked out to edge of road and stopped the guy. Asked if I could help him with something as he appeared to be looking for something. A boy about 14 was in the car with tears in his eyes. He explained he had bought his son his first gun for his birthday and was taking him to a range that day. He laid gun on top of car and forgotten it when they left. No question it was there gun as I had seen it slide off the car. I told them I had seen it come off car and to pull in and I would be happy to return it. They were so happy The boy started crying again and huge me. The father offered me 100 bucks. I turned it down of course and offered to let them shoot on my range in back yard. They accepted. Needless to say work never got done that day but watching the fun the father and son were having together was well worth it. Had them over a few more times during that summer for shooting. Father and son were both great people and a joy to shoot with. They moved latter that year. I will never forget the look in the boys eyes when I handed him his gun.- 54 replies
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Looking to Lease Hunting Land
stubby68 replied to brandtlandmanagement's topic in Land For Sale, Lease, and Requests
Look it up under civil law. It is why there are a lot of land owners will not let snowmobile clubs up trails through their property. ALos why you need insurance on your sled. If rider goes off trail and hits a pile of wood covered with snow the land owner can be responsible it is also why they tell you if you catch a trespasser on your property you should escort them off not just tell them to leave. That way you can control how they leave and make sure they are not falling in a whole and getting hurt. The guy who lost his far fought it for years appealing it as much as he could. He lost.A land owner has a certain degree of responsible to keep all hazards on there property marked and as safe as possable. I know the law reads different but in a civil case those rules change. I'm not a lawyer just some one who has seen it happen. Also be r not involved in such as case. Actually 2 such cases. Not trying to rogue just saying there are other things to take into account. -
Looking to Lease Hunting Land
stubby68 replied to brandtlandmanagement's topic in Land For Sale, Lease, and Requests
A landowner can be held liable even by a tresspasser. I know a guy who lost his farm because someone tresspasser on his posted property and broke their leg. Our lease required me to get insurance to cover myself and anyone else in our party. Not really a big deal got 2 mill in coverage for $237 a year. That's for over 400 acres and it covers me even when hunting on other properties as well. I also have limited coverage against tresspasser getting injured. I think it is 500,000. -
Even In The Country, Laziness Makes Me Laugh
stubby68 replied to DirtTime's topic in General Chit Chat
Too many people worrying about how someone else lives, what they do and how they spend there money. Or even how they raise there kids. I had chores when I was a kid still have them as an adult. I never got paid for feeding the pigs chickens turkeys or anything else I had to do. My reward was the food they provided and a clean house and yard. Never cared if any other kids or adults had or have chores or how they got them done. I struggle every day with bulging and ruptured disks along with spinal rheumatoid arthritis and need help getting out of bed on most days. Once I get going I do pretty good most wouldn't know how much pain I am in every second. That being said I do my own yard work, just how I am. My neighbor pays someone to clear snow and do the yard work. He even offered to have them do mine and he would pay. Known him along time and he knows how bad my back is. No thanks I do my own. He knew I would say that. Even though he pays to have his done he has came over and helped m Ed with mine more then once. Why should I or anyone else care how, when, why,where or what someone else does or does not do. Just because I can not see a disability does not mean there isn't one that prevents someone from doing something. If they want to do b things other then yard work with there free time and pay someone to do there yard work who am I to judge. I am sure there are things i don't do that others do. No different them someone that does their own mechanical work and someone who pays to have it done. Are they lazy? No just different. Why worry about how someone else gets work done as long as it does affect you? -
If I dont answer a text in 1 minuite they start calling.After the 3rd call I answer and they say what are you doing. What do you think I am doing? Talking to you on the phone. I was busy but the phone will not stop so I figured I would stop doing what I was doing just to answer the phone to be asked what you are doing. Are you dead or dieing? Is someone else dead or dieing? No? Then why am I not getting things done. They usually hang up and the phone goes dead for the rest of the day.
Getting older has nothing to do with that.I'm only 48 and have never cared what other people thought. I have always said anything I wanted. Started that the moment I learned about freedom of speech. It's not freedom of speech if I have to watch what I say because someone may not like what they hear is it? You see it more in older people, men and women because the younger ones are afraid of offending someone or worry about what others might think about them. I don't live my life to please others and neither do most older folks. Isn't that part of what this country was founded on freedom to not have to worries about what others think about what you do or say.
