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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. 100% agree. The hypocrisy is ridiculous. But it is interesting to see how a conservative will stand there and point the finger and say “Look. They said to go out and live your life” as a way of pointing to the failure of the left. But in the same breath we have conservatives who are holding anti mask rallies and have totally disregarded mask, social distancing, etc. But if you remove yourself from whatever you label yourself as, you would assume that conservatives would be applauding these liberals for holding their same idea.
  2. To be fair.... if you have been following covid threads on the forum many of our own members disregard the virus. Also to be fair. Conservatives have anti mask rally's all the time. And disregard social distancing etc. The left criticizing the “slow response” is another argument. But if we want to be fair, these clips are conservative talking points. Or better yet. Are they liberal talking points and conservatives are really liberals???????? Lol. So hear is a question for you. Do you support the liberal ideas of getting on with our lives. Or do you support the conservative ideas of getting on with our lives. I think we need to know who’s side your on.
  3. I met one of the brewers from great life brewing when they were fairly new and promoting their product. I loved the beer i had. Rip van winkle has some decent food. The beer was mehhh. I usually go to rvw during gun season while hunting the area.
  4. Does anyone know if dom ended up making his beer bread?
  5. Equilibrium collab with tripping animals. Brewed with marshmallows. A little too sweet for me but ok.
  6. I always felt papist and vjp were the same person. And as crazy as this sounds i also had a feeling that they were also uptown redneck I believe the name was. One person. Three names. All crazy.
  7. I have heard this before and had someone mention it to me the other day. What do people down south do?
  8. Wasnt crazy about the whit, but its not really my favorite. The moss by finback was insane
  9. HOW DARE YOU HARBOR THESE FEELINGS ABOUT OUR PRESIDENT!!!!!! All Patriots of HNY need to band together and stand up to these verbal attacks. This is MAGA country!!!
  10. Im cringing looking at that thing. That would have to go into a glass immediately and the can buried in the trash.
  11. Palm City Brewing- Quiet Storm This got a 5.0 rating from me. One of the better beers I’ve had. Palm City is located in Ft Myers and I highly recommend it to anyone. Everything I had from them has been banging.
  12. Heretic Brewing Company Make America Juicy Again @Rattler do you even MAJA bro????
  13. If southside and the mill are our saviors we might as well buy one way tickets to havana and get it over with.
  14. We are in trouble if the regulars at the town watering hole where Im from are plotting lol
  15. Palm City Brewing- Hazify
  16. Palm City Brewing- Vivrant Thing Palm City is hitting it out of the park!!!!
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