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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. But it’s a gateway drug..... you smoke one joint and the next thing you know you are doing smack behind the dollar store.
  2. Nice stout. Got a lot better as it warmed up.
  3. Will do! We drove all the back till we hit a hunting club and then turned around. The road continued through the camp but at that point I was ready to start fishing. I will for sure report back and thanks for the tip on that area.
  4. Here is my unbiased opinion on COVID-19. We have over 104 million adults with at least one shot. Lets assume that everyone gets the second shot. So for arguments sake 104 million people are vaccinated as of today. That’s basically somewhere around 1/4-1/3 of our total population population. Then we add in the people who had covid and antibodies. That increases our numbers too. Children are not getting vaccinated. Age 14 and under is about 60 million. We are vaccinating millions of adults per day here. As time goes on people who were originally hesitant to get the vax for whatever their reason is, see that people are just fine, might even start getting it. Science tells us that being outdoors almost eliminates getting it unless someone is coughing in your mouth. Soon enough we will be at over 50% of our adult population vaccinated and that number will keep climbing by the day. Our at risk citizens have all been vaccinated and if they haven't at this point it was a personal choice of theirs, barring a unique health situation. I had covid, been vaccinated, and I have taken covid pretty seriously with my personal decisions. At some point we need to move forward and I look at other states and wonder what we are waiting for in NY and as a country.
  5. I’ve read Texas cases are on the steady decline despite being wide open for weeks.
  6. There were some people there. It got more crowded towards the afternoon. This was my first time fishing there. I fished from livingston down to roscoe stopping along the way. The willowemoc seemed shallow. Maybe 1 foot in most spots. Is that usually how it is?
  7. Scouted around Flugertown today. Thanks for the tip! Gonna head there in a couple weeks to camp.
  8. Of course brotha!!! Caught one small brownie at the pool. Mainly fished the willowemoc but had no luck there. Good times tho.
  9. Why post that and potentially incriminate yourself? Wait until someone on here sends that pic to the local authorities to snitch on you.
  10. Vaccine 19- Roscoe Beer Co.
  11. I’ve always filleted My fish but I’m no expert at it and I feel like I’m losing meat on smaller fish. Good to know that I could fry them as is and we are good to go. Thanks.
  12. Do you scale them? I’ve read different takes on it.
  13. Katz Deli for pastrami sandwich Johns on bleeker for pizza get a pretzel and hot dog from a vendor Go to chinatown and haggle for some stuff do the stuff that you cant do or get anywhere else
  14. I was in some areas but I wasn’t getting out of the water in those spots LOL. When I saw other people doing it I felt a little more comfortable
  15. Trust me. I only went in the water where I felt 100% comfortable lol.
  16. How do you fish the trout magnet? Do you jig it or do you suspended with a bobber and let it float down?
  17. Here is my two cents from what Ive learned having a bird dog. I built a Johnny house and got quail. I had woods behind my house that I used sparingly to train. My time was limited and I couldn't shoot a gun back there either. Id toss some quail out and let the dog point them every so often. Then they’d fly away and that would be it. Looking back I felt like I almost wasted money on the quail and johnhy house because I couldn’t properly utilize them as far as real training. If you have the land and time then yes, you can do some great training. I Probably would have been better to take him to a preserve for a weekend and let him have at it. The best training I did with my dog was obedience off leash. He was a great listener. I hear myself in a lot of what you are saying. About trapping pigeons and getting birds etc. i wanted to do it all and I did do a lot of it. But idk if that really helped my situation. Im sure since I was doing it half way I might have dis more harm than good. What did help was getting a dog from good lines and hunting them as much as possible. Just keeping your mouth shut and let the dog figure it out. thats what worked for me. Just hunting them as much as I could. Good luck!!
  18. Check craigslist. I used to have good luck checking on craigslist for quail.
  19. Better than orchard beach surf clam? Lol
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