I think you want to look up nude beer. It was produced in the '80s. Might find something doing that
Just did all lines and a caliper on a 08 Chevy on Saturday. No problems. Impossible to get air in there unless paddle is depressed while lines off and system open. Pressing peddle while lines off or bleeder open will suck air in. Like I said I have been doing this all my life. Not just a back yard mechanic. If and module is replaced it will need cycling to pure air when filled with fluid. Just doing work on line or anything after it will not let air in. Unless u have no fluid in master or pump peddle and suck air in.
Have been working on vehicle my whole life. Never once have I had a problem bleeding brakes. Never needed a computer or special tool. Leave breeders open until fluid runs out. Tighten bleeders ,have someone pumps brakes 3 or 4 times then hold peddle down Crack bleeder on right rear to let air out. Repeat this till you are not getting air from line. Repeat the same on left rear then do the front. Takes maybe 10 minutes total time. Garages will tell you anything to get your money.
Just goes to show that no matter how good you think you are you can not tell how much a buck will score until a tape has been put on it. Pictures or even standing in front of you it is just a guess and a weak one at that. No different then ageing. Just because a deer looks to be old does not mean it is. I get a good laugh when guys try to guess age or score of a deer from a pic or say they saw a whatever class or age deer. Put it on the ground then you will know. Until nothing is certain or even close to certain. By the way nice buck.
The problem was number 4 and 8. The cam flattens out and does not give enough push on lifter. I wouldn't go with a 6.0 unless getting one put out after 2015. The earlier ones really lacked on power. My opinion.
Just remembered is it a 5.3 AFM engine. If so if could have a flat spot on cam. With that many miles it would be better replacing it. Wouldn't be the first one to have this happen.
While truck is at idel hold a piece of paper by the tail pipe. If paper always blows away from pipe valves AR ok. If it blows away then pulls back toward pipe you got 1 or more bad valves. We're the codes cleared after changing everything? Could still be reading old codes. Have it cleared not just disconnect battery. Also try a new battery. Sometimes the battery will te SD this fine and work fine yet have a short in it. The short will cause problems when there are none.Some will say no to battery especially a dealer but I have seen this be the case more then once. You said it is a chevy. No need to change engine for a simply miss fire unless it is a dodge. How does it run? Run good just showing code? If it running good why rebuild or replace? Just my 2 cents.
Child stars then and now
Ya know if brains were gas you wouldn't have enough to power a pissants scooter around a bb. Why don't you try reading? I stated that they were examples of 80 and 90 inch bucks. I have posted pics of the bigger ones and you called them small, not that I think they are huge,but now I post pics of little ones and you say one of them is a keeper? You would take the first one in late season why? You said you only shoot big bucks that one only scores about 85 maybe less. Why would you take that one when you have already said the bigger ones I have put up would get a pass from you? Never mind you do not have an answer just as you don't for anything else. Yes let this get back to its original point so you can start another argument again. Instead of just letting people talk.
I'm not on a pedestal. I do not claim to be better then anyone else. But if I were to get on a pedestal I would use a big ladder.
Sounds like I hit a nerve. Where are the pics of the 80 inch bucks I claim to be bigger? None of the pics I have posted are of anything I would call huge however I do not recall putting up a pic of a 80 incher claiming it to be bigger. Funny how you can makes those claims off a pic of a deer yet still never offer any pics to showcase your own grandstanding. I believe the smallest one I put up was of a 130 ish. But then your brain will see what it wants. It is always other guys have seen and our group. Never a pic and the words I got. At this point I wouldn't believe any pic you posted anyways. Here are a couple 80 or 90 inches for you. Why is it so outrageous that I think bow hunting is easy? Somethings are harder for one person then they are for others that's all. Why get upset and turn this into another arguement. I never said you were talking about me. However you stated the one who says bow hunting was easy. I never said it was easy for everyone just said it was easy for me. But the way you stated it points to me. However I commented on it because we were having a nice chat and you had to make comments that would turn it into an arguement. Even when you were not involved in our conversation you made sure to start something. Then when you get called on it you ,as usual , attack and try to talk down to that person